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  2. I am quite interested in ordering this. I see that currently the only option available appears to be the Amidar/Donkey Kong Jr. "Super Game Club Season 2" bundle. Is there any way to order Amidar by itself?
  3. Supergun

    Movie Cart

    Can we at least get the original Dragon’s Lair; at the bare minimum, just the attract mode in a loop. And, at some point, the entire game running through complete with the ending. This is an absolute must for me as it’s the key thing I need to have on display at my yearly game expo. (closest thing to having a 2600 Dragon’s Lair cartridge and how I intend to label the cart as well)
  4. Entonbed is fun, but gets too challenging too quickly. I still like it, but it could have been so much more.
  5. Doing some digging around on this, I found this post from our very own @slydc from 2010 that you may find helpful: As for the Odyssey 5000, here's what i know: It had x2 dedicated chips inside, one made by National Semiconductors called the MM57106 and another one by Signetics called the CR861 (aka MUGS-1). The MM57106 has 7 games in color which with variations, gave a total of 23 games. This chip has never been released here in the U.S. but was released in Japan and in Europe (called the MM57186). Philips used the MM57186 in their Odyssey 2100 (color display) and Videojeu N30 (black & white display). As for the CR861, it only had two games (x1 helicopter game and x1 tank game), which the tank game is featured in your picture you scanned from a unknown magazine (would appreciate to know which magazine you've find the picture ). So the Odyssey 5000 had 9 games but with variations totaled 25 games all in color. Also, Ralph H. Baer worked on the Odyssey 5000 between the 8 & 9th of September 1977. He was later informed (September 19th 1977) that Magnavox management finally decided to proceed with the Intel 8048 processor (the CPU of the Odyssey 2) and scrap the Odyssey 5000. For the helicopter game, you can see a screenshot in the book "Video Games" by Len Buckwalter (page 84 - Fig. 8-3 "Battling Helicopters"). It is still unknown if the Signetics CR861 still exists somewhere but they did manufactured a bunch of them. Oh and if you didn't know this, Signetics was brought by Philips in 1975 and Magnavox was owned by Philips. So here you have it, that's all the information i have regarding the Magnavox Odyssey 5000. P.S. What i would give to see the CR861 in action!! Sigh... --- Sly DC --- So the really juicy part of the Odyssey 5000--the Battlefield and Helicopter games--would have been the MUGS-1/CR861 chip, which unfortunately doesn't appear to have been used in any console that ever made it to market. Or in anything other than Odyssey 5000 at all, for that matter. Judging from the mockup screens, I'd surmise that the gameplay of the two games would have been essentially the same, with destructible barrier blocks (borrowed from the MM57106/86's Knockout game?), object shapes, background color, and possibly axes of movement (Y only vs. X+Y?) being the only differences. I also suspect that the tanks and helicopters would have simply been re-shaped paddle sprites and would respond to the analog joysticks accordingly, which would make for some unexpectedly nimble tanks! 😆 What else is interesting, though, is that, based on screen mockups from the Odyssey 5000 brochure posted above, Odyssey 2100 and 5000 would have had some completely different ball-and-paddle games despite sharing the MM57106/86. Which suggests that the Odyssey 5000 screen mockups are either poor/underinformed representations of the MM57106/86 game series, or that the Odyssey 5000 would have actually used something else... 🤨
  6. Subtitle text for ' Dodge introduces a new model Super Bee 'would be nice.
  7. Starfield, with more possibilities and with a real open world.
  8. I have no idea if it works, but it's free Sega Game Gear Columns
  9. .. I would think it would get in the way there...
  10. @Beeblebrox, You are from UK, that looks like black tea?
  11. I don't have a lot to contribute to Pascal discussion, but I do remember that 99er published a Pascal game called Cannibal. I never saw it run
  12. I've seen them, but don't own Picnic and Piece o' Cake, do you recommend?
  13. You can use an R:BIN instead, it will run but you will have to set half duplex in terminal, as there is no device
  14. The music is generally handled outside of your effect, since we want a smooth experience across the effects. Assuming we aren't changing how we did it last time? My music player has no trouble playing out of ROM, it just needs 120 or so bytes of RAM somewhere. Putting that in VDP is possible but it's not a good choice, it's very random access so you can expect it to take 3 times as long to execute with data in VDP. But, not confirmed if we're using it yet. I'd have to add the attenuate into the new player. Disk loadable was a restriction last time, I think that's a good restriction to keep. Maybe that's where to start - what are we restricting to? It's completely possible to go completely nuts and do anything with the modern options available.
  15. Hi Stephen, I just now tried running FlickerTerm80 V0.51 and it says it can't find the R: Handler. Since I don't have an 850 or PR Connection is there a version that maybe incorporates an R-Verter compatible handler instead that I can get to run?
  16. Thanks! The best part is the printing is not going to come off if touched or scratched because all of my labels are laminated.
  17. Look here all fellow Buckeye Intellinauts... if I run a table at a show in Columbus and any of you within driving distance do not show up, I may have to hunt you down, parse out your collections, and sell the best bits on eBay to make up for the emotional damage I will have suffered because of it. Don't make me be that guy! 😅 Or If I'm the reason you're waffling on going (seems somewhat likely ) then go just to see Rick and check out the Intellivisionaries booth. That's really the main INTV attraction there anyway 👍
  18. After going through my entire collection, almost every single one of my original Atari picture labels from Video Pinball on up has some degree of plaque. However, I think it's interesting that these later '87/'88 reissue cart labels haven't aged a day! All were stored in the same place, humidity-controlled environment blah blah blah - what a great time for them to switch to better ink. (love that screwup on the Pele' label, "Game Program Instructions" indeed)
  19. Building up my US Games catalog. These came in not too long ago.
  20. Continuing my theme of old Mopar ads, here is a 61 colour version of a Dodge Super Bee ad. I'm working on a few more. Stephen_DodgeSuperBee.xex
  21. The info is found on the github link on the first post of this thread I believe. That is where I found the links for how to convert the movies etc. https://github.com/lodefmode/moviecart
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