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  2. This happened to me only once. First issue joystick on the c64 mini, playing Daley Thompson's 'joystick breaking' decathlon! sorry @Ben from Plaion you did offer to replace free of charge thou. ๐Ÿ˜‚
  3. Why does cutting the corner make it more difficult?
  4. Getting ready to label my ๐Ÿ•น๐Ÿ•น๐Ÿ•น๐Ÿ•น๐Ÿ•น AIR RIADERS ๐Ÿ•น๐Ÿ•น๐Ÿ•น๐Ÿ•น๐Ÿ•น @Ben from Plaion ๐Ÿ˜ I ran out of ink though lol
  5. T.O.K.I would be nice but I never had a look how good the 7800 version is. Plutos and Sirius are good shooters, the first one lets you even play co op๐Ÿ•น๐Ÿ•น Not sure whow owns them๐Ÿค”
  6. Found it! That label is different on Tron. @Intellivision Master I donโ€™t recall ever seeing that ASTROBLAST label either! Lol
  7. I did that a couple of times! I recorded some of my favorite songs off the radio (as we did) and played them on my TI recorded on the road if my mom and dad were listening to something I did not want to listen to. But, I found that I did not mind a lot of the stuff my parents liked, like Three Dog Night, Paul McCartney and Wings, Doobie Brothers, Michael Jackson, Lionel Ritchie, Chicago, Fleetwood Mac, &c. Something else my parents had me do, especially when it was just Dad and me making the trip, is I would navigate. I earned a Cub Scout badge for doing that -- reading the map, plotting our travel, working out ways around back-ups, and such.
  8. i used to play car bingo. i had a board with sliders on it, and when a car pass us by, would try to match the first letter and last two numbers to the spot on bingo card. then later on when i got a bit order i was the map reader for my day (no gps), and he always got lost. and finally when i had kids myself in the backseat i installed a gamecube with small lcd screen, the gamecube was great for installation as it ran off 12volt dc natively, so easy to wire in.
  9. Iโ€™m pretty sure Xeno crisis is still for sale on the developerโ€™s website. I think I paid 60 USD + shipping. Thereโ€™s a catch to the game, though. If you continue once, you will always get the bad ending. You have to play the game without dying once to get the real ending. As you can tell, the game is super hard on Easy and itโ€™s also insane on MVS (hard). I donโ€™t think too many people have beaten the game.
  10. Labels and templates have been moved to the more appropriate topic.
  11. I would take my cassette recorder, one of those white mono single earphones, and some of the book-and-cassette sets. I always had to futz with the volume and tone after the trip so the TI would be happy again.
  12. sfish

    Movie Cart

    I think I'm going to go with one of these and get a spare (since they're cheap) for my BackBit Pro: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0C3G7RND6
  13. I mean, the circular shape of the radar dial says it all.
  14. No, you get the latest version right here at AtariAge.
  15. I have 453 total games in my GUI interface, about 46 ColecoVision games, including some Coleco only titles, and newer CollectorVision homebrews that require SGM (make sure file 'coleco.zip' is in the ROM folder). If your favorite games are ColecoVision, to help spot them easier mixed in the ATARI ARCADE tab, I put a border around the 'game_menu.png' image file (yellow top half, pink bottom half for CV) - (yellow and lite teal for INTV), not a standard, but I changed my mind 4 times. geezzz. Now with a new gspgames 057d update, provided by big_guitar sorting option will help too!
  16. Is the glass half empty...or half full?ย ๐Ÿค”


    1. BassGuitari


      The glass is shattered on the floor among the exploded sprawl of its former contents.

  17. The looping music is too loud, too short, too dull, in short, too annoying. You could try to replace this music with a softer bass jingle.
  18. There we go, a missing step. Try: sudo apt install libftdi
  19. Received my NTSC Battlezone cart today ๐Ÿค™ @JetmanUK Sticker is on๐Ÿค™ @Ben from Plaion Compare the game play pics and you know why some want to buy new NTSC carts in the UK and Germany๐Ÿ˜Š
  20. I want to buy Xeno Crisis for the NEO-GEO CD. They've ported this game to just about every system. Seams more at home thou on the 2D legend that is the NEO-GEO! ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป
  21. What the heck plumbob! ๐Ÿ˜„ Now itโ€™s an official Atari coffee stirrer! And coaster!
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