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  2. Did a comparison of most XB versions: 90 ! ROUTINE SET UP SPRITES TEST SO NOT PART OF TIMING ROUTINE 100 CALL CLEAR 110 OPEN #1:"CLOCK" 120 INPUT #1:A$,B$,C$ 130 FOR C=1 TO 10000 140 ! ROUTINE INSERTED HERE TO TEST 150 NEXT C 160 INPUT #1:D$,E$,F$ 170 PRINT A$,D$:B$,E$,C$,F$ 180 END ********************************************************************************************* SAMS XB XB3.0 XB3.1 XBGEM MyarcXB2 RXB command --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11:5 9:10 9:10 3:11 5:6 3:21 CALL CHAR(65,"FFFFFFFF") 2:57:15 34:18 8:36 5:33 6:19 4:42 CALL CHAR(Z$,65) ! LENGTH 64 11:32 7:19 7:19 4:1 5:14 4:5 CALL CHARPAT(65,Z$) 32:44 33:6 33:4 1:11:47 5:1 4:8 CALL CHARSET 3:49 3:29 3:31 3:43 8:48 3:41 CALL CLEAR 6:25 6:25 4:20 6:24 7:22 6:19 CALL COINC(#1,20,20,8,Z) 3:0 3:0 2:6 3:0 4:3 3:4 CALL COINC(ALL,Z) 4:33 4:15 3:7 4:15 5:4 4:24 CALL COLOR(1,2,8) 3:9 3:9 2:12 3:9 4:6 2:36 CALL DELSPRITE(#1) 6:22 6:23 5:12 6:22 4:18 5:33 CALL DELSPRITE(ALL) 6:5 6:6 4:11 6:6 6:0 6:1 CALL DISTANCE(#1,20,20,Z) 6:6 3:7 3:6 4:10 5:9 4:2 CALL GCHAR(1,1,Z) 4:11 3:1 3:0 4:5 5:5 4:17 CALL HCHAR(1,1,65) 4:37:35 4:39:17 21:2 9:31 14:12 7:33 CALL HCHAR(1,1,65,768) 5:0 3:2 3:3 5:6 6:43 5:7 CALL JOYST(1,X,Y) 4:37 3:25 2:11 4:38 5:16 5:2 CALL KEY(1,K,S) 4:4 4:4 3:9 4:4 5:13 4:17 CALL LOCATE(#1,20,20) 2:17 2:11 2:8 2:14 3:45 2:14 CALL MAGNIFY(1) 4:44 4:44 3:24 4:44 6:42 4:41 CALL MOTION(#1,20,20) 3:8 3:17 2:24 3:17 5:27 3:4 CALL PATTERN(#1,66) 5:22 5:22 3:14 5:31 5:25 5:9 CALL POSITION(#1,X,Y) 3:44 2:11 2:12 2:6 4:3 2:17 CALL SCREEN(5) 5:9 5:8 4:7 5:9 6:30 5:7 CALL SPRITE(#1,65,2,10,10) 3:55 3.0 3:1 4:5 5:5 4:17 CALL VCHAR(1,1,65) 4:30:22 4:30:41 3:30:27 18:29 18:11 21:3 CALL VCHAR(1,1,65,768) 10:2 8:13 8:11 10:1 6:18 10:3 DISPLAY AT(9,9):C 21:10 13:41 12:18 11:49 11:29 12:13 DISPLAY AT(9,9):RND 8:22 6:43 6:38 8:22 6:17 8:21 DISPLAY AT(9,9):"TEST" 22:6 6:23 6:24 19:27 3:3 15:15 CALL INIT 1:48 2:30 2:30 12:12 3:40 2:9 A=LEN("TEST") 12:12 5:3 5:3 3:8 7:16 3:9 A=RND 1:26 1:14 2:46 1:26 3:26 2:34 A=ABS(C) 5:36 2:36 3:23 5:25 6:12 5:37 A=ATN(1) 3:5 2.0 2:2 3:25 5:30 3:7 A$=CHR$(65) 13:8 12:11 11:49 13:8 10:2 13:9 A=COS(.5) 14:27 11:14 10:46 14:27 14:36 14:28 A=EXP(1) 20:42 16:14 16:11 41:13 20:6 19:12 A=LOG(3.4) 2:37 2:10 2:8 2:11 4:9 2:42 A=MAX(C,99) 3:16 2:4 2:2 3:15 4:12 3:11 A=MIN(C,99) 2:36 1:13 1:2 1:24 3:14 1:23 A=PI 5:5 4:14 4:16 4:31 6:10 5:1 A=POS("PAN","A",1) 2:17:15 7:13 7:14 17:5 40:31 2:17:9 A$=RPT$("A",255) 5:27 3:6 3:25 55:25 7:13 5:30 A$=SEG$("TEST",2,3) 1:27 1:14 1:14 1:26 3:26 1:26 A=SGN(C) 12:4 11:50 11:3 11:56 15:3 12:4 A=SIN(30) 11:3 9:34 10:26 11:2 17:28 11:1 A=SQR(C) 4:19 3:7 2:51 3:41 11:8 4:16 A$=STR$(5) 44:19 23:13 23:14 25:16 29:16 35:15 A=TAN(.78) 4:19 3:0 3:1 4:19 4:7 4:12 A=VAL("5") 1:14 1:22 1:22 1:15 3:15 1:15 DATA 1 1:14 1:15 1:16 1:8 3:26 1:8 DEF A=C*C :51 :44 1:16 1.8 3:26 1:8 DIM A(100) 14:36 10:52 9:47 13:10 10:7 13:8 PRINT 13:14 9:23 10:37 14:46 11:9 15:19 DISPLAY 11:25 12:6 12:4 16:36 12:13 16:35 PRINT C 17:9 12:38 13:22 17:10 12:10 17:7 DISPLAY C 15:2 10:35 10:33 15:2 12:52 15:4 PRINT "TEST" 15:44 12:51 11:5 16:27 11:11 16:28 DISPLAY "TEST" 1:12 1:19 1:19 1:12 2:22 1:11 OPTION BASE 1 4:35 3:24 3:26 3:25 4:24 4:24 CALL PEEK(8192,A) 5:37 4:3 4:1 2:29 3:21 2:29 RANDOMIZE C 8:21 9:43 9:45 9:39 6:5 8:21 CALL SOUND(1,110,30) ********************************************************************************************* * RXB NEW COMMANDS TO EXTENDED BASIC PRINT PRINT PRINT PRINT PRINT 7:14 CALL SCROLLUP {PRINT} PRINT C PRINT C PRINT C PRINT C PRINT C 11:23 CALL SCROLLUP(1,C) {DISPLAY C} DISPLAY DISPLAY DISPLAY DISPLAY DISPLAY 10:33 CALL SCROLLUP(1,"TEST") {DISPLAY} DISPLAY DISPLAY DISPLAY DISPLAY DISPLAY 5:6 CALL HPUT(11,11,C) {DISPLAY AT} DISPLAY DISPLAY DISPPLAY DISPLAY DISPLAY 7:12 CALL HPUT(11,11,RND) {DISPLAY AT} DISPLAY DISPLAY DISPPLAY DISPLAY DISPLAY 4:29 CALL HPUT(11,11,"TEST") {DISPLAY AT} 14:17 10:10 10:11 15:42 16:16 11:50 CALL JOYLOCATE(1,X,Y,8,8,#1,RW,CL,K) GOTO 15:53 10:20 10:8 15:3 16:1 10:2 CALL JOYMOTION(1,X,Y,#1,9,9,K) GOTO 7:7 5:11 5:11 7:7 11:3 9:33 CALL ONKEY("ABC",1,K,S) GOTO 1,2,3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 7:26 CALL COLLIDE(#1,20,20,8,X,Y) N/A N/A N/A 10:31 N/A 11:39 CALL MOVES("RR",1024,8192,12288) ********************************************************************************************* 80 ! JOYLOCATE FOR OTHERS 90 CALL SPRITE(#1,65,2,20,20) :: XL,YL=20 100 CALL CLEAR 110 OPEN #1:"CLOCK" 120 INPUT #1:A$,B$,C$ 130 FOR C=1 TO 10000 140 CALL JOYST(1,X,Y) :: CALL LOCATE(#1,X+XL,Y+YL) :: CALL KEY(1,K,S) :: IF K=18 THEN 150 150 NEXT C 160 INPUT #1:D$,E$,F$ 170 PRINT A$,D$:B$,E$,C$,F$ 180 END ***************************************************************************** 80 ! JOYMOTION FOR OTHERS 90 CALL SPRITE(#1,65,2,20,20) :: XL,YL=20 100 CALL CLEAR 110 OPEN #1:"CLOCK" 120 INPUT #1:A$,B$,C$ 130 FOR C=1 TO 10000 140 CALL JOYST(1,X,Y) :: CALL MOTION(#1,X*9,Y*9) :: CALL KEY(1,K,S) :: IF K=18 THEN 150 150 NEXT C 160 INPUT #1:D$,E$,F$ 170 PRINT A$,D$:B$,E$,C$,F$ 180 END **************************************************************************** 80 ! ONKEY FOR OTHERS 90 CALL SPRITE(#1,65,2,20,20) :: XL,YL=20 100 CALL CLEAR 110 OPEN #1:"CLOCK" 120 INPUT #1:A$,B$,C$ 130 FOR C=1 TO 10000 140 CALL KEY(1,K,S) :: IF K=65 THEN 150 ELSE IF K=66 THEN 150 ELSE IF K=67 THEN 150 ELSE 150 150 NEXT C 160 INPUT #1:D$,E$,F$ 170 PRINT A$,D$:B$,E$,C$,F$ 180 END ****************************************************************************
  3. Ok, some interesting findings about wine and pathnames in command line arguments: Wine requires backslashes instead of slashes, even on Unix-like systems such as Linux and MacOS. So it was probably not Altirra's problem that I had to do all this scripting on the previous page in order to change to the output directory and then call Altirra just with the filename.xex only, it seems to be a wine thing. Because if I call Altirra with a filename including the full path, but have the slashes converted to (simple, single) backslashes, it works perfectly fine also with any kind of filename with a preceding full path. @RetroCoder: Since the default output is the "out" directory underneath the code directory (which is great and should stay that way), the question is whether you could detect what kind of system your extension runs on, and if it is a non-Windows system, replace all instances of a forward slash (as a path delimiter) with a backslash (as it would be on Windows)? So that "out/WozMon.asm" becomes "out\Wozmon.asm"? If so, then my whole workaround with the altirra.sh script above would no longer be necessary and everything could be just configured via your extension's settings, which would be much more transparent. If not, I'd have to find a way how to replace all slashes inside the $@ array of command line arguments. That is unfortunately not as easy as in Perl, for example, but would probably be somehow doable. But as I said, if you could do this already on the level of the extension, it would be much easier for everyone...
  4. I will now never buy any product that uses a Rockchip, £119.99 down the drain for hardware worth about $25, its sick, My Arcade stop using old tech thats for mobile devices like cheap Android Boxes and cheap tablets, put some work in the hardware and it will pay off, no one wants a paperweight, if this has happed to me, it can happen to anyone so beware flashing the Atari Gamestation Pro, this is one of the problem flashing the whole device, it can mess up and why RGL use there own updater so it only updates the carousel files only and not the system, it a lot safer, you need to stop relying so much on Rockchip's flasher because its easier.
  5. Using 130XE U1M with SDX Hence my comment, "not sure what assembler your using", I've never seen BUFFER = before either. Strangely if you ask Micro$oft CoPilot for an example it comes back with this very similar looking code 🙃 Still wouldn't work, but closer LDX #1 LDA #$20 STA ICCOM,X ; Set command to rename LDA #<BUFFER STA ICBAL,X ; Set low byte of buffer address LDA #>BUFFER STA ICBAH,X ; Set high byte of buffer address LDA #$08 STA ICAX1,X ; Set function code for rename LDA #0 STA ICAX2,X ; Clear any flags JSR CIOV ; Call CIO routine BUFFER: .BYTE "D1:OLD,NEW",0 ; Old and new file names
  6. I do think it probably coincided with plugging the Star Raiders cart in tbh. I'll go and have another look later or in the morning. I think I have an EEPROM programmer somewhere that is still new in the box from about 10 years ago if programming a replacement OS ROM is a thing? I can't honestly say hand on heart that I haven't plugged or unplugged the SIO cable with anything powered on. I'd like to say I haven't but... /shrug
  7. Updated with version 1.3 For all hardware revision units As far I tested, it works well =>Firmwares suitable for REV A hardware revision (REV A is the first version of the FujiApple), these are the same as for REV B hardware revision: Firmware v1.3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oHsd8ckvIk1L8ayuMTeR7IHaLhfLAv55/view?usp=drive_link Firmware v1.2.1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-bG7bowHWJuyEz9VAKkNcVRcBnI59wGV/view?usp=drive_link Firmware v1.2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S16R1CJH-lCQrGdnq5kOMbn5snws0lvb/view?usp=drive_link Firmware v1.1 : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OtIMIUGgZYRouATKP3oUh3WJIn_8th_a/view?usp=sharing Firmware v1.0 : https://drive.google.com/file/d/16UMjHlqC_aNxAdWib7JAEvFjyfrbvfUv/view?usp=sharing =>Firmwares suitable for upgrade REV A hardware revision (the upgrade can be identified easily, your unit will have REV A marked at back, but there is also a copper wire soldered between the green board and one pin of the SD card holder): Firmware v1.3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1f6qg_mBN8Wo_SJ4o6DAYU9P1bzIMsPKy/view?usp=drive_link Firmware v1.2.1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1io0UTw7FAiKTZiQ_-3t3Zo3J8RrMAD8X/view?usp=drive_link Firmware v1.2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ffl7-1SCgafa0xo_55lc_jyOfQGvKhcX/view?usp=drive_link Firmware v1.1 : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V6FNA9Sv6qn5T3kdlYBX_zAwcGgFGrvh/view?usp=sharing Firmware v0.5.77bfa009 : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1elNx2yRY1EcVt_S4ILmVQG2ytTgAocNn/view?usp=sharing =>Firmwares suitable for REV B hardware revision (REV B label can be read at back side of FujiApple unit), (these firmwares have the checking for the lack of one component disabled, due to this checking is not compatible with all available versions of AHCT125 ic ) : Firmware v1.3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oHsd8ckvIk1L8ayuMTeR7IHaLhfLAv55/view?usp=drive_link Firmware v1.2.1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-bG7bowHWJuyEz9VAKkNcVRcBnI59wGV/view?usp=drive_link Firmware v1.2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S16R1CJH-lCQrGdnq5kOMbn5snws0lvb/view?usp=drive_link Firmware v1.1 : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OtIMIUGgZYRouATKP3oUh3WJIn_8th_a/view?usp=sharing Firmware v1.0 : https://drive.google.com/file/d/16UMjHlqC_aNxAdWib7JAEvFjyfrbvfUv/view?usp=sharing Quick How to flash firmware guidelines: Fujinet update frontend software is located here: https://fujinet.online/download/ USB to COM driver, for CH340 USB chip based ESP32 boards: https://sparks.gogo.co.nz/ch340.html
  8. PM sent. PS, can send you the receipt I got showing the order went thru if needed.
  9. Oh Thank God Mattel Aquarius, I thought I was the only one fighting Tindie ordering process every step of the way! They weren't happy with just about every piece of data I put in and had to hand craft every single piece of info until they accepted it. This meant hitting the back button a few times, then that data was lost and had to be re-entered, then test the next piece of info and repeat until 20 min later, the order finally went through. The whole time I was thinking, well thats it, others beat me to this and I'll be on the waiting list another three rounds. I originally wasn't going to bitch because the order went through. For those of you who had the same experience, speak up and let rbarios know. Maybe he will switch to a more user friendly platform. Sad when the seller AND buyers were having major issues on each end...
  10. DarkLord also has an assembled one and a bare board. We just haven't managed to get that on our agendas as of yet. But I don't think Forem Elite is one we've managed to get a copy of yet.
  11. rbairos

    Movie Cart

    I only got two shipping addresses as well before their systems shut it all down. Pm me your city and I can tell you if you're one of the two lucky ones.
  12. rbairos

    Movie Cart

    Thanks for the support, but the problem is there is no waiting list as the entire product page is no longer publicly visible as of this morning. My worst fear is they will reactivate it in a couple days when they're back from weekending with a new empty waitlist. That would be a very big problem as that list was grown from all the tech articles the last two months and can't be rebuilt.
  13. Sorry to hear that. This is what happens when you offer the ultimate nerd toy on the market. I started ordering right when they went live, and the site was fighting me every step, just selecting country, country code, etc was wonky (using my phone). I finally got it to go through. PayPal went through successfully. Tindie sent me an email saying it may take up to 2 days for the payment provider to authorize the charge, and they will send me a second confirmation email when it does.
  14. @Everett1954, As previously reported on in the other topic thread "I guess Fury Unlimited is gone?" responding to @ComputerSpaceFan on the same question, George responded via email to instead use https://geovector.tripod.com. "
  15. https://geovector.tripod.com/_sgg/f10000.htm
  16. The point is that FastBasic uses signed integer algebra, so it will count up to 32767 jiffies, whichever the time it takes (655 seconds for PAL, 546 seconds for NTSC). Then, the time jumps to -32768 and counts back to zero. TIME and TIMER uses only adresses 20 and 19 of RTCLOK register. Address 18 is ignored. If you want a 24-bits timer, you should use floating point version of FastBasic with an FP variable and an expression like: T%=(65536.0*PEEK(18)+256*PEEK(19)+PEEK(20))/60/60 PRINT T% To test that with higher values, initialize RTCLOK like this: POKE 20,0:POKE 19,254:POKE 18,254 To reset that FP timer, you should use: POKE 20,0:DPOKE 18,0 This should be avoided: MSET 18,3,0 because it could happen that address 18 or 19 could change to 1 just after being updated to 0 and before address 20 is set to 0.
  17. What Dos are you referring to that has code in the B600 area? Cart based SDX? I think that the filespec needs the EOL terminator - so follow the "D1:OLD,NEW" with ,$9B And shouldn't it be BUFFER .BYTE "D1:OLD,NEW" and not BUFFER = I would have thought that would generate an assembly error.
  18. Logo recreation...fairly simple a la Illustrator...
  19. Just got done celebrating my 28th birthday yesterday. Scored these two as presents, 2024 just became 1984.😎HNI_0031.thumb.JPG.6b322c3d0774822ef044e627a6e9abe8.JPGHNI_0032.thumb.JPG.9370398c7e8a88ea4bd9f3a6fbc1b4d8.JPG

  20. Hi there TZJB. Thank you for your reply. The good news is I also popped this on Exxosforum too, and someone did comeback with some excellent info. Glad I didn't rush ahead swapping wires, as the accelerator is fussy about it's wires!!! The info is here:- https://www.exxosforum.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=6991 Regards James
  21. Hi guys, Hmmm. This looks interesting. SNK is hiring for an Art of Fighting and Samurai Shodown project. Nice!!! Renz @Mekikung SNK need a lot of manpower on their new project for "Art of fighting" and "Samurai Shodown" !! If you're an artist / programmer and want to work in Japan with SNK, it's your chance now https://snk-corp.co.jp/recruit/eng/ #SNK #AOF #SamuraiShodown #ArtOfFighting 1:18 AM · May 1, 2024 Anthony...
  22. I made it out alive on level 3 with 4 lives left! Left difficulty set to B. Is it me or is my screen glowing! That’s eerie!
  23. littaum

    Movie Cart

    If people are anything like I am, I immediately put myself back on the waiting list for the next batch.
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