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When is the whole greater than the sum of its parts?


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Typical economics: pay X for buying 1 item, but buy 5 of those items & pay a little less than X each. Bulk discount. The norm. Typical of buying games individually vs. buying a lot all at once (of the same or different games).



However, are there instances where a lot is worth more than the sum of the individual games?

Perhaps if an entire library is being sold in 1 lot, it would be worth more than each game?


I know that a lot of "forum folks" like the thrill of the hunt or like to pay less than Joe Q Public. I'm no exception. I'm not necessarily asking what you guys yourselves would pay, but what you think (hopefully, based on experience) you could earn from a sale, be it on Craigslist, eBay, a forum, or whatnot.



And yes, I ask because I am putting together a certain big fat of games for sale, the likes of which I haven't seen before, & I'm hoping to sell them in 1 big fat lot, rather than selling them game by game to maximize profit at the expense of the extra effort, as is typically the case. (I'm not using this as a tease post, though I certainly don't mind piquing any curiosities--rather, I'm trying to get input on if there are exceptions to the typical "lot" rule.)





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Oy, will tell you guys later, when I'm ready. Need to document, sort, test, etc. It's a bunch. Not yet ready to start fielding questions & offers & such

Looking for general opinions before asking my specific question (i.e., asking a certain price for a certain lot of certain somethings)! :]




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Oy, will tell you guys later, when I'm ready. Need to document, sort, test, etc. It's a bunch. Not yet ready to start fielding questions & offers & such

Looking for general opinions before asking my specific question (i.e., asking a certain price for a certain lot of certain somethings)! :]


I guess am not seeing the point of the secrecy. You are likely not going to get much of a conversation without a more focused question.

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Always better to sell good stuff individually. Crummy stuff is better to bundle and get what you can.


Thanks, Ian.


I was looking to spark some general discussion about instances where somebody saw that a lot seemed to have more value than the individual items summed up, perhaps because there were multiple rarities all in 1 place, & a buyer would pounce on such an opportunity. Again, a forum person is probably not the best customer for such a sale, as we have a different mentality from the general buying public.


I'm not looking for input on pricing what I specifically am preparing to sell (which is taking a little while, as real life is keeping me busy). I've already looked up prices, made a little spreadsheet, etc. I'm sure that the Price Police will have their input on this specific lot when I post, so that's not the thrust of this discussion. :]




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or gold apples.


The only instance I can think of where the lot is worth more than the sum of its parts is if it's a complete set of something, and then you need a bit of luck finding someone who wants the complete set and doesn't already have some pieces.

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I remember one particular intellivision eBay auction a good while ago.


It was some intelligentvision or 4tris homebrews. Whatever the titles were....anyway. the 4 game lot had matching serial numbers. And if I remember right, it sold for way more than they would of if sold individually.


I wish the auction got documented!


Does this help answer your question?

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Thanks for the one data point anectode, revolutionika. Interesting. I think we all agree that the general rule of thumb is that a seller gets more $ by selling individually, at the expense of his extra time & effort. There are always the occasional exceptions to every rule.




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Thanks for the one data point anectode, revolutionika. Interesting. I think we all agree that the general rule of thumb is that a seller gets more $ by selling individually, at the expense of his extra time & effort. There are always the occasional exceptions to every rule.






So...ya...how about them apples? :ponder:

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A bit morbid, but true...

When it is a living person the whole person is worth more than the sum of their parts. When dead the parts are worth more than the sum as long as they can be used for transplants. Some people my judge further and say there are people worth more dead than alive, but I don't ascribe to that philosophy.


As far as collections go, a whole collection is worth more than the sum of its parts because as was previously said about combined shipping, in addition you would need to allow for the cost of time to find and obtain them, even if it is part of the fun it is still a cost. But just because a whole collection is worth more, doesn’t mean anyone will want to pay it’s full worth, the items and their condition as well as the market interest at the time of the sale will determine a price, not necessarily a worth.


Most items are worth more to the buyers than the money they pay for them and worth less to the seller than the money they get or rather what they can do with that money. ;)

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I'll speculate about the value of your mystery lot provided you pay me a $50 consulting fee. I mean, considering I'm doing the work/research for which you may profit, it's only fitting I should be compensated for my advice. LMK your PP id so I can send you an invoice.

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