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  2. Yeah, that's the whole problem with Tommy's logic, same for cornhole. I can believe a lot of Americans play cornhole/bag toss because it's very easy to set up if you have a yard (even indoors, it's still doable), while nobody has a bowling lane at home. But that's also precisely why people are more interested in bowling video games, because they can't play it at home.
  3. Is there currently a way to use plotsprite to grab a sprite from RAM @ $4000 to $7fff? I know I can make a small change to the statements.c code function plotsprite and I've been able to compile it, but I have not been able to create a EXE from it to test it. Just wondering if anyone else needed such a capability.
  4. I'm doing images for Atari man now I did set: 12 345
  5. It's one of those games where you'll spend literally hours trying to get past one spot. When they made games back then, they went all out with the difficulty.
  6. You can't tell from just looking at the code. You have to run it in order to find out about the TV image being generated. From that you can infer what TV specification is being targeted. The information about the TV image then implies the clock speed of the 2600 that is generating the TV image.
  7. I tend to run 25000 solutions as standard, always with yuv/yuv and always a mask, sometimes dithering.
  8. I'm pretty sure I have his latest firmware if he posted it here. In this thread.
  9. I must confess,...Although I've seen it set up on the patios of microbreweries...I don't know the rules of cornhole. Bag goes in hole, yes? Is there points? Are you playing to a set number of points? Or maybe you have a set number of throws?
  10. That's Leon Phelps Show, I believe. ...and than there's all the news that's not in prints.
  11. The hardcoded start sectors are at sector 3: So this should be changed to: And you get this fixed image: SDRIVE.ATR
  12. Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
  13. It does look like a microphone. Maybe a streaming podcast from bed? There is one in fact were they do interviews with the host and guest together in big king size bed.
  14. 8192 is high? My highest is about 34 567 Oh. I'm doing something wrong?
  15. I want to give this the benefit of the doubt and say it is for someone who has some kind of condition which makes them mostly bed-ridden. Otherwise, my God in Heaven, why?? I can see how this could assist in complex-positioning!💑 Though I'm not sure what purpose the microphone serves. ...Oh wait, maybe that's not a microphone.
  16. I would really recommend updating to the latest version of the Firmware if you havn't done that already. I tried the first version with 3 different PAL PCB - 2 of them were exact same revision and the other had some other layout on the PCB. All three were from regular PAL INTV1 and worked fine with all original games. But all three had to use different timing-settings in the old Firmware, otherwise some games would work, but some games, like Dracula and Antarctic Tales, would have glitches on some of the boards. When I updated to the latest firmware, all games I tried worked on all three PCBs without any issues.
  17. This are two different things: SaveIm saves the actual loaded images to the EEPROM of the SDrive-MAX itself, and are inserted at power on of the device SDRIVE.ATR has it's own save file (SDRIVE.CFG) and is loaded when the control program(SDRIVE.COM) starts. SDRIVEN.COM prevent this config to load. Think i found the problem of this image: SDRIVE.ATR has a special bootloader, where the start sectors of the files are hardcoded, so there should be nothing changed at the file structure. Originally SDRIVE.COM starts at sector 4, at this version there is SDRIVEN.COM at sector 4, so you are always running the version without loading the config. And the other files could not be loaded with the simple boot menu by holding down the SHIFT key during boot at this version, because they are at other sectors. Original:
  18. Where do I sign? Oh wait a minute! Wait!wait!wait! I don't wanna play game demos! At least not crappy Amico type game demos!
  19. Today
  20. This is possible, but like most of the other Lynx developer here on the forum I preferer to design my games to be able to run without the eeprom, and use it only for keeping highscores or game saves. My games usually cleans the eeprom content when running for the first time and I also use to add a key combo to reset the content of the eeprom, so there is no need to dump the eeprom content if you don't want to backup game saves. There is a game template with everything you need. It has the the code to use the smaller 128 bytes eeprom, but modifying it to use the 64KB eeprom should be easy. Elchapo cart doesn't handle any type of eeprom, but the RetroHQ Lynx Gamedrive supports the 128 Bytes epprom emulation and could support this larger type with a firmware update. Since no one ever used this eeprom format yet, there is no interest on updating the firmware, but things could change for the end of the year.
  21. You can trap the cops in the 2600 version, it is just very difficult.
  22. Oh, these sets were only $1,000? I would have ordered 50 of 'em had I known that.
  23. Oh my. I'd love to be considered for this. Looks classic!
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