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Qmeg 404 Quick key table


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Ever since I got the Ultimate1mb upgrade with 4 os's built in I have been wondering about QMEG404 and the Key stroke to get back to DOS. SpartaDos that is anything I type just generates a $ (dollar sign) and sometimes a cryptic message. I have downloaded the qmeg404.pdf but is mostly in a language that I can not read. And the helpful hints and keystrokes mentioned in the pdf don't seem to work for me. Is there and\ English Quick Key resource anywhere..



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Many years ago Hias did a speedy translation for me of the quick reference card.

RESET keys:

Shift    coldstart
Option   Basic on (when booting)
Select   enter QMEG menu
Start    XL-mode (when booting)

QMEG menu:

ESC      exit
TAB      toggle warm/cold
A        basic/cartridge off
B        basic on
C        cartridge on
RETURN   enter monitor
SHIFT+Atari    coldstart with OPTION
START+B/C/ESC    basic/cartridge restart
CLEAR    default settings
DELETE   XL-mode
<-,->,1..8,SPACE    select drive
N        normal drive (disable speeder)
F        fast drive (enable speeder)
X        ramdisk X
Y        ramdisk Y
O        slow mode
SHIFT+O  absolute slow mode
I        disable slow mode (drive init)
SHIFT+I  reset drive
CTRL+I   disable drive cache
SHIFT+1..8    set boot drive
S        ramdisk X = single density
M        ramdisk X = medium density
D        ramdisk X = double density
K        function keys on/off
E        display list interrupt on/off
V        vertical blank sync on/off
G        generate DOS2.5 ramdisk on/off
L        list directory
;        list directory (with 1050 density test)
R        copy disk to ramdisk X
W    copy ramdisk X to disk
SHIFT+R  read frozen program from disk
SHIFT+W  write frozen program to disk

Function keys:
SHIFT+HELP    function keys on/off
CTRL+4   key click on/off
CTRL+5   cursor slow/fast
CTRL+6   display on/off
CTRL+7   cursor start of line
CTRL+8   cursor end of line
CTRL+9   cursor home
CTRL+0   cursor bottom
CTRL+SHIFT+N    D1: normal
CTRL+SHIFT+F    D1: fast
CTRL+SHIFT+/    D1: ramdisk X
CTRL+SHIFT+Atari    D1: ramdisk Y

Freezer keys:

CTRL+HELP    enter/exit freezer
SPACE    disable sound
CTRL+S   save snapshot to ramdisk X
CTRL+L   load snapshot from ramdisk X
CTRL+E   swap with ramdisk X
SHIFT+S  save snapshot to ramdisk Y
SHIFT+L  load snapshot from ramdisk Y
SHIFT+E  swap with ramdisk Y
HELP     exit freezer
6 hex numbers  (4 digits address, 2 digits value) + return: change memory
DELETE   delete last hex digit
CLEAR    delete all hex digits

Machine language monitor:

N        restart
Q        quit
H        hex mode on
Z        decimal mode on
#number  decimal number
$number  hex number
ADR      hex/dec + ATASCII dump
ADR;     hex/dec + ATASCII dump
ADR"     ATASCII dump
ADR'     screen code dump
ADRL     disassembler

alternative addressing modes:

ADR1.ADR2    address range
ADR.     128 bytes address range
*ADR     address range ADR...$FFFF
^        print data (use as a prefix)
ADR=     hex+dec display of ADR
ADR1+ADR2, ADR1-ADR2    calculate sum/difference
=        show address counter
ADR;xxx  change memory (byte/word)
ADR"xxx  change memory (ATASCII)
ADR'xxx  change memory (screen code)
ADR1.ADR2 M ADR3   move ADR1..ADR2 to ADR3
ADR1.ADR2 V ADR3   compare memory
ADR1.ADR2=byte     fill memory
ADR1.ADR2;xxx      search bytes/words
ADR1.ADR2"xxx      search ATASCII
ADR1.ADR2'xxx      search screen code
ADR<SECNO.COUNT    read sectors from disk
ADR>SECNO.COUNT    write sectors to disk

R        show CPU registers
W=byte   change A
X=byte   change X
Y=byte   change Y
P=byte   change flag register
M=byte   change PORTB ($D301)
ADR GO   start program

Edited by a8isa1
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