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  2. Hi guys, BAMBAM GAMEMONSTER TOKYO @BBGM_TOKYO KOF XV商品 SHATTER ALL EXPECTATIONS 【BIGアクリルスタンド】 約 W16cm × H24.5cm ヒーローチーム ライバルチーム 各種 ¥3,850(税込) アクスタを超える "BIGアクスタ"が誕生! Half Anniversary Thanks Sale 今月 19日(日)まで開催中 表示価格より40%OFF #BGMT Translated from Japanese by KOF XV products SHATTER ALL EXPECTAIONS [BIG acrylic stand] Approx. W16cm x H24.5cm Hero Team Rival Teams Various ¥3,850 (tax included) A "BIG acrylic stand" that surpasses any acrylic stand has been born! Half Anniversary Thanks Sale On until the 19th (Sunday) of this month 40% OFF the listed price #BGMT Was this translation accurate? Give us feedback so we can improve: 3:31 AM · May 6, 2024 · 332 Views Anthony..
  3. Hi guys, BAMBAM GAMEMONSTER TOKYO @BBGM_TOKYO サムライスピリッツ "暗闇の中で 一人の女の商品が目を覚ます" 【色 Tシャツ】 ブラック/ネイビー M / L / XL 各種 ¥4,950(税込) 『私のTシャツを、買いたいの…?』 Half Anniversary Thanks Sale 今月 19日(日)まで開催中 表示価格より40%OF #BGMT Translated from Japanese by Samurai Spirits "In the darkness, a woman's product awakens" [Color T-shirt] Black/Navy M / L / XL Various ¥4,950 (tax included) "Do you want to buy my T-shirt?" Half Anniversary Thanks Sale On until the 19th (Sunday) of this month 40% OFF the listed price #BGMT 1:19 AM · May 6, 2024 Anthony..
  4. I agree Vidio. I always love the expressions and the Bowling pins screaming NOOOOOO. Anthony..
  5. League Bowling. What a fun and comical game that is Shane. I have it for the NGCD, but not for the AES. Been meaning to get that one for the collection. Anthony..
  6. Happy Cinco de Mayo, C= and Ami comrades! The next meeting of the Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network is Saturday, May 11, from 2 to 5+ p.m. at Panera Bread Restaurant 19662 Nordhoff Street Northridge, California (818) 407-9400 Note that we meet on the south side of the restaurant now, instead of the west side of the restaurant. We'll talk about our April 13-14 Commodore Los Angeles Super Show 2024 and the upcoming June 22-23 Pacific Commodore Expo NW in Seattle. In exhibits we'll have the first public showing of a production AmigaOne A1222+ running OS 4.1 Final Edition and Enhancer 2.2. Check out how it handles its desktop! Check out how it runs classic Amiga games and demos! Check out how it runs OS 4.1 apps! In 8-bit Commodores we'll have the Ultimate 64 with the latest games and the Mini PET 40 running classic and new games and other apps. Truly, Robert Bernardo Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network http://www.portcommodore.com/sccan
  7. Today’s RTFM game is Asteroids. OK, you probably read that and thought hmm, come on Jet, this is the simplest game to understand, you press fire and say bye bye to an asteroid, rinse and repeat. Well, yeah. But I am not talking about the general gameplay here, I am talking about a couple of the 2600’s best features, game variations on most carts and the difficulty switch settings. Most of the many many hours I have played Asteroids has been on the default settings of game 1. This mode is a great way to play it, particularly if you have OCD. Clean up the screen, ooh look, more mess, clean it up. Eventually I get bored and turn the game off. As a kid I do remember flicking through the 66 game variations, but do not ever recall RTFM, so I think I just occasionally arbitrarily played a game number, but 99% of the time played game 1. I don’t recall exactly but I may never have seen shields or flip modes more than once or twice. Most of my time playing VCS games back in the day I would also play with the difficulty switches set to B, they were rarely, if ever adjusted. I don’t remember if I knew that B was beginner or if it was just how my older brother had them set and that was how I learnt to play. Due to this in my childhood I NEVER played Asteroids on the 2600 with satellites and UFO’s! I grew up assuming that they were not in this version! I was very young when I first played Atari, so put it down to DYK, Dumb Young Kid syndrome. So I can announce that after I have educated myself I am currently a difficulty A, game 10 guy. This is much harder than how I played the game for the last 43 years and is a breath of fresh air. As I get better I will switch to 12, 14 then 16. How do you play? Another thing from the manual, hold Game Select and Game Reset down to quickly move through the game variations. I wonder if this works in other games too?
  8. Since @newtmonkey is giving us great insight how the game works and feels, I thought it would be a great excuse to check out the magnificent box art that accompanies this game. Shin Megami Tensei Just oozing of dark atmosphere. The heroes (I'm presuming) are pictured in brighter attire and your eyes are initially drawn to them. Looking at distance, the rest is a bit murky as it's shaded so dark. It's only when looking at it more closely, one can see all the entities lurking in the shadows. Such a brilliant cavalcade of demons and mythical beings. This is a touched up version of the cover, removing the upper part of the box & text and leaving only the artwork, that I found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Megaten/comments/wnbbum/cleaned_smt_1_snes_box_art/ Atlus did release two more Shin Megami Tensei games for the SFC but the covers on those pale in comparison to the awesomeness of the first one.
  9. Today
  10. In THT Pirto, other suspect is the SDcard module. For testing it, you should compile and run the "SDcard info" example program bundled with Arduino IDE SDK for Pico, but i must admit it's more a test for power users....
  11. Sounds the same as in Furnace Tracker. This tool is the best music creation tool for the 2600/7800 I have seen. Thanks for creating the rom export.
  12. Also CMC is using several of these key combinations: ... But why don't you then assign like whole line of keyboard keys and use whatever works? I'm pretty sure there will be barely noone else doing what you are, so I would not take care about SW I don't use.
  13. Congrats! Eight Ball is an all-time classic in my book. Wish I could own another (I don't now).
  14. "I tasted it twice, once, going down!"  - Red Skelton

  15. As much as I am a critic of the joysticks, I think a much smaller and much cheaper 5200 could have helped a great deal, especially if it came with a 2600 adapter. The Colecovision and 2600 adapter was cheaper than the 5200. The 5200 controller could have maintained the same design features, just with self-centering and higher quality buttons. There are 6 trillion remote controls and NES controllers with the same basic design of the buttons, but they tend to work better. I think it was purely a quality issue. They probably should have used a PCB and not the flex-circuit. But one of the main things that killed the 5200 was the 2600. The 2600 in 1982 was putting out some pretty good games. I think a cheaper and smaller (it would really have to be smaller to be cheaper) and having a better version of Pac Man as the pack-in could have replaced the 2600. But the 2600 was like printing money and they were never going to drop the 2600 to concentrate on the 5200. Personally, I think the 5200 was a mistake all the way around for Atari. They should have developed a whole new system with a new low cost chipset (though I do think POKEY was good enough) and with a built in game, perhaps Pac Man. They should have not released the cartridge format they released, also bigger and more expensive. There was no reason it couldn't have been the same size as the 2600 cartridges. Though to be completely fair on this point, the NES cartridge is rather large too.
  16. OK, that was the one and only edit in the CPU1 code, it's been reverted in these firmwares. PPEB2.zip
  17. I have Driver Booster from IOBit and there's a option to turn on Game Mode which shuts down a lot of apps you don't need! I use it on my Win10 for streaming. Sure makes a difference! Video streaming is nice and even. I also have a screensaver of a fish tank and the fish move herky-jerky without it!
  18. I just learned we can access our work computer from home via VPN, so instead of being lightly sick and falling behind on work, I could've got work done.

    1. bent_pin


      For one company that I work, I do so exclusively online. They keep a productivity score based on keystrokes, mouse movements, and sometimes video analysis. 

    2. Wayler


      Worked at home exclusively for 2,5 years during covid. Walls where kinda closing in at the end and it's good that the office is again an option. But I still like to work at home a few days a week, like now.

  19. Apr 29-May5: Just HSC playing this week. I put it all off since it was a 3 week challenge, to the last week. I have been messing around with some Famicom Disk System emulation, but not really enough time to constitute playing. By the looks of it, most of the best stuff made it overseas. There is also a small handful of games that got English translation that I intend to checkout. I also found some of my old Legend of Zelda hand crafted MS Paint maps on an old Pc hard drive. I had recreated all the Overworld and First Quest dungeons by shrinking the 16x16 tiles to 4x4 equivalent tiles. Making the map 16 times smaller than the ones you will find on GameFAQs. I started these back in the mid-1990s when 56k dialup was the norm. I’ve been “playing” LoZ with cheats enabled to finish off the Quest2 overworld and dungeon maps. Atari 2600 (Stella 6.7.1) DoggonIt! - 75 min Juno 1st - 75 min Meooow!2 - 45 min
  20. I use a Samsung 5V supply that can output 2 amps. It works fine. Sounds like a warranty return...
  21. Here a request for some nice feature: - If "autoload.j64" start uppon boot w/o menu showing unless: - A/B/C pressed => menu - 0..9 pressed => start game 0_*.j64 to 9_*.j64
  22. I've never tried the 320k card with a 64k 600XL. I highly suspect the 320k card will work without a problem as the PBI EXTENB and /EXTSEL lines should still function normally.
  23. I modified my translation of XB’s GPL code for RND and RANDOMIZE to make comparisons with the GPL more straightforward and, hopefully, easier. I also made the comments clearer, I think:
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