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Back in high school (88) I learned LogoWriter on PC/DOS. Lately I've been playing with it again (the old school version, because it was much cooler icon_smile.gif) so I can begin teaching my 9 year old kid logic and structure.

(P.S. I'm not interested in being told that Logo is an unstructured language and that I should just teach my kid C. This is a great learning tool to teach kids logic and structure, not to mention mathematics and geometry.)


I've looked around the web for information (commands, structure, etc.) and have built a cheat sheet. I would like to know if you folks can provide any more information.


Here is what I have so far: (the links at the top are pages I've scoured info from)



Ctrl-F - Toggle between front side and flip side
Ctrl-U - While in front side, moves cursor to top section
Ctrl-D - While in front side, moves cursor to command center (bottom)
Ctrl-S - Stop procedure execution (break)
Ctrl -> - Next screen ???
Ctrl <- - Previous screen ???
F1 (in flip side) - Begin select (text editing)
F2 (in flip side) - Copy
F3 (in flip side) - Cut
F4 (in flip side) - Paste
F6 - Erase to the end of the line
F8 - Label ???
F9 - Move turtle with arrows
F10 - Help

NEWPAGE - Create a new project
NAMEPAGE/NP "name - Give the project a name
GETPAGE/GP "name - Load project from disk
GETSHAPES - Retrieve user's shapes from disk

PU - Pick up the pen/turtle
PD - Put down the pen/turtle
PE - Pen erase
ST - Show Turtle
HT - Hide turtle
SETSH n - Set the turtle shape (0=default)
STAMP - Stamp the turtle on the screen
TELL n - Command turtle n (0-3).
TELL [n n] - Command multiple turtles
TELL ALL - Command all 4 turtles

HOME - Put turtle in home position (center of screen)
FD n - Move forward n steps/pixels
BK n - Move backward n steps/pixels
RT n - Turn right n degrees
LT n - Turn left n degrees
SHOW POS - Show current coordinates
SETPOS [x y] - Move turtle to x,y position
SETX x - Move turtle to x axis coordinate
SETY y - Move turtle to y axis coordinate
SETH n - Set absolute heading of n degrees

SETC n - Change pen color to n
SETBG n - Change background color to n

FILL - paint an area with the current pen color
SHADE - paint an area with the current shape

RG - Reset/erase graphics
CC - Clear/erase command center
CT - Clear/erase text

PRINT/PR "hello - Print "hello" on the top section of front page
SHOW "hello - Print "hello" in the control center on the front page
PRINT/SHOW n + n - Print the value of n+n in the appropriate section.  Spaces in equation are required
PRINT/SHOW n + 1 - Print the value of n+1 (variable)
TYPE [hello] - Print "hello" in the command center, without carriage return

TONE ???

WAIT n - Pause n cycles

REPEAT n [command1 command2 command3]

TO sub-name

READCHAR - Read input from keyboard
PRINT READCHAR - print character pressed on keyboard

IF EQUAL? READCHAR "a [print "hello] - Print "hello" if user pressed "a" on keyboard
IF EQUAL? :variable "a [print "hello] - Print "hello" if variable is "a"
IF NOT - Opposite of IF command
IFELSE (condition)
[true commands]
[false commands]

FLIP - Flip between front side and flip side
PRINTSCREEN - Print the screen
STOP - Stop execution immediately
WHEN "h [print "hello] - ???

FRONT? - TRUE/FALSE - Are we on front page?
CHAR n - character of ASCII n
ASCII n - ASCII value of character n

I also think I remember that you could include code from other files or projects. I haven't been able to find any information on this, as I assume it was advanced enough that teachers didn't include it in their syllabi.


Thanks guys!

Edited by SlowCoder
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LOGO is so RT 90 PEN DN FD 100 RT 90 FD 100 RT 90 FD 100 RT 90 FD 100 PEN UP

More properly written as:

PD REPEAT 4 [RT 90 FD 100] PU



But it is a fun beginner level language to teach kids how to program using a graphical platform they can easier understand.

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