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Trying to get sample working


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I had asked a question in http://atariage.com/forums/topic/233319-78hdrexe-not-compatible-with-windows-7-64/

about the 78hdr.exe, to which RevEng pointed me to http://atariage.com/forums/topic/160424-a78-header-changes/page-2#entry3074840,



So, I cut and pasted the header code into the sample (see below) and then I did:



dasm 7800aprt.s -f3  -o7800aprt.bin -l7800aprt.lst 
a78sign -f 7800aprt.bin 

When I run in emu7800, I get an error saying "ROM not recognized"


I've dabbled in 6502 assembly before but still learning. What am I doing wrong?

; Atari 7800 sprite sample
; Written by Daniel Boris (dboris@home.com)
; Assemble with DASM

	processor 6502

; ************ Hardware Adresses ***************************

INPTCTRL        equ     $01     ;Input control
AUDC0           equ     $15     ;Audio Control Channel 0
AUDC1           equ     $16     ;Audio Control Channel 1
AUDF0           equ     $17     ;Audio Frequency Channel 0
AUDF1           equ     $18     ;Audio Frequency Channel 1
AUDV0           equ     $19     ;Audio Volume Channel 0
AUDV1           equ     $1A     ;Audio Volume Channel 1
INPT0           equ     $08     ;Paddle Control Input 0
INPT1           equ     $09     ;Paddle Control Input 1
INPT2           equ     $0A     ;Paddle Control Input 2
INPT3           equ     $0B     ;Paddle Control Input 3
INPT4           equ     $0C     ;Player 0 Fire Button Input
INPT5           equ     $0D     ;Player 1 Fire Button Input

BACKGRND        equ     $20     ;Background Color
P0C1            equ     $21     ;Palette 0 - Color 1
P0C2            equ     $22     ;Palette 0 - Color 2
P0C3            equ     $23     ;Palette 0 - Color 3
WSYNC           equ     $20     ;Wait For Sync
P1C1            equ     $21     ;Palette 1 - Color 1
P1C2            equ     $22     ;Palette 1 - Color 2
P1C3            equ     $23     ;Palette 1 - Color 3
MSTAT           equ     $28     ;Maria Status
P2C1            equ     $29     ;Palette 2 - Color 1
P2C2            equ     $2A     ;Palette 2 - Color 2
P2C3            equ     $2B     ;Palette 2 - Color 3
DPPH            equ     $2C     ;Display List List Pointer High
P3C1            equ     $2D     ;Palette 3 - Color 1
P3C2            equ     $2E     ;Palette 3 - Color 2
P3C3            equ     $2F     ;Palette 3 - Color 3
DPPL            equ     $30     ;Display List List Pointer Low
P4C1            equ     $31     ;Palette 4 - Color 1
P4C2            equ     $32     ;Palette 4 - Color 2
P4C3            equ     $33     ;Palette 4 - Color 3
CHARBASE        equ     $34     ;Character Base Address
P5C1            equ     $35     ;Palette 5 - Color 1
P5C2            equ     $36     ;Palette 5 - Color 2
P5C3            equ     $37     ;Palette 5 - Color 3
OFFSET          equ     $38     ;Unused - Store zero here
P6C1            equ     $39     ;Palette 6 - Color 1
P6C2            equ     $3A     ;Palette 6 - Color 2
P6C3            equ     $3B     ;Palette 6 - Color 3
CTRL            equ     $3C     ;Maria Control Register
P7C1            equ     $3D     ;Palette 7 - Color 1
P7C2            equ     $3E     ;Palette 7 - Color 2
P7C3            equ     $3F     ;Palette 7 - Color 3

SWCHA           equ     $280    ;P0, P1 Joystick Directional Input
SWCHB           equ     $282    ;Console Switches
CTLSWA          equ     $281    ;I/O Control for SCHWA
CTLSWB          equ     $283    ;I/O Control for SCHWB

	SEG.U data

;******* Vairables ********************************

	org $40

xpos	ds.b	1	      	;X Position of sprite
ypos    ds.b    1            	;Y Position of sprite
temp    ds.b    1		
dlpnt	ds.w	1
dlend	ds.b	12		;Index of end of each DL

        SEG     ROM
        DC.B    1  ; 0   Header version     - 1 byte
        DC.B    "ATARI7800"     ; 1..16  "ATARI7800   "  - 16 bytes
        DS      7,32
        DC.B    "Your name here"; 17..48 Cart title      - 32 bytes
        DS      HEADER+49-.,0
        DC.B    $00,$00,256->ROMTOP,$00; 49..52 data length      - 4 bytes
        DC.B    $00,$00  ; 53..54 cart type      - 2 bytes
    ;    bit 0 - pokey at 4000
    ;    bit 1 - supergame bank switched
    ;    bit 2 - supergame ram at $4000
    ;    bit 3 - rom at $4000
    ;    bit 4 - bank 6 at $4000
    ;    bit 5 - supergame banked ram
    ;    bit 6 - pokey at $450
    ;    bit 8-15 - Special
    ;   0 = Normal cart
        DC.B    1  ; 55   controller 1 type  - 1 byte
        DC.B    1  ; 56   controller 2 type  - 1 byte
    ;    0 = None
    ;    1 = Joystick
    ;    2 = Light Gun
        DC.B    0  ; 57 0 = NTSC 1 = PAL
        DC.B    0  ; 58   Save data peripheral - 1 byte (version 2)
    ;    0 = None / unknown (default)
    ;    1 = High Score Cart (HSC)
    ;    2 = SaveKey
        ORG     HEADER+63
        DC.B    0  ; 63   Expansion module
    ;    0 = No expansion module (default on all currently released games)
    ;    1 = Expansion module required
        ORG     HEADER+100      ; 100..127 "ACTUAL CART DATA STARTS HERE" - 28 bytes

ROMTOP  ORG     $8000       ;Start of code
	sei                     ;Disable interrupts
	cld                     ;Clear decimal mode

;******** Atari recommended startup procedure

	lda     #$07
	sta     INPTCTRL        ;Lock into 7800 mode
	lda     #$7F
	sta     CTRL            ;Disable DMA
	lda     #$00            
	sta     OFFSET
	sta     INPTCTRL
	ldx     #$FF            ;Reset stack pointer
;************** Clear zero page and hardware ******

	ldx     #$40
	lda     #$00
	sta     $00,x           ;Clear zero page
	sta	$100,x		;Clear page 1
	bne     crloop1

;************* Clear RAM **************************

    ldy     #$00            ;Clear Ram
    lda     #$18            ;Start at $1800
    sta     $81             
    lda     #$00
    sta     $80
    lda     #$00
    sta     ($80),y         ;Store data
    iny                     ;Next byte
    bne     crloop3         ;Branch if not done page
    inc     $81             ;Next page
    lda     $81
    cmp     #$20            ;End at $1FFF
    bne     crloop3         ;Branch if not

    ldy     #$00            ;Clear Ram
    lda     #$22            ;Start at $2200
    sta     $81             
    lda     #$00
    sta     $80
    lda     #$00
    sta     ($80),y         ;Store data
    iny                     ;Next byte
    bne     crloop4         ;Branch if not done page
    inc     $81             ;Next page
    lda     $81
    cmp     #$27            ;End at $27FF
    bne     crloop4         ;Branch if not

    ldx     #$00
    lda     #$00
crloop5                         ;Clear 2100-213F
    sta     $2100,x
    cpx     #$40
    bne     crloop5
;************* Build DLL *******************

; 20 blank lines

    ldx	#$00                   
    lda     #$4F            ;16 lines
    sta     $1800,x  	      
    lda     #$21		;$2100 = blank DL
    sta	$1800,x
    lda     #$00
    sta	$1800,x
	lda     #$44            ;4 lines
	sta     $1800,x        
	lda     #$21
	sta	$1800,x
	lda     #$00
	sta	$1800,x
; 192 mode lines divided into 12 regions

    ldy     #$00
    lda     #$4F            ;16 lines
    sta     $1800,x        
    lda     DLPOINTH,y
    sta	$1800,x
    lda     DLPOINTL,y
    sta	$1800,x
    cpy     #$0D            ;12 DLL entries
    bne     DLLloop2

; 26 blank lines
    lda     #$4F            ;16 lines
    sta     $1800,x  	      
    lda     #$21		;$2100 = blank DL
    sta	$1800,x
    lda     #$00
    sta	$1800,x
	lda     #$4A            ;10 lines
	sta     $1800,x        
	lda     #$21
	sta	$1800,x
	lda     #$00
	sta	$1800,x

;***************** Setup Maria Registers ****************
        lda     #$18            ;DLL at $1800
	sta	DPPH
	lda	#$00
	sta	DPPL
	lda	#$18		;Setup Palette 0
	sta	P0C1
	lda	#$38
	sta	P0C2
	lda	#$58
	sta	P0C3
	lda	#$43		;Enable DMA
	sta	CTRL
	lda	#$00		;Setup ports to read mode
	lda	#$40		;Set initial X position of sprite
	sta	xpos
	lda	MSTAT		;Wait for VBLANK
	and	#$80
	beq 	mainloop
	lda	SWCHA		;Read stick
	and	#$80		;Pushed Right?
	bne	skip1
	ldx	xpos		;Move sprite to right
	stx	xpos
	lda	SWCHA		;Read stick
	and 	#$40		;Pushed Left?
	bne 	skip2
	ldx 	xpos		;Move sprite to left
	stx 	xpos
    lda     SWCHA		;Read stick
    and     #$20		;Pushed Down?
    bne     skip3		
    ldx     ypos		;Move sprite down
    cpx	#176	
    beq	skip3		;Don't move if we are at the bottom
    stx     ypos	
    lda     SWCHA		;Read stick
    and     #$10		;Pushed Up?
    bne     skip4		
    ldx     ypos		;Move sprite up
    beq	skip4		;Don't move if we are at the top
    stx     ypos

;********************** reset DL ends ******************
	ldx 	#$0C
	lda	#$00
	sta	dlend,x
	bne	dlclearloop
;******************** build DL entries *********************

        lda     ypos		;Get Y position
   	and	#$F0		
   	lsr 			;Divide by 16
   	lda	DLPOINTL,x	;Get pointer to DL that this sprite starts in
   	sta	dlpnt
   	lda	DLPOINTH,x
   	sta	dlpnt+1
   	;Create DL entry for upper part of sprite
   	ldy	dlend,x		;Get the index to the end of this DL
   	lda	#$00				
	sta     (dlpnt),y	;Low byte of data address
	lda	#$40		;Mode 320x1
	sta     (dlpnt),y
	lda	ypos		
	and	#$0F		
	ora	#$a0
	sta     (dlpnt),y
	lda	#$1F		;Palette 0, 1 byte wide
	sta     (dlpnt),y
	lda	xpos		;Horizontal position
    sta     (dlpnt),y
    sty	dlend,x
    lda	ypos
    and	#$0F		;See if sprite is entirely within this region
    beq	doneDL		;branch if it is
    ;Create DL entry for lower part of sprite 
    inx			;Next region
    lda	DLPOINTL,x	;Get pointer to next DL
   	sta	dlpnt
   	lda	DLPOINTH,x
   	sta	dlpnt+1
        ldy	dlend,x		;Get the index to the end of this DL
	lda	#$00				
	sta     (dlpnt),y
	lda	#$40		;Mode 320x1
	sta     (dlpnt),y
	lda	ypos
	and	#$0F
	eor	#$0F
	sta	temp
	lda	#$a0
	sbc 	temp
	sta     (dlpnt),y
	lda	#$1F		;Palette 0, 1 byte wide
	sta     (dlpnt),y
	lda	xpos		;Horizontal position
	sta     (dlpnt),y
	sty	dlend,x

;************** add DL end entry on each DL *****************************

	ldx	#$0C
	sta	dlpnt
   	sta	dlpnt+1
   	ldy 	dlend,x
   	lda	#$00
   	sta	(dlpnt),y
	bne 	dlendloop   	
	lda	MSTAT		;Wait for VBLANK to end
	and	#$80
	bne 	vbloop
	jmp     mainloop	;Loop



;Pointers to the DLs

    .byte   $22,$22,$22,$22,$23,$23,$23,$23,$24,$24,$24,$24
    .byte   $00,$40,$80,$C0,$00,$40,$80,$C0,$00,$40,$80,$C0

;************** Graphic Data *****************************
    org $a000
    .byte     %00111100
    org $a100
    .byte     %00111100
    org $a200
    .byte     %01000010 
    org $a300
    .byte     %01000010 
    org $a400
    .byte     %10011001
    org $a500
    .byte     %10011001
    org $a600
    .byte     %10100101
    org $a700
    .byte     %10100101
    org $a800
    .byte     %10000001
    org $a900
    .byte     %10000001
    org $aA00
    .byte     %10100101
    org $aB00
    .byte     %10100101
    org $aC00
    .byte     %01000010
    org $aD00
    .byte     %01000010
    org $aE00
    .byte     %00111100
    org $aF00
    .byte     %00111100

;************** Cart reset vector **************************

	 org     $fff8
	.byte   $FF         ;Region verification
	.byte   $87         ;ROM start $4000
	.word   #NMI
	.word   #START
	.word   #IRQ
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When I run in emu7800, I get an error saying "ROM not recognized"


I've dabbled in 6502 assembly before but still learning. What am I doing wrong?


I'm pretty certain EMU7800, much like the ProSystem emulator, utilizes an external database* where an entry must be entered to recognize many ROMs properly.


MESS just requires a correct header and is the most accurate regarding faithfully emulating the console timings, graphical abilities, as well as the TIA and POKEY sounds.


*EDIT: See "ROMProperties.csv (the list of recognized ROM files.)" for EMU7800. Strongly recommend utilizing MESS though.

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This is interesting.. does a real 7800 require a header?


Also I tried mess (mame64.exe??) and couldn't get it to work at all. running mame64 7800aprt.bin from command line displays a help of some kind as if my command line syntax was wrong. Double clicking mame64.exe gives me an error that no rom was found.

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No. a78 was invented to support emulators, since the 7800 cart hardware can vary widely, and the emulator doesn't otherwise know what hardware you're trying to use. For a real cartridge, you'd use the headerless .bin file burned to an EPROM, since you'd be the one ensuring your software matches the cart hardware.


If you use a configurable flash cart like CC2, you use the .bin format since it doesn't know about a78, but you wind up passing on the same required-hardware info via it's menu configuration file.

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BTW, heads-up there's a bug in the source that will manifest if you extend the demo to support more than 1 sprite in any given zone - there's a missing "iny" before the end of the DL gets stored with "sty dlend,x". Because of this the second sprite's DL entry will be positioned incorrectly in memory and overwrite a byte of the first sprite's DL entry.

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No. a78 was invented to support emulators, since the 7800 cart hardware can vary widely, and the emulator doesn't otherwise know what hardware you're trying to use. For a real cartridge, you'd use the headerless .bin file burned to an EPROM, since you'd be the one ensuring your software matches the cart hardware.


If you use a configurable flash cart like CC2, you use the .bin format since it doesn't know about a78, but you wind up passing on the same required-hardware info via it's menu configuration file.



This is fascinating. Was there a typical or standard cart type that Atari tended to use?


What about the a78sign.exe? What is that for?

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The list of cart types can be found in Eckhard's 7800 Bankswitching Guide.


a78sign (older) and sign7800 (newer) are tools used to calculate and embed the cryptographic signature of the cartridge ROM into the last bit of the ROM. NTSC 7800 consoles calculate this signature and compare it to the ROM's signature. If they don't match, the console throws itself into 2600 mode.


In a nutshell, it's a DRM check.


PAL decks don't do this same check, and instead use other heuristics to determine when to go to 2600 mode. I always assumed this was due to the old US ban on exporting crypto, but there may have been other reasons.

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  • 9 months later...

Where can I find the newer sign7800.exe? The old a78sign.exe doesn't seem to work with this example or my other experiments. I think 60% of my troubles stems from that not working and me trying to change the code to make it work. ugh.

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