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  2. ...>Are you ready to live a new video game experience? Today, Oceo offers to use the Lynx differently<... How?... In each Volume, the player will explore the Lynx intuitive and minimalist desktop. He will discover a game, a demo and a story, as well as animated screensavers and a virtual clock. (- -)+++--- In Volume 1 (Vol. 1), Oceo offers you the 2019 Sillyventure 'Party' version as well as the comlynx and finale version of Lawnmower, the sublime Devil's Show demo by Dentifrice and the story 'Blades of Destiny'. 0011001110001101 Soon on sale at dragonbox.de -.-.-.-.-.-.-. Stay tuned -.-.-.-.-.-.-.
  3. I had the same problem when I built my 2nd 1088XLD, It had an Antic chip with "CO21697-01" rev... And that Antic works just fine in a 800XL...
  4. I don't think GTIA would be a big help, because GTIA's has more restrictions than the "gr. 15" bitmap mode used in RC, that can have sprite overlay and and free selection of colors from available palette when changed mid-line. GTIA potentially could help when used with interlace, but probably second "gr. 15" screen could bring even more details and less visible blinking. What really could help is a switch from bitmap mode to a 5 color text mode, but it would require rewrite of the big portion of RC tool.
  5. Info is here now on PCUAE on AGSP... https://thec64community.online/thread/1700/pcuae-coming-atari-gamestation-pro
  6. You'll like it. I always enjoyed the Atari bowling game. Too bad there weren't more bowling games on the 2600. There is that homebrew Strike Zone Bowling. Hopefully that gets a physical release.
  7. Thanks for sharing this @woj. It is quite exciting if you like watching solder melt, and I do. But I couldn't hear any frying sound which would make it much better 😁! Your soldering method looks quite well managed with hardly any smoke, although I would like to see your preparation method for orienting the chips and solder paste. Just an observation regarding this cartridge's edge connector. For the cartridge to have a long life without contact troubles, I thought best practice was to have gold plated contacts and a bevelled edge?
  8. Bam Margera is a trainwreck. There is no other way to put it.

  9. You can try rewind with the most recent releases of the XFormer emulator.
  10. Renamed to 8.BIN and changed to 0000 ...beeep [usercart0] name=Killer Caterpillar rom0=8|0000|4000|killercater8.BIN Yeah I extracted that file killer.rpk and Killer.bin is borked. It just beeps...likely a bad dump.
  11. No, tweezers and held breath Honestly, I think it is all about the amount of paste, if your stencil is the standard 0.12mm (the one for the cart I used is so) then it is already a lot for the pitch we have here, I hope the one for Pokey will be 0.1mm as I requested, if not I will actually complain. The other trick is to apply the paste once, and then take off the excess (more up spatula angle), multiple applications will always push the paste under the stencil. I watched a dozen videos on this, easier said than done.
  12. 100k (Euro) per year. 😉 Are you hiring?
  13. This was pulled from the FinalGrom99 zip file I believe. It will work fine via classic99 menu load but not using app mode. Debugger says non inverted. killercater.bin
  14. Right. If it's loaded as inverted it must start up in the 2nd bank.
  15. I was thinking that when the system first launched in 1977 that the difference from 2K to 4K had to be pretty substantial. The first three games released that were 4K were Casino and Hangman in 1978. I think Superman was the next one released but I'm not positive about that. I didn't locate any information on how much these games retailed for when they came out. I could see Atari asking for more money for Superman but I don't know about the other two games. I was surprised at how many of Activision's early games were only 2K.
  16. A rare one from me... Colours / colors...I get that people want what they perceive as proper colours, but are they the PROPER colours? All the machines and all the TV / monitors showed what you took as proper colours, but as we know what I saw and what you saw varied across the board, and that's without the PAL / NTSC variations. Avery has given you the most practical way to adjust the palette possible. OK it looks daunting, but with a bit of time and a reference, you can set the colours to what you remember. That won't address the things like Pole Position that deliberately had different colours for the regions as opposed to the regional TV difference, but Avery says there's a way around that. I'm not trying to start ANOTHER what colours I like, set of posts, they should be in the main forum and not the Altirra test thread, also, they have been done to death over the years, and it's boiled down to a sort of agree to disagree level..Probably best left at that. I'm just saying that there;'s a reasonably simple way to create your own palette. On a more on topic point, yes, mechanical sounds would be nice..Very immersive.. Rewind is ok, personally I've never used it on any system. Does that mean I'm a super stud brilliant player, sadly not, I simply don't play much these days due to pain, but if it can be added, then another useful feature by Avery...
  17. Thanks for looking at this. I have found quite a few 64k files that fail with this error. Attached are two... Blue Max 2001 (XL).car Thrust.car
  18. Great work Jason, fast to act when you got the knack. your card will plug into my MPEB extension board. A definite must have card, regards Arto.
  19. Yeah, I went on a wild chase to the middle of nowhere last night trying to find the northern lights. Bad cellphone service in the woods and wasn't really keeping track of time so I missed out. I'm not mad though, I'm happy for you that they are this popular!
  20. Interestingly Gemint, I was looking at that auction about a few days ago and was really tempted to buy one myself. Then I saw this one with the Jamma board included. https://www.ebay.com/itm/354824105504?itmmeta=01HXKSJ4WY4ABERSPQ6HPV3V48&hash=item529d2a2e20:g:nhkAAOSw0uJkf~kf&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA4FheECEjtOIHP1d8iSy51DEOk9lN9TJbCkrzwVI4UdMfoWjFnKiAVzrtCpcyF633sZMC%2FLgFM9%2BYezz7giWsPqy9QnhNONfMnglWPZIgxDMGGG23j%2FJjA%2BbNOXnnVXcyc2X7vtfZDoUcxhAWQBxk10sAmmbQ31oWWKMzkcbwvbpAYue5pkJrYKqjuebGZqfbkTGSjl9%2Bnz2MVwivysdP25%2Fdng5GwPhPwexfRvlmB1AA%2FHtTFJmhhqv3hh6DM8XY3VhoETOufIuLH6%2FtgqWjIAunG5moCzrNTe5JspN5r5B2|tkp%3ABk9SR-DOyPnsYw Good to know about the Battlantis style gaming you have in mind for the NGCD brother man. Anthony..
  21. The firmware produces that error when a CAR file is not the size expected. Given that in this case the file is the correct size for a 64k cartridge (+16 bytes of header), then the cartridge type (which is stored in the header) must be set to something other than a 64k cartridge (e.g. 8k or 16k). e.g. the car type is 1 (in the header) for a standard 8k cartridge, so the firmware will expect a file that is exactly 8 x 1024 bytes + header. If you want to post the files here, or send me a PM, I can take a look? Robin
  22. Got a few quick games in this morning. So close to 2k! Kaboom - 1,904
  23. Do you just use a small suction pen to drop the fpga? Mine seems to drop the parts all the time and smear the paste!
  24. I've been eyeballing the consolized MVS that I've seen on eBay since it has USB ports for modern controllers: https://www.ebay.com/itm/386899128898 But, not sure if the community has had good experiences with those. Probably going for a Battlantis type game called "Rail to the King". Genesis version is already brewing with a emulated port on Dreamcast.
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