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  2. I've found a way to activate Windows 10 WITHOUT an product key and get a free digital license! On a computer though.
  3. I PM'd with Mr. Stolberg to ask for game instructions, which were lacking. He was kind enough to reply and he asked me to share the information with everyone, so I made this thread.
  4. Back when all that existed was the Stella Mailing List. -Thom
  5. Hello Atari 2600 community, Here is a thread to discuss @Eckhard Stolberg's 1997 homebrew, Cubis!
  6. Donald, are you trying to copy & paste the listing from a .PDF? If so, that may be the issue (no pun intended): it's basically an artifact of how certain types of .PDFs behave when text is copied from them. Unfortunately, using a different font isn't likely to fix the problem since it's related to the formatting of the .PDF itself. That said, take a look at the following: http://ftp.pigwa.net/stuff/collections/holmes cd/Holmes 3/ANALOG/index.html I believe that nearly every disk sent out by ANALOG is archived at this point as an .ATR image. Be aware that some disks have an A and a B side, as noted in the filename. Download the one(s) you are looking for, and enjoy
  7. Sure. Like Steril707 mentioned earlier, get an Avgcart. It gives you extra ram among other things.
  8. I've not tried it myself, but you might try this after your error occurs. https://github.com/jedimatt42/ti994a-memtest/releases
  9. Last week … mostly more bug-hunting, but I took a break for a couple of days to start doing detailed (display list level) layouts of the inventory subscreen (equipment, wardrobe, &c). A few other points, including ensuring that the upper status area is reduced in size & does not show player stats when the player is not in the scene (i.e. cut scenes), but also that the name of the locale remains visible. factoring out the use of generic vars in re-used various places in favor of "local" vars resetting stack on Break screen — failure to do which, was causing the crash screen, to, itself, crash farther (into chaös)
  10. Have you looked at line 771? For each line referenced by a GOTO or GOSUB or any means, is there a corresponding line? That would be a good place to start.
  11. Yeah, I thought that was a little odd too. When I tested them they took the same time in XB 2.9 G.E.M. and standard XB. I think what happened is a simple arithmetic error. Line 170 prints the starting time and ending time in hours, minutes, seconds. If you do the math wrong then the elapsed time would be wrong. With all the testing that was done, it is easy to see how that might happen. You could replace line 170 with these lines: 170 H=VAL(SEG$(F$,1,2))-VAL(SEG$(C$,1,2)) 180 M=VAL(SEG$(F$,4,2))-VAL(SEG$(C$,4,2)) 190 S=VAL(SEG$(F$,7,2))-VAL(SEG$(C$,7,2)) 200 IF S<0 THEN S=S+60 :: M=M-1 210 IF M<0 THEN M=M+60 :: H=H-1 220 IF H<0 THEN H=H+24 230 PRINT STR$(H)&"h "&STR$(M)&"m "&STR$(S)&"s" It's more complicated, but now all the arithmetic is done for you, and you can be confident that the elapsed time is correct.
  12. His real life job was designing, coding and programming the whole backend for MasterCard payment processing system, do he was a very talented programmer and if you are the only one on the team you really don't need comments. I normally add in the comments after I finished a section so it could be better understood by others but if you know the system inside and out and how it works they really not needed.
  13. There are a couple or a few here that I would raise question to ... Now, not that I've tested this but the timings seem to be extraordinarily longer for some functions .... A=LEN("TEST") ... Xb at 1:48 and XB2.9GEM at 12:12 A$=RPT$("A$",255) Xb at 2:17:15 and XB2.9GEM at 17:5 A$=SEG$("TEST",2,3) Xb at 5:27 and XB2.9GEM at 55:25 You gotta admit that's a little odd?
  14. I am running version 1.1 of Legends. Instead of a normal 32k I have a SAMS card that @Ksarul made several years ago and offered here. I think it has a jumper on it for either 1mb or 4mb of RAM. Should I run some sort of test on either my legends disk or XB or ram?
  15. Eh... I certainly understand. But to be honest, I'm very afraid to touch anything in such an old board. It would be easier to buy a ready-made version of ATARI 130XE, but unfortunately for me this is not yet achievable.
  16. 50,000 * 0.12 = $6000. Big numbers are only impressive when they mean anything.
  17. Pre-orders are now closed. Thanks to all that ordered. I will now look to get these into peoples hands as soon as I can.
  18. Triads claims to have a lot of the missing BBs programs. I can confirm I have seen a screenshot of Gardner BBs and he set up a test BBs for me to dial into. Last I spoke to him he was still not ready to release anything from his archives but maybe someone else have better skills at talking him into releasing some of his stuff.
  19. I had forgotten about this. Way, way to many simps out there. I just never did get it? If you need to pull one and you want some extra visual stimulation porn is available for free all over the net.
  20. I wonder if 32K memory could be getting faulty?
  21. finally i can play WTR with this trick...when you see the intro video immediately press the c button and wait..when you see the red car press again the c button and wait..now you will see the menu with practise arcade championship..whatever you choose press again the c button multiple times..this works for me and achieve to play WTR and VidGrid...i try with success battlemorph Wtr Vidgrid Hoverstrike and blue lightning ...THANK YOU @SainT
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