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  2. Is that AI-generated? I saw this kind of unreadable text at the left side of the box with other examples.
  3. Update 2024-05-09: v0.80.rc1 high scores are displayed at the title screen for both "beginner" and "advanced" modes there is a sound signal at the end of the game proper PAL version with adjusted timings
  4. ok.... I missed that one... for me not logical that it is not at top of that section
  5. HP48G or nothing! I even bought a serial to USB cable and now I am left hanging freely in the shaft😅 Let's see if I can find my floppy from 1993 with Phönix and Burger Time for the HP😉 A working USB floppy drive is ready🤙
  6. Hallo, mein Apple 2c verlangt auch nach einem "Apple 2c RGB Adapter (A2cRGB). Ich möchte auch zwei kaufen/bestellen. Grüße Fraenky2408
  7. Agree! @JAB, Please continue making more 4k games if you can...😉
  8. Some 7800 ideas: Tempest 7800 (Tempest in the style of Tempest 2000) Combat (With single player!) Gravitar Minigolf Millipede Midnight Magic Batty (Paddles compatible, a port of the Spectrum game, improved colour, obviously.) (Bruce) Lee 2 (A new Bruce Lee game, in fact as I type this there is already one in development I believe) Dark Cavern (I know there's a homebrew, but don't Atari own the M Network games now?) Gas Hog (Who owns it? Make a rip off original game if you have to!) Yeah, I know, with the last two I am indulging myself with two of my favourites 😋, but theres enough Atari IP here that could be utilised on the 7800 too.
  9. Car Wars is a rip-off of the Sega arcade original Head On, back in the day companies played quite fast and loose with IP rights and got away with things that wouldn't be conceivable today. I think the general concensus was that as long as you don't use any trademarks it was fine... I don't think TI themselves every paid any license fees for the "ports" they did, but companies like Atarisoft for instance definitely had licenses for the stuff they put out. I think TI just prefered to "draw inspiration" from others instead of paying for stuff...
  10. I would go with @Charlie Cat's suggestion bro. If your CDZ unit is already working fine thou, I wouldn't think you need a step-down adapter.🤔
  11. Atari 7800: Summer Games Atari 2600: Penult Would a 2600/7800 combo cart be possible? Then Asteroids (with hacks ;))
  12. do you ever feel like you are just treading water and barely able to keep your nose and mouth above water, every day?

  13. Hi guys, SNK JAPAN@SNKPofficial_jp 【お知らせ】SAMURAI SPIRITSのXbox Series X|Sによる大会が開催されます。ぜひご参加下さい! https://vs.netgamers.jp/blog/?p=9995 #SNK #SAMURAISPIRITS #サムスピ Translated from Japanese by [Notice] A SAMURAI SHODOWN tournament will be held for Xbox Series X|S. Please come along and participate! https://vs.netgamers.jp/blog/?p=9995 #SNK #SAMURAISPIRITS #サムスピ 5:00 AM · May 9, 2024 Anthony..
  14. Hi guys, SNK JAPAN @SNKPofficial_jp 【お知らせ】SAMURAI SPIRITSのSteam版の大会が開催されます。ぜひご参加下さい! https://vs.netgamers.jp/blog/?p=9996 #SNK #SAMURAISPIRITS #サムスピ Translated from Japanese by [Notice] A tournament for the Steam version of SAMURAI SHODOWN will be held. Please come and participate! https://vs.netgamers.jp/blog/?p=9996 #SNK #SAMURAISPIRITS #サムスピ Was this translation accurate? Give us feedback so we can improve: 第7回 サムスピ週末大会 on Steam 開催告知 | 週末大会情報局 From vs.netgamers.jp 5:00 AM · May 9, 2024 Anthony..
  15. Hi guys, SNK JAPAN @SNKPofficial_jp 【お知らせ】SAMURAI SPIRITSの大会が開催されます。ぜひご参加下さい! https://vs.netgamers.jp/blog/?p=9994 #SNK #SAMURAISPIRITS #サムスピ Translated from Japanese by [Notice] A SAMURAI SPIRITS tournament will be held. Please come and participate! https://vs.netgamers.jp/blog/?p=9994 #SNK #SAMURAISPIRITS #サムスピ 第240回 サムスピ週末大会 開催告知 | 週末大会情報局 From vs.netgamers.jp 5:00 AM · May 9, 2024 Anthony..
  16. Good to know M-S. I would like to see what the guys have been up to. Really enjoy there game Cyborg Force and hope they continue to outdo themselves. Anthony..
  17. Good to see you back with us remo. Hope to have your unit back running like new again bro. if you need any support to help you with the board, please let us know, we are here to help. Anthony..
  18. Today
  19. Tunnel Runner is one of the best 2600 games. Perhaps a 7800 version would be nice. It's a CBS game though, so I assume they still own the rights.
  20. Could check on your scope that you see TCK and TDO/I toggle when you scan it. To see if its a board issue or a blaster hardware issue.
  21. Ok. Don't get it what to do now 🤣want to use them. 1. The default is still the creation of the atasm-build.json file. This will build the specified file with all the command line options applied. 2. You can turn off the forced config file creation and use various other options. The sequence of finding the file to assemble is now: - Look at the Default Asm File to Assemble setting. If set then this is the file that will be assembled. - If that is not set then the current editor tab is checked if its an assembler file. If it is then that is assembled. You can turn that off with the 'Assemble Current Asm File' option - If you don't have a default and the current editor is not an assembler file or that option it turned off then the alphabetical first assembler file or the last modified one are assembled. The order is set by the Find First File By option.
  22. atasm-build.json, as you yourself posted the screenshot!
  23. I could go as far back as Quartus 17.0, this does not change anything.
  24. Ok that does look like a broken chain. BTW jtagd crashes and needs killing often for me. I’m using quartus 20.1, but I guess the latest is also fine.
  25. Will have a look but I did not edit any Json file just the inputs on the config extension page. when I click on the config icon below the file window it opens that json file i showed above with the "theapp.asm" and this is shown when entering the config via extension marketplace? { "terminal.explorerKind": "external", "z80-macroasm.files.include": "**/*.{a80,inc,s}", "workbench.startupEditor": "none", "launch": { "configurations": [ ] }, "atomKeymap.promptV3Features": true, "window.zoomLevel": 2, "editor.multiCursorModifier": "alt", "atasm-altirra-bridge.application.configuration.latestVersion": "1.9.1", "atasm-altirra-bridge.assembler.madsPath": "C:\\coding\\Mad-Assembler-2.1.5\\mads.exe", "atasm-altirra-bridge.assembler.whichAssembler": "Mads", "atasm-altirra-bridge.emulator.altirra.path": "C:\\Emulation\\Altirra64.exe", "atasm-altirra-bridge.emulator.altirra.singleInstance": true, "atasm-altirra-bridge.application.configuration.findFirstFileBy": "Last Modified"
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