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PLATO, MESS, and Win99


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Has anyone experienced trouble with Plato via MESS? When I try to load the interpreter module, that's fine, but the moment I insert a disk, MESS crashes on my Mac. Win99 runs the same disk images fine under Windows 10.


The "gromport" option is set to "single." I haven't tried EVERY Plato disk, but I have tried several - all of which give the same result Win99 v MESS.

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I'd need the MAME/MESS version, not the QMC2 version. You should see it when you launch it without a system name, or you start it with "-help" as argument.


I once fixed a related issue:




(see 0.160)


For that reason I have to make sure you are using a release that contains that fix already.




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Good news. But why don't you just upgrade to the latest release (0.175)?


[Edit: I really recommend to upgrade to at least 0.174 because the system ROMs and cartridge ZIPs have changed at that point. There is no such thing as "let's keep some safety space from the newest release to make sure we get a stable one", because there is a continuous development, and bugs are fixed all over the time. Also, you could enjoy floppy drive sounds. Yes, I know, there are people who heavily dislike that - I still love it. You can turn off that sound, of course.]

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Oh, I see ...


But be assured, there's not really a problem with this combination. If you build MESS from sources, you can build for the subtarget MESS and you'll get the MESS-only part of MAME. If you take the full executable you won't have to change anything for starting up the emulation. You just have MAME and MESS in one executable, that's all.


There won't be a separate MESS after 0.161.


Maybe when you find some time you should just give it a try and run your emulations from the 0.175. Don't forget to go to WHTech and pick up the new system ROMs and cartridge ZIPs; this won't take more than a few minutes.

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I'm more than willing to try again, but the QMC front end for MESS doesn't seem to like the 175 executable. As soon as I select it in the config and hit OK, the front end gives me "12:20:10.242: FATAL: couldn't determine emulator type and version

" So I pretty much gave up at that point.

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Sounds to me as if you need an update to QMC2. I can't tell, I'm not using QMC2, but I can check it for you.


As I said, you may decide to continue with 0.161 for the time being, but there won't be any more updates.


[Edit: Just tried, works for me. I installed the latest QMC2 (0.65) for MAME, and I can start up the TI console. As I said, you will need the new ROMs when it says that it cannot find them.]

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