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  2. Top 10 Best Amiga Games of All Time - Do You Agree? I decided to rank my personal top 10 Amiga games of all time and unleash my controversial views in this fun video. Did your favourite game make my list? Or am I crazy?! All feedback appreciated.
  3. Top 10 Best Amiga Games of All Time - Do You Agree? I decided to rank my personal top 10 Amiga games of all time and unleash my controversial views in this fun video. Did your favourite game make my list? Or am I crazy?! All feedback appreciated.
  4. The next NTSC arrival is Eggomania🤙 Used but looks brand new🤗 Plays great and the paddle works fine on this one, much better than Kaboom🤔 And it is RTFM... I learned the blue frog is a bear and I should stand still and aim when shooting back my eggs, otherwise the bird will dance even more😊
  5. I got it. Both Arcturus and Killer Caterpillar. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1I8re7R_mDO4mt5VmG7UXAGbTLENMPiRu I included a tutorial for my project. I've tested it myself...works awesome in steam.
  6. True, but streaming music from ROM would be difficult if you also need to run the program from ROM and perhaps stream graphics as well. Streaming music from GROM would be another option.
  7. That's good to know. I have the 2600 version of Lock 'N' Chase. Not sure if I can trap the cops. I could try though. Like you said, it's very difficult.
  8. Hi All, Back in the day I wrote code everyday and loved it, it was such a joy. Luckily I have found a lot of old printouts, still quite damaged through water and just fading away. Here is a routine I wrote to open and close small windows on the screen, I remember it was part of a suite that was going to be call TIGOS (Texas Instruments Graphic Operating System), I have some parts I am still deciphering, as they were many alteration by pencil on water damaged and faded dot-matrix printouts. I've typed it in and hopefully there are no errors, I hope you enjoy, regards Arto. ********************************** CALL LINK("WOPEN",VAR,X1,X2,Y1,Y2) ---------------------------------- VAR =0 TO 9 TOTAL OF 10 WINDOWS X1 =1 TO 32 START COLUMN X2 =1 TO 32 END COLUMN Y1 =1 TO 24 START ROW Y2 =1 TO 24 END ROW ONLY MINIMAL ERROR CHECKING THE LOCATION DECIMAL 32248 HOLDS (>7DF8) THE CHARACTER FOR THE WINDOWS BACKPROP ---------------------------------- CALL LINK("WCLOSE",VAR) VAR =0 TO 9 TOTAL OF 10 WINDOWS ONLY CLOSE A WINDOW IF IT HAS BEEN PREVIUOSLY BEEN OPENED ---------------------------------- MINIMAL REQUIREMENTS MINI-MEM + 32K BY ARTO 1986 ------------------------------------------------- 7D00 02E0 LWPI >70B8 WORKSPACE 7D02 70B8 7D04 C808 MOV R11,@>7DF4 SAVE RETURN [RT] 7D06 7DF4 7D08 04C0 CLR R0 NO ARRAY 7D0A 04C1 CLR R1 7D0C 06A0 BL @>7DB6 GET 1ST ARGUMENT [FC] 7D0E 7DB6 7D10 C120 MOV @>834A,R4 7D12 834A 7D14 06A0 BL @>7DB6 2ND [FC] 7D16 7DB6 7D18 C160 MOV @>834A,R5 7D1A 834A 7D1C 06A0 BL @>7DB6 3RD [FC] 7D1E 7DB6 7D20 C1A0 MOV @>834A,R6 7D22 834A 7D24 06A0 BL @>7DB6 4TH [FC] 7D26 7DB6 7D28 C1E0 MOV @>834A,R7 7D2A 834A 7D2C 06A0 BL @>7DB6 5TH [FC] 7D2E 7DB6 7D30 C220 MOV @>834A,R8 7D32 834A 7D34 C244 MOV R4,R9 R9 = LOCATION STORE 7D36 0A39 SLA R9,3 FOR VALUE IN 7D38 0229 AI R9,>7DFA ARGUEMENT [SR] 7D3A 7DFA 7D3C 0288 CI R8.>18 CHECK Y2 24 7D3E 0018 7D40 1535 JGT >7DAC [EX] 7D42 0286 CI R6,>20 CHECH X2 32 7D44 0020 7D46 1532 JGT >7DAC [EX] 7D48 0607 DEC R7 ADJUST Y VALUE 7D4A 0A57 SLA R7,5 FOR SCREEN 7D4C 0608 DEC R8 7D4E 0A58 SLA R8,5 7D50 CE45 MOV R5,*R9+ STORE X1 7D52 CE46 MOV R6,*R9+ X2 7D54 CE47 MOV R7,*R9+ Y1 7D56 CE48 MOV R8,*R9+ Y2 7D58 1000 NOP 7D5A 1000 NOP 7D5C 0209 LI R9,>1111 LOAD FOR COMPARE 7D62 7DF0 7D64 0202 RG LI R2,>0001 R2 = AMOUNT 7D68 C244 MOV R4,R9 CHANGE VARIABLE 7D6A 3A60 MPY @>7DF6,R9 TO MEMORY LOCATION [NM] 7D6C 7DF6 7D6E C10A MOV R10,R4 7D70 0224 AI R4,>2000 7D72 2000 7D74 0248 MOV R8,R9 FINISH ROW 7D76 A246 A R6,R9 FINISH SCREEN 7D78 C285 NX MOV R5,R10 COLUMN START 7D7A C007 MOV R7,R0 ROW START 7D7C A005 A R5,R0 SCREEN LOCATION 7D7E C0C0 NT MOV R0,R3 SCREEN LOCATION TO 7D80 A0C4 A R4,R3 MEMORY LOCATION 7D82 C043 MOV R3,R1 7D84 8820 C @>7DF2,@7DF0 COMPARE OPEN OR CLOSE 7D86 7DF2 [CP CO] 7D88 7DF0 7D8A 1304 JEQ >7D94 JMP CLOSE [CC] 7D8C 0420 BLWP @>6030 READ SCREEN 7D8E 6030 7D90 0201 LI R1,>7DF8 CHARACTER FOR WINDOW [SP] 7D92 7DF8 7D94 0420 CC BLWP @>6028 WRITE SCREEN 7D96 6028 7D98 0580 INC R0 INCREMENT POSITION 7D9A 058A INC R10 INCREMENT COLUMN 7D9C 0240 C R0,R9 ALL DONE 7D9E 1306 JEQ >7DAC [EX] 7DA0 1505 JGT >7DAC [EX] 7DA2 818A C R10,R6 COLUMN <R COL 7DA4 11EC JLT >7D7E NEXT COLUMN [NT] 7DA6 0227 AI R7,32 ADD 32 TO START ROW 7DA8 0020 7DAA 10E6 JMP >7D78 NEXT ROW [NX] 7DAC 04E0 EX CLR @>837C NO ERROR 7DAE 837C 7DB0 02E0 MOV @>7DF4,R11 R11 = RETURN 7DB2 7DF4 7DB4 045B B *R11 RETURN TO BASIC 7DB6 0581 FC INC R1 NEXT ARGUEMENT 7DB8 0420 BLWP @>6044 GET NUMBER 7DBA 6044 7DBC 0420 BLWP @>601C FLOATING POINT TO 7DBE 601C INTEGER 7DC0 1200 DATA >1200 7DC2 045B B *R11 RETURN SUBROUTINE 7DC4 02E0 CL LWPI >70B8 CLOSE SUBROUTINE 7DC6 70B8 7DC8 C80B MOV R11,@>7DF4 SAVE RETURN [RT] 7DCA 7DF4 7DCC 04C0 CLR R0 NUMBER ARRAY 7DCE 04C1 CLR R1 7DD0 06A0 BL @>7DB6 GET WINDOW NUMBER 7DD2 7D86 USED [FC] 7DD4 C120 MOV @>834A,R4 7DD6 834A 7DD8 C244 MOV R4,R9 CHANGE VARIABLE TO 7DDA 0A39 SLA R9,3 TO STORE 7DDC 0229 AI R9, >7DFA LOCATION [SR] 7DDE 7DFA 7DE0 C179 MOV *R9+,R5 GET X1 7DE2 C189 MOV *R9+,R6 GET X2 7DE4 C1F9 MOV *R9+,R7 GET Y1 7DE6 C239 MOV *R9+,R8 GET Y2 7DE8 C820 MOV @>7DF2,@>7DF0 LOAD FOR COMPARE [CP CO] 7DEA 7DF2 7DEC 7DF0 7DEE 10BA JMP >7D64 JUMP TO REGISTER [RG] 7DF0 0000 CO DATA >0000 COMPARE DATA 7DF2 2222 CP DATA >2222 7DF4 0000 RT DATA >0000 RETURN 7DF6 0300 NM DATA >0300 SCREEN 7DF8 8080 SP DATA >8080 WINDOW CHARACTER 7DFA 0000 SR BSS 32 STORE VALUES 7E1A 0000 AORG >701E 701E 7FE0 DATA >7FE0 7020 0000 AORG >7FE0 7FE0 574F TEXT 'WOPEN' 7FE2 5045 7FE4 4E20 7FE6 7D00 DATA >7D00 7FE8 5743 TEXT 'WCLOSE' 7FEA 4C4F 7FEC 5345 7FEE 7DC4 DATA >7DC4 7FE0 4F4C END
  9. The ones sold in this Thread from Coyote Gamers. And I ship DHL only, other services are not trustworthy here
  10. Well not until I decide all is OK and release it. And that's still a ways down the road, just waiting for some more insight and time to look into it
  11. eightbit

    Movie Cart

    If you make the hole REALLY big you can just shake the card out if it ever falls in!
  12. eightbit

    Movie Cart

    I think it's not going to be easy to obtain those types of movies due to the legality of the thing. Unfortunately my computers are not super powerful to begin with. My main machine is a core i3 from 2013.
  13. Here's some results of a quick test I did, from 1 to 24 threads. It was a pretty linear increase in processing rate vs # of threads. Threads Rate 01 24,000 02 52,000 03 51,000 04 115,000 05 112,000 06 132,000 07 145,000 08 125,000 50% CPU 16 224,000 100% CPU 4.47GHz 24 370,000 100% CPU 4.49GHz
  14. yea that would be cool. have a physical switch that would be capable of inverting the signals
  15. any chance there will be a revision Atari2600+ off the shelf (firmware updated) by the end of year? I'm still waiting to buy one.
  16. sfish

    Movie Cart

    Is the edge ridge on the microSD card pointing up or down? I ask because I had considered using a Dremel to carve out a conical concave ridge to allow my thumbnail access to catch and begin pulling out the card. Do you think that might be enough to make this functional? It's so close! Then again, as mentioned above, I might just end up fumbling the card into the case and then having to open it anyway.
  17. If I may make a couple suggestions... First of all I understand it might be too late to make a design change in the process, so this would be for a second model. If you have the disc and the three button triangle totally in the center you could in theory make an ambidextrous pad. Just rotate the pad 180° and rewire on the opposite end to correspond with the reverse layout. I'm personally interested in an ambidextrous 16-way stick. With thumb pads I'm all thumbs. I prefer large controls over small ones. The way you probably have it designed you probably have 16 physical actuators for the 16 physical ways on the pad. If the way you chose to do 16 ways instead was taking an analog stick (like a PC15 or Atari 5200) and dividing it into wedges and one bullseye for neutral , maybe I could have someone take the PCB and turn it into the basis for a 16-way fight stick. So do you have 16 physical actuators for 16 physical ways or do you use a circuit based computation of an analog stick and finding 16 wedges and a bullseye? It should be pretty easy to do with a PC 15 set a radius that defines the bullseye and then if movement is beyond bullseye then divide the angles into 16 regions. And I believe the formula is tangent of (y / x), assuming zero degrees is East and clockwise are positive degrees.
  18. Thank you. I find them and already ordered. (it was not simple search - we have a special AliExpress application for russian customers, and not all goods available for us :-(( )
  19. Longplay controllers? For US buyers (I think) you could use www.shippo.com which does international stuff and put his address as the sender and you as the recipient and i bet you might find some cheaper options. I've done this with www.pirateship.com but this was US to US so far since PS only does US for now.
  20. I put some cleaner source files into the first post.
  21. Great idea for a hack! I imagine they're running through the ACME big box store.
  22. No solution or answer to any of the problems, but I sell my two controllers (with Adapter) für 120€+ Shipping. Please note, Shipping outside Europe will be around 50€, so pretty expensive sadly. If anybody is interessted let me know, PayPal Family and Friends only.
  23. Using RXB and SAMS you could make a heck of a demo with Assembly and XB at same time.
  24. I took out and played all ten of my carts, Crystal Castles was the only 100% nonworking one. My Super Breakout is slightly flaky in that it plays fine in some 2600s and not in others. I've played a complete game of Haunted House without issue, so I know at least one HH is working.
  25. Very nice @Ben_Larson Looks like Kangaroo. You could also use 320C and have 9 colours and more gfx. With this type of game you easily could fill background gfx as well. Bellow example of my WIP engine for 320 modes A7800_ Atari 7800 (PAL) Cool [a7800p] 2024-05-08 23-20-49.mp4
  26. It has crossed my mind, but it would mean starting again from the ground up, so it's not at the top of my list of things to do!
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