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  2. Yes, there was a final build shared internally last week but there were a few regressions and they are being fixed and then released to public.
  3. I'm using a 3A USB power supply which appears stable. There was a saga behind that with the cable which was eventually solved. 4 of the RAM chips are Oki and 4 are Fujitsu. Neither the RAM nor the ROM are socketed. What made me doubt the memory chips themselves failing is the fact that they were initially intermittent and that the ROMs apparently failed afterwards, which would seem a little too coincidental.
  4. Welp, gotta look into this, too. Still need a laugh noise for Byron and alarm bells for when you're out of time. (Also, music.)
  5. Oh well: replacing the ANTIC chip so far appears to have fixed the problem despite the fact the problem didn't exist with the original ANTIC and a real GTIA chip.
  6. I have reformated my sd card because i have added games between the updates.
  7. Thanks for the update! Do you plan to add Rikki & Vikki compatibility eventually?
  8. We had a historic photo-finish at the Kentucky Derby this last weekend and a historic photo-finish at the NASCAR race, yesterday, too. Now this! They're all neck-and-neck coming around the final turn!
  9. This is what I was going to ask about. The last time I did a firmware update was when the first CD update was created years ago. By just updating the firmware did you have to remove everything. Reformat, and then re ad everything back on to avoid those CD black screens or contiguous errors? I'm fine with WTR and Vid Grid not working if i can jisy keep the OG firmware and not have to deal with all that.
  10. I wonder how many entries never got finished/anywhere. Personally I had at least 3-4 false starts of which two would be possibly original ideas. One so original that I still haven't found out the game play or mechanisms, but at least have some graphics happening.
  11. So was I. I've improved all just by formating my sd card and putting back all my files (The JCD files need to be stored contiguously on the card)
  12. Also been building my NEO-GEO CD collection. Picked this up for £60/$75.
  13. Sadly WTR and VidGrid do not work for me with the new firmware. VidGrid crashes every time direct after the "Licensed for Atari" logo and WTR has many graphic errors/glitches.
  14. Been playing some more 'burned' copies today. I'm not going for a complete NEO-GEO CD collection, just the one's I actually like and want to play. Played Football Frenzy, Baseball 2020 and Baseball Stars 2. I'm from the UK so don't really understand the rules of American Football or Baseball. I enjoyed Football Frenzy, I need to play that more to understand the game. Baseball 2020 was fun thou I found it difficult to understand the power-up system. Baseball stars...probably the greatest pick up and play baseball game on any system ever! What an awesome game and so easy to get into. Definitely buying the original 👍🏻
  15. I decided to do some small changes to the BBS , 2 hours later LOL here is the summary I added some more files, a TTRAK song which was released for the GEMTOS competition and the new SNDH files that I missed since March 2024. Since a lot of of people in France asked me what is exactly available from files , I decided to do a quick fix. In the Main Menu there is a news bulletin which actually shows all listed files per category when I added them. But probably nobody looks there for that information so I added it after the logon procedure. Same story for the Events calendar which is a bit buried in the Message menu , added it after the logon procedure. Regarding complete file-listings , I will need to take some time to look at that python script that Techman had provided just before I was preparing to go to France. Still a lot of todo's in my head but that's it for today. Tomorrow I'm going to try to setup a blog website ... having absolutely no experience with the web ... I only used websites at work back when we had the big INTERNET boom so I totally missed out on HTML,CSS,JAVA , webdesign in general. Heck I was running DigitalResearch DOS 6.0 with GEM on an 386DX up to 2001. But well I already have a good idea/roadmap on how to tackle it so ... to be continued.
  16. I’d love to see a pic of the protos when you have a chance. 👍
  17. Sorry! I will store these x-ray specs in a safe place now 🙂
  18. That one sentence says so much -- Memory Track support is huge! Thank you so much. I don't mind the occasional crash if I can save my game and pick up where I left off (and don't have to use cheat codes instead, which always feel cheat-y). Can't wait to check this out over the summer -- Hover Strike CD, Battlemorph, Highlander, and Blue Lightning, here I come!
  19. Kaboom! 1bb - 802 Bumper Bash 1aa 1 ball - 22455
  20. 28 hours to go ! Sheep it up! goes ahead from the pack.
  21. 😆 Well! That explains everything! You scared me!
  22. I can see how many votes, but not whom. I believe it is a property of having moderator privileges within the same forum that lets you see beyond that.
  23. Hi guys. The Kickstarter campaign for Gladmort is now up and running. Here's your chance to support the game fellas. Chipsonsteroids 1h https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0HWfBfhovs YOUHOUUU The KS page is finally opened https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/pixelheart/gladmort PixelHeart@PixelHeart_eu 2h The #GladMort #Kickstarter has been launched! If you want to see this game come to life, this is the place to do it: https://kickstarter.com/projects/pixelheart/gladmort?ref=a7w0t3… #NeoGeo #neogeoaes #neogeomvs #Dreamcast #steam #Plarformer #GhoulsnGhosts #MetalSlug From the description, "We're delighted to announce our new Neo Geo game project: GladMort! Developed from start to finish by Chipsonsteroids (developers of Neotris) and product by PixelHeart. This action-platformer is inspired by the gameplay of Ghost'n Goblins (Ghouls 'n Ghosts) and Magician Lord, with art direction and humor similar to Metal Slug. And like its predecessors, its difficulty will keep you on your toes! You don't want to die too quickly, do you? Well, it's up to you." Anthony
  24. Seems spare keyboards keep going up in price. https://www.ebay.ca/itm/226127474251
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