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  2. I wonder if this one is any different from the Telegames release? Given the late date I'd assume that the differences (if any) would be pretty small. It's the only one that doesn't look like a standard review copy.
  3. Yeah, and good modern replacements aren't break-the-bank expensive. I listed some I've personally tested with the Jag/JagCD in the dedicated sticky thread.
  4. HAVE YOU PLAYED ATARI TODAY! The game I’m going with today is ROBOTRON 2084! For the 7800 on my Atari 2600+ The reason I picked this game is because I forgot I had it! I purchased this at my local game store years ago with 3 other CIB 2600 games. These were the first CIB games I purchased for my Atari in years. I have all loose cartridges. And until recently I hadn’t collected any other CIB. I remember these going for 2 or 3 dollars a piece. The boxes had some imperfections but I couldn’t pass them up at the time. I thought I would display them but never got around to it. They sat in a box until now. So I have another 7800 game for my Atari 2600+. Lol!
  5. Have to check my System Changers. But I’m pretty sure that the Atari game shows up immediately and I can use the Intv controller on the system (but prefer to use Joystick on the SC).
  6. Very cool, Lewis! Re: POKEY - I'm sure the issues you have are on me. The emulation in that area is probably not perfect - especially given that I'm currently "sampling" the pokey registers and generating an output sample at the end of every scanline and that has to be synced up with a background ISR that fires off to push those samples to a sub-processor for output (and if it doesn't have enough samples, it will generate new ones - likely just repeating the last tone briefly). You don't tend to hear any problems with just TIA since it's already not that sophisticated -- but with Pokey at four channels (+2 TIA channels)... I can imagine things getting wonky. Are you running from a flash cart? If so, even on the 2DS/3DS, you will be in compatibility mode running at 67MHz which will not help the situation (fine for non POKEY and less complex games... but your latest offerings need another gear!). For the DSi and above (XL/LL/2DS/3DS) and running from something like Twilight Menu++ or Unlaunch (from an SD card) you would unlock the full 134MHz mode which obviously helps keep the pipeline moving. Anyway... awesome feedback and thanks!
  7. Nice haul, looks like the rest of them are released versions.
  8. https://www.atari-forum.com/viewtopic.php?t=43114
  9. How about an OTA update using the PlusCart?
  10. I'm working a Pico-based cart for the original 2600 that will allow you to update the 2600+ /s
  11. It is in an Activision case. See the last picture in the item that I purchased. https://www.ebay.com/itm/335370484121?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=uhjgpdy0s3u&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=rq1jzkyxTPa&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=SMS
  12. Rim-tim-tagi-digi, dim-tim-tim

  13. The main file on which I based my version was the file attached here. But I had to make a few corrections and then put it into production. ATARI 1050 MegaSpeedy panel.stl
  14. Here is the item that I bought. Pictures are included in the listing. https://www.ebay.com/itm/335370484121?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=uhjgpdy0s3u&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=rq1jzkyxTPa&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=SMS
  15. I’m personally waiting for a Nokia N-Gage version.
  16. Has anyone tried converting it to compiled basic?
  17. You could do that, but it'd be easier just to patch the OS ROM file and bind the modified version in Firmware Settings. The monitor on the right is horrendously slow, that's worse than any monitor I ever used. You could use it to run a radar or oscilloscope.
  18. Fcuk gyms. Best form of exercise is jogging/running...💪🏻

    1. Random Terrain

      Random Terrain

      If I have to use my feet, I'd rather walk. Jogging/running jiggles my brain too much.

  19. First I will say that it is theoretically possible to “race the beam” (well, actually, the STIC, since it is only reading the data to build its internal frame-buffer; you are never dealing with the actual raster directly) right after the last scroll shift and print the top row before shifting the rest of the screen downward. From IntyBASIC it may be tricky, and the SCROLL command will not help, which means that you will have to write the top row and handle the screen shifting yourself. You can do that with SCREEN, but ideally it would be a single one — the SCREEN statement is very fast to copy a block of data, but it takes a considerable effort to set itself up first. Calling it more than once would be rather expensive. Also, it should be as close to the WAIT statement as possible. For that to work, you would need to have the screen data for each 8th position shift complete in one block for SCREEN to draw it all at once. Alternatively, your entire playfield (the whole thing — not just the area visibly at any one time) could be unrolled as a single data block, and you just change the start pointer for SCREEN to the next row on every 8th scroll (the length remains the same). Another thing to note is that the ON FRAME statement is executed after the STIC and GRAM are updated at the beginning of VBLANK, but before returning control to your program. That means that any code in the ON FRAME event will be executed before you have a chance to call SCREEN after WAIT, reducing the time available to beat the STIC. One alternative is to do the SCREEN in the ON FRAME event, taking care to conditionally call it on the 8th scroll position only. The second thing I will point out is that the glitch in your game when scrolling from the first level (where the first row scrolls in green), is caused by the choice of having the border be green. Maybe changing it to the sky color would be a good compromise. Lastly, the glitch is distracting, and reduces the shine on an otherwise polished game; so perhaps enabling the border extension and losing one vertical row is a reasonable trade-off. dZ.
  20. Can I get a version for the TI/82 Calculator ? I just don't have access to Windows, Mac or Linux and I feel left out
  21. There is no eprom that is 28pin and compatible for 2 rom. Either you need an adapter for 32pin eprom or use 6 roms (28pins). Or get original maskrom of TOS v1.04 that is 28pin.
  22. I'm also going to try one of these in my portable, to see how well they work in my form factor.
  23. I've seen a few instances of the one or more of the pins or whatever you call them bending. Granted, I don't know if it's caused by a faulty cartridge or ramming one in there at an angle or something. Mine's been fine.
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