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  2. Well, whatever it is this is what it's supposed to look like: And this is the 2600 version: 🤣 They could have at least cut some pixels from the corners... Or did they use the ball or a missile sprite and there was a tech limitation or something?
  3. Do you have a link for this? I tried searching the proxy sites but nothing came up. We actually have to use the third party sites because direct links to Yahoo Japan do not work, due to geo restrictions I think. I guess one could use a VPN but that is why the articles use those third party links.
  4. Captain Cosmos disassembles Colecovision games and has checked out Q*Berts Qubes but was not able to find the cause of the famous lockup for Qubes.
  5. The player sprite is supposed to be a bug blaster. This is from Wikipedia: The player controls the small insect-like creature called the Bug Blaster. It is moved around the bottom area of the screen with a trackball and fires small darts at a segmented centipede advancing from the top of the screen through a field of mushrooms. Also, yes to both those games on a single cart.
  6. I should have RTFM. I wasn’t aware of twinstick controls for this game. 🕹🕹 Going to play some Stargate now! Thanks!
  7. I absolutely love 2600 Asteroids, one of Atari's best. It plays so much better than other ports and I love the sound. Sure it's not vector, but I prefer the colour anyway. I like the hacks with fake vectors but still with the colour too. 7800 Asteroids is disappointing compared to the old lady's port. 2600 Centipede is also nice, the only thing that bothers me is the player sprite is just a block, I wish it had some other shape, like a proper spaceship. Centipede and Millipede enhanced on one cart anyone?
  8. Minor update, I used the following code and something is displayed on the screen. The pattern of where the tiles were placed is there, but the characters are off. My main problem was putting the INCLUDE statement at the top of the file. I moved it to the very bottom and got this: DEFINE CHAR PLETTER 32,80,TILESET_1_PAT_PL DEFINE COLOR PLETTER 32,80,TILESET_1_COL_PL DEFINE SPRITE PLETTER 1,3,SPRITE_PATTERNS_default_PL DEFINE VRAM PLETTER $1800,768,SL__PL
  9. you tried the colour trimpot? they can get crusty with age
  10. This is normal - it's part of the OS, a "screen saver" to prevent burn in on old CRTs. Press any key, and the colour cycling will stop.
  11. Try spraying some contact cleaner on the colour pot (r38) and turning it a few times. Also, there is some expected colour change as GTIA heats up from a cold booted machine IIRC, but it's a tiny difference. It sounds like either the pot is to blame, or you have a bad connection somewhere with your mod that changes as it heats up. Or, perhaps the GTIA or ANTIC are exhibiting issues.
  12. My other game is coming today. It's loose, no manual. Which is fine. Most of my collection is loose carts anyway.
  13. B&C list the original OEM power supplies all day along on eBay for under $20. I would never trust a cheap power brick (or any alternate) to power what is now pushing in the range of a $400 console.
  14. Today
  15. I only see some of them here. On another note, it's great to see the games being played and enjoyed with some competition.
  16. I checked both of my System Changers. Both start the game directly and both can be played with the Intellivision controllers from the console. Btw., the game is the new Berzerk Enhanced by Atari which got released with the new Atari 2600+ console. Maybe the serial numbers give you a clue.
  17. Welcome to the community! It's a friendly and fun place. 😊 I have some thoughts and advice, the games you mentioned are mostly licensed from other companies so are unlikely. You also mentioned a reluctance towards buying classic carts, I'd say definitely buy them. Otherwise you will be missing out on lots of games. If you stick to new official releases only you will have a tiny library that won't include the games you are after and you may become disenchanted with the platform. If you jump into eBay you can have lots of fun with classic carts and they will pad out the time between new official releases. Homebrew carts may also be to your liking too. Enjoy!
  18. Recently unboxed my old Atari 130XE, floppy & cassette drives, modem (lol) and games.  I also found my even older Atari 400.  Had to order a power supply off eBay for the 130 as well as video cables.  waiting on shipping...

  19. Hello all, I have a PAL Atari 800XL and I applied the simple s-video mod. Problem is, after about 10 mins the colours start to randomly change. What the hell is going on? I turn off the power and on again and it resorts back to the correct blue colours. Can anyone help?
  20. Improvement for kaboom! After getting really frustrated about not reaching 2k, I changed (for the first time in hsc) my approach to the game. New room, different TV, new playing position. And voilà: 4872 points @Vocelli i'm in the kaboom list twice, please delete my 800 score and update the 1600 to 4872. Thx!
  21. Hello all, I have a PAL Atari 800XL and I applied the simple s-video mod. Problem is, after about 10 mins the colours start to randomly change. What the hell is going on? I turn off the power and on again and it resorts back to the correct blue colours. Can anyone help?
  22. Hello all, I have a PAL Atari 800XL and I applied the simple s-video mod. Problem is, after about 10 mins the colours start to randomly change. What the hell is going on? I turn off the power and on again and it resorts back to the correct blue colours. Can anyone help?
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