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  2. I'll rename atsysgen to sysgen....that makes perfect sense. I have tested sysgen. It booted but the directory was corrupted. I resolved any directory corruption issues by just filling a blank directory with $e5. I think that, really, only the first directory entry byte needs to be $e5, though. I just changed the seldsk to accept the special drive numbers and the atariio code to check for and handle the special drive numbers. Since only format will ever use the special drive numbers, it should work fine. Right now, I have the drive numbers set to use only A to D.
  3. You're welcome Remo. A pleasure seeing you back on the thread. When I saw you post here, it really made my day. You were with us during the beginning of the early days of the Neo-Geo thread. So glad you came by to share the amazing progress on you done with your Neo-Geo board. Everything looks so neat and professionally done with informative information that will keep for reference with your explanation bro. Thank you as always for stopping by and seeing you posting away with us on AtariAge to read on what you have to say brother man. Feel free to come by and share more Neo-Geo postings with us, will be thrilled to read them from you. . Anthony..
  4. The digital twilight zone... Like alot of my computers, the 1200XL has never been turned on, my 400, 800, 130XE, Commodore 128, 128D, IBM AT, COCO3, and few others have never actually been used, they have been opened up, photographed but never actually used. They sit in a cold storage room and been there for eons.
  5. The digital twilight zone... Like alot of my computers, the 1200XL has never been turned on, my 400, 800, 130XE, Commodore 128, 128D, IBM AT, COCO3, and few others have never actually been used, they have been opened up, photographed but never actually used. They sit in a cold storage room and been there for eons.
  6. Good to hear! I was really scratching my head as to why it didn't work at first. I'd rename atsysgen.com to just sysgen.com and do away with the old Atari naming of things. In fact, it is plain sysgen from DRI, with only the number of reserved tracks increased to 3 and the sectran table changed to a 1-1 mapping with sectors counting from 0 to 25 instead of the default 1-26 for MDS-800 systems. Have you tested sysgen yet? You can just run it on an empty ATR disk in drive B,C, or D. After that you should be able to boot from that new disk. Yes, I figure you could take a shortcut to format a new disk by (ab)using the write sector command. You'd have to change seldsk slightly to accept drive numbers with the top bit set, but only your format program would know about that. Other programs, like CCP will never try to set anything other than A-P (0-15), so seldsk can still return an error if it is not in the 0-3 (and 128-131) range. After seldsk(128+drivenumber), the next write sector is the format command. When finished, set the drivenumber without the top bit set and fill the reserved tracks with E5h. There's no need to fill the directory, but the boot block has to be filled by either all E5h or the boot code (run sysgen). Otherwise a DIR command on the newly formatted disk won't work correctly. Yeah, it's weird that the directory itself doesn't have to be filled with E5h. You could make filling optional by asking the user first, in case the user plans to run sysgen anyway, as to save time by not needlessly filling 78 sectors that will be overwritten again anyway.
  7. I’ve already told Anthony, so I wanted to tell the thread. I just reopened my Youtube account after buying a new capture device. To celebrate, I have recorded (and uploaded) a Longplay of Crossed Swords II. The audio is a little wonky because I was still learning to use the capture device, but I have a handle on it now. Future videos will not sound the same. Enough talk; enjoy the video! Please like the video and subscribe, please! (Recorded on REAL hardware!) @Charlie Cat @shane857
  8. Excellent Mike. The gentleman is name Antonio. A fantastic member in the community and always glad to see him browse by the thread to see the latest from us. Glad he was to your assistance Mike. Anthony..
  9. Unlike the real Q*bert, green things are not good.
  10. Documentation on how to use it must of course exist too. But that doesn't fully help the person who will take the responsibility to maintain and further develop this code on Wednesday, because the original creator was run over by a bus on Tuesday. As a professional programmer you must assume that any day your work may have to be completed/maintained by somebody else, since you may not come back tomorrow, even if that was your plan. I've created code professionally for more than 35 years now and I can say for sure that there's no talent that can excuse sloppiness of this kind. We have systems that sometimes lives for more than 20 years and such code simply must be possible to understand even when I retire in a few years from now.
  11. @Charlie Cat and @shane857, I heard back from the person you said to contact, Anthony. He said the CDZ will be fine with the US power supply that was included in my package, so I don’t need a step-down converter. This is good news!!
  12. Doing smooth scrolling on the intellivision: Call the SCROLL function in IntyBasic. Doing smooth scrolling on the ColecoVision: Sweat, tears, sleepless nights.
  13. Those look pretty good to me! The graphics will be a definite challenge - as drawing/illustration is really not my thing. I'm determined to take a stab at them, without directly lifting them from the originals (maybe for initial prototyping, or as thematic bases) but plan to structure things so they're easily replaceable.
  14. No, there's no really handy way of doing this in Pascal. Some Pascal versions allow you to define variables, including arrays, where you do an assignment of the variable right in the declaration. The equivalent of defining a constant, declaring a variable and in the code assign the constant to the variable, but in one fell swoop. UCSD doesn't. You can define the data in assembly and store it in a PUBLIC variable, but that's also awkward. You can type in the data (if that's the source you have) directly into a file with PATCH, and then read that file. Or do as you did.
  15. I was referring to the fact that they are mainly marketed for the 2600+ which doesn't support a crt connection. Obviously, if you use an original 7800 with a crt then it will still work with a light gun. Mitch
  16. I think where some of the push back and the ‘just buy a windows PC’ comments come from is that this is an enthusiast forum full of people that go above and beyond your average consumer. Many of us are tech-centric or even work in a technical field so we are accustomed to seeking out solutions to problems, and sometimes that means purchasing new or different tech that is specific to the problem we are working on. One of those tools in the tool box is a windows PC. It has the most flexibility, compatibility, and user base so that it is going to be the go-to device for quite a lot of these projects. There are people on here writing code for games. Engineering custom hw for mods. Testing FW. This is the place for higher level interactions. Leaning new things and improving one’s knowledge around Atari products, games, inner workings, and history. So yes, we do sometimes get in a huff when we see a lot of requests for the tech to appease everyone, no matter how small a part of the puzzle they are. We are used to conversing with other like minded technical people who look for ways to solve problems themselves rather than have someone else solve it for them. That’s not me saying that non-technical people shouldn’t be on here or part of the conversation. What I am saying is that the conversations here shouldn’t be dumbed down either. We want to see people trying harder and learning new tricks to help them thrive in the confines of the closed system we are working with. I may get accused of sounding elitist with what I wrote, but that is not my intention. I came to this site to learn more and grow in this hobby. I by no means am the gatekeeper for anything. This is just how I saw this community and overall, it’s meeting my expectations. And for what it’s worth, I was mostly just trying to lighten the mood with my comments here. This isn’t solving the problems of world peace, starvation, or economic disparity. It’s video games. It’s supposed to be fun.
  17. Can I do a horizontal scroll in CV Basic? Nothing fancy, just moving the screen left and repeating the pixels over and over again. I can't find anything in the manual about how to scroll. In INTY Basic, there is a SCROLL function. Is there anything similar here?
  18. I forgot about this game. I may have to revisit it this month. 🙂
  19. Can't edit no more - F... Yeah! I am PokeyMax 4 DIY ready! On Saturday I will make another Ultimate Cart using a slightly different soldering technique, and make sure my result is repeatable. Also need to clean my desk, I made a huge mess when fighting this
  20. In yesterday's blog, I said I was going to start working on a version of Flying Hamburgers for the Colecovision. Well, I started. And added some stuff in there. I need some more information on how to scroll the screen. But I got the title screen done. I want to scroll the screen, just like in the Intellivision version. But I don't know if I'll be able to do that.
  21. For release 9.2.22, I am preparing the following innovations: For the AST plugin, there will be one new option for the Unerring Master (UM) turbo. When selected, TURGEN will restructure the input binary file so that no data block will be longer than 42 KB. The restructuring will be performed in-memory, so that the original binary file is not changed. UM is prone to extremely long data blocks (more than 64 KB). These long blocks then do not fit in .CAS files (.CAS files are restricted to 64 KB per chunk), and mainly TSFX. To limit the block size, TURGEN "injects" INIT segments and small DATA segments with just one RTS instruction. As expected, the restructuring might not work for some binary files. There will be three TSFX creation styles instead of two. 1. Standalone TSFX. This works as before 2. One TSFX per project item. This is new. This will create one TSFX for each project item. TURGEN will automatically determine if a standalone or composite TSFX is to be created for the item. The output TSFX file name and screen title will be generated automatically, like for the standalone TSFXes. 3. From all project items, create one single composite TSFX. This works as before. The innovation for the TSFXes has a lot of potential, because in the future, you will be able to create a TSFX that records a cassette boot file with Turbo Blizzard loader followed by Turbo Blizzard records. Of course, you can accomplish the same even now, by creating two separate project items, but it is clumsy. Also, it will be possible (with some limitations) to create a TSFX from a .CAS file that holds both standard and turbo records.
  22. Hallo, Ich habe noch genug Material zum 15 A2cRGB zu machen. Ich brauche nur ein bisschen Zeit. Ich kontaktiere dich privat.
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