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Looking to collaborate! Bring back the Atari comics!


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One of the things I loved to collect were the in-pack comics. I kept the comics long after getting rid of my (first) Atari collection. If anyone has a homebrew idea that would match well with a comic 4 to 8 pages I would be happy to contribute.


You can check out my art specs if you are interested.



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If anyone has a homebrew idea that would match well with a comic 4 to 8 pages I would be happy to contribute.


I had a short comicbook story idea I started to draft out some 5 years ago for a vcs homebrew game by Spiceware called "Medieval Mayhem". It never got off the ground tho because a boxed game wasn't possible to make a pack-in with. And I was already busy with animating the dragon graphics and designing the label and manual, so there wasn't any time either before it's release.

I just saw your art specs and I do like your style. It looks close to what I did on the label.


I'd keep you in mind to contribute for an 8-page story as I was thinking of revisiting the comic book pack-in idea for a homebrew sequel to MM - if that should ever happen.

Edited by espire8
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Very neat idea. I'm currently working with a few people on a small cart release of my 2600 homebrew Trashmania: Remix.


In fact, I still have the story from the original manual I wrote up for the first Trashmania game I did (however, it differs slightly from Trashmania: Remix):



The story:

The neighborhood is full of garbage. So much it's not even funny. It stinks. What has led to such a horrible scenario?

The local garbage plant was shut down! Why? Well, they became full. So what did they try to do? They made the garbagemen eat all the garbage they could, which led to many problems. One, they were all getting sick. Second, the citizens all watched in disgust, and complained. Several unintentionally hilarious lawsuits were to follow.

In the end, the plant was shut down, forcing the neighborhood to handle the trash. Soon, it all became a mess.

One day, Tyler R. Sheldon, became so sick of this mess, decided to do something so brave and heroic: Take out the trash. He found an old dumpster, and began to collect all the trash. The neighbors put all the trash in the already full trashcans, and Tyler was on his way.

He became TRASHMAN!

However, he was not without problems. He began to encounter the MYSTERIOUS LITTER! A strange mutation of a strange combination of trash to complex to be printed here. While not harmful to trashman, he will paralyze him briefly. Soon, he was everywhere. However, trashman was able to relocate the dumpster to a location where the mysterious litter couldn't access, luckily.



I'll contact you sometime if we think it's something we want. I myself would love to have a small pack-in comic with my game!

Edited by Animan
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