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pfpixel on question

Retro Lord

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I have a question about the pfpixel on/off. I have a playfield where I want the pfpixels 12-21horizontal and 2-9 vertical to be turned on if player0 is on the same place. The player is 8x7 so the sprite fits perfectly in 1x2 pfpixels. How do I do a check too see if player0 is on the pfpixels?


I'm guessing something like this won't work?

 if player0x = pfpixel 3 12 then pfpixel 3 12  on

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Hm, that was helpful, but still a bit confusing. From what I understand I need a dim for my player0.


That would be :

dim herox = e
dim heroy = f


And when the hero moves something like this?


if !joy0up then _Bit1{1} = 0 : goto __Skip_Fire

if _Bit1{1} then goto __Skip_Fire

_Bit1{1} = 1

player0y=player0y-7 : pfpixel player0x player0y on




Am I getting warm? =)

Edited by Retro Lord
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Slowly but surely I'm beginning too understand I think while tinkering like Dr. Frankenstein, creating all kinds of horrors that wasn't meant to be.

I have 1 major issue I can't get to work at all. I can't do a dimer for player0 x,y.


I tried doing dim herox=x and dim heroy=y but I either end up with an error or the character won't move. What is the proper way of doing this with player?

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Okay, thanks to you Random Terrain I'm much closer to getting it to work now! =D
Now I can atleast get pfpixels to get turned on and off, a bit random but stil. Sometimes I get 3 pfpixels next to eachothers, sometimes 5 or so, sometimes a complete line. What might be the cause do you think? Did I place something wrong?


 if  joy0up then pfpixel _P0_L_R _P0_U_D off

 pfpixel _P0_L_R _P0_U_D flip
 pfpixel _P0_L_R _P0_U_D flip

   if !joy0up then _Bit1{1} = 0 : goto __Skip_Fire

   if _Bit1{1}  then goto __Skip_Fire

   _Bit1{1} = 1



   if !joy0down then _Bit2{1} = 0 : goto __Skip_Fire2

   if _Bit2{1}  then goto __Skip_Fire2

   _Bit2{1} = 1



   if !joy0left then _Bit3{1} = 0 : goto __Skip_Fire3

   if _Bit3{1}  then goto __Skip_Fire3

   _Bit3{1} = 1



   if !joy0right then _Bit4{1} = 0 : goto __Skip_Fire4

   if _Bit4{1}  then goto __Skip_Fire4

   _Bit4{1} = 1




  goto main

SOURCE - D&D Demo.bas

Edited by Retro Lord
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That's neat! It's almost what I was going for, I'm trying to make it so that the pfpixels player0 has been on stays red.


Looking at the code, I notice some new things that I'd like to ask about in order to better grasp how this works.

Is the playfield required to be inverted for it to work?


And this code I don't quite get. I understant the idea that it makes the pfpixel that player0 is currently on turn on. But how are the numbers determined and how come they are divided by 4 or 8? Is it due too the player moving 8 pixels up and down and 4 right and left?

_PF_LR = (player0x-15)/4
_PF_UD = (player0y/8)-1

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That's neat! It's almost what I was going for, I'm trying to make it so that the pfpixels player0 has been on stays red.


Try this:








And this code I don't quite get. I understand the idea that it makes the pfpixel that player0 is currently on turn on. But how are the numbers determined and how come they are divided by 4 or 8? Is it due too the player moving 8 pixels up and down and 4 right and left?

_PF_LR = (player0x-15)/4

_PF_UD = (player0y/8)-1

The coordinates of the sprites never match the playfield since they are so different. And the numbers need to change depending on the playfield resolution. Check out this post for one example:




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I have another question. I could use a hint for how to calculate if player1 is next to player0 and if less then 5x/y a sound is played.


I've tried all I could think of, so I believe I'm in the need to learn something completely new to handle this.


This is as far as my basic understanding of these things go and it's no good:

if player0x=player1x5 then o=10


So in short, how do I go about checking for player1x/y if it's next too player0x/y?

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Understanding that I'm not good at programming, this is one way do it:


   dim _My_Temp01 = [some variable]

   If player0x > player1x then _My_Temp01 = player0x - player1x : if _My_Temp01 < 5 then [sound code or gosub to sound code] : goto __Skip_Proximity
   If player1x > player0x then _My_Temp01 = player1x - player0x : if _My_Temp01 < 5 then [sound code or gosub to sound code] : goto __Skip_Proximity
   If player0y > player1y then _My_Temp01 = player0y - player1y : if _My_Temp01 < 5 then [sound code or gosub to sound code] : goto __Skip_Proximity
   If player1y > player0y then _My_Temp01 = player1y - player0y : if _My_Temp01 < 5 then [sound code or gosub to sound code]



Here is another way:




   dim _My_Temp01 = [some variable]

   If player0x > player1x then _My_Temp01 = player0x - player1x : gosub __Check_Proximity
   If player1x > player0x then _My_Temp01 = player1x - player0x : gosub __Check_Proximity
   If player0y > player1y then _My_Temp01 = player0y - player1y : gosub __Check_Proximity
   If player1y > player0y then _My_Temp01 = player1y - player0y : gosub __Check_Proximity


[The following code would be outside of your main loop]


   if _My_Temp01 > 4 then return
   [sound code goes here]
   pop : goto __Proximity_Check_Done


Here is a third way:




   dim _My_Temp01 = [some variable]

   If player0x > player1x then _My_Temp01 = player0x - player1x : gosub __Check_Proximity : goto __Skip_X_Check
   _My_Temp01 = player1x - player0x : gosub __Check_Proximity


   If player0y > player1y then _My_Temp01 = player0y - player1y : gosub __Check_Proximity : goto __Proximity_Check_Done
   _My_Temp01 = player1y - player0y : gosub __Check_Proximity


[The following code would be outside of your main loop]


   if _My_Temp01 > 4 then return
   [sound code goes here]
   pop : goto __Proximity_Check_Done
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Hm, I'm experimenting with this code but I always get an error message. Do I need to setup _My_Temp01 anywhere ellse then in this line of code?

    If player0x > player1x then _My_Temp01 = player0x - player1x : if _My_Temp01 < 5 then m=10 : goto __Skip_Proximity
   If player1x > player0x then _My_Temp01 = player1x - player0x : if _My_Temp01 < 5 then m=10 : goto __Skip_Proximity
   If player0y > player1y then _My_Temp01 = player0y - player1y : if _My_Temp01 < 5 then m=10 : goto __Skip_Proximity
   If player1y > player0y then _My_Temp01 = player1y - player0y : if _My_Temp01 < 5 then m=10



Entire source:

   rem CODE INSPIRED BY Atarius Maximus at http://www.atariage.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=109288

   include div_mul.asm





 if joy0fire goto charselect

 goto TITLE


 player0x=81 : player0y=49

 if j=0 then COLUP0=$2E
  if j=1 then COLUP0=$AE
  if j=2 then COLUP0=$52

    if j=0 then player0:

 if j=1 then player0:

 if j=2 then player0:



 if joy0up then j=0
 if joy0down then j=1
 if joy0left then j=2

 if joy0up && joy0fire then goto START : COLUPF=rand
 if joy0down && joy0fire then goto START : COLUPF=rand
 if joy0left && joy0fire then goto START : COLUPF=rand

 goto charselect


   dim _Bit0_JoyU = a
   dim _Bit1_JoyD = a
   dim _Bit2_JoyL = a
   dim _Bit3_JoyR = a
   dim _PF_LR = f
   dim _PF_UD = g
   dim _classes = j

   player0x = 76
   player0y = 72




 pfscorecolor = rand

 const pfscore=1

   pfscore1 = 21
 pfscore2 = 255

   _PF_LR = (player0x-15)/4
   _PF_UD = (player0y/8)-1





 rem Missile0 = spikhal
 rem player1 = drake
 rem missile1=


 if j=0 then COLUP0=$2E
  if j=1 then COLUP0=$AE
  if j=2 then COLUP0=$52

 if collision(player0,missile1) then goto PIT

   ballheight = 7
   CTRLPF = $21


    If player0x > player1x then _My_Temp01 = player0x - player1x : if _My_Temp01 < 5 then m=10 : goto __Skip_Proximity
   If player1x > player0x then _My_Temp01 = player1x - player0x : if _My_Temp01 < 5 then m=10 : goto __Skip_Proximity
   If player0y > player1y then _My_Temp01 = player0y - player1y : if _My_Temp01 < 5 then m=10 : goto __Skip_Proximity
   If player1y > player0y then _My_Temp01 = player1y - player0y : if _My_Temp01 < 5 then m=10


 rem Walk
   if n > 0 then AUDV0 = 15 : AUDC0 = 1 : AUDF0 = 5 : n = n - 1: if n = 0 then AUDV0 = 0

 rem Dragon
   if m > 0 then AUDV0 = 15 : AUDC0 = 2 : AUDF0 = 10 : m = m - 1: if m = 0 then AUDV0 = 0

 rem Pit
   if p > 0 then AUDV0 = 15 : AUDC0 = 3 : AUDF0 = 13 : p = p - 1: if p = 0 then AUDV0 = 0

 if h=255 then pfscore2=pfscore2/4 : h=0

 if player0x<60 then player0x=60 : _PF_LR = _PF_LR + 1
 if missile1x<60 then missile1x=rand
 if player1x<60 then player1x=rand

 if player0x>96 then player0x=96 : _PF_LR = _PF_LR - 1
 if missile1x>96 then missile1x=rand
 if player1x>96 then player1x=rand

 if player0y<24 then player0y=24 : _PF_UD = _PF_UD + 1
 if missile1y<24 then missile1y=rand
 if player1y<24 then player1y=rand

 if player0y>72 then player0y=72 : _PF_UD = _PF_UD - 1
 if missile1y>72 then missile1y=rand
 if player1y>72 then player1y=rand



   if !joy0up then _Bit0_JoyU{0} = 0 : goto __Skip_Fire

   if _Bit0_JoyU{0} then goto __Skip_Fire

   _Bit0_JoyU{0} = 1

   player0y = player0y - 8

   _PF_UD = _PF_UD - 1 : n=10


   if !joy0down then _Bit1_JoyD{1} = 0 : goto __Skip_Fire2

   if _Bit1_JoyD{1}  then goto __Skip_Fire2

   _Bit1_JoyD{1} = 1

   player0y = player0y + 8

   _PF_UD = _PF_UD + 1 : n=10


   if !joy0left then _Bit2_JoyL{2} = 0 : goto __Skip_Fire3

   if _Bit2_JoyL{2} then goto __Skip_Fire3

   _Bit2_JoyL{2} = 1

   player0x = player0x - 4

   _PF_LR = _PF_LR - 1 : n=10


   if !joy0right then _Bit3_JoyR{3} = 0 : goto __Skip_Fire4

   if _Bit3_JoyR{3} then goto __Skip_Fire4

   _Bit3_JoyR{3} = 1

   player0x = player0x + 4

   _PF_LR = _PF_LR + 1 : n=10


   rem 12-21 across
   rem 3-9 vertical

   if joy0fire then pfpixel _PF_LR _PF_UD off : goto __Skip_PF

   pfpixel _PF_LR _PF_UD on



   goto __Main_Loop


 player0x=80 : player0y=20
 missile0x=200 : missile0y=200
 player1x=200 : player1y=200
 missile1x=200 : missile1y=200
 ballx=200 : bally=200






 if player0y>90 then player0y=200 : player0x=200
 if joy0down then reboot

 goto fall
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I have another question. I could use a hint for how to calculate if player1 is next to player0 and if less then 5x/y a sound is played.


I've tried all I could think of, so I believe I'm in the need to learn something completely new to handle this.


This is as far as my basic understanding of these things go and it's no good:

if player0x=player1x5 then o=10


So in short, how do I go about checking for player1x/y if it's next too player0x/y?

Suppose playerx and playery are both 8 x 8 pixel

boxes and the player position is the upper right

corner of the box.


The left edge of player0 is at the player0x position

the right edge of a player0 is at player0x + 7


If the player1x position is less than player0x + 7 + 5

the left edge of player1 will be within 5 pixels of

the right edge of player0


Likewise, if player1x is greater than player0x - 7 - 5

then the player1 right edge wiil be within 5 pixels of

the left edge of player0 (-5 is the 5 pixel gap to the

left of the player0x position, -7 is where the player1x

position would be relative to player1's right edge)


So if player1x is greater than player0x - 12 or less than

player0x + 12 then player1x is within 5 pixels of player0


If we take the player1 position to be 0 then player0 must

be greater than 24 or less than 0


In 8 bit binary, "less than 0" is greater than 24 as long

as it's not 256 - 24 = 232 less than 0 (256 is 0)

ie 0 - 232 = 24


So if (player1 - player0 - 12) < 24 then player1 is within 5 pixels

of player0



That's just an example. The details will depend on your

sprites and how the kernel you're using works.


Here's some example code.





 player0x = 60
 player1x = 100
 player0y = 40
 player1y = 40

 scorecolor = $1A


 if !joy0fire then skip
 if p then p = 0 else p = 1

 if p then P1

 f = (l ^ $F0) | SWCHA : l = SWCHA

 if !f{4} then player0y = player0y - 1 
 if player0y < 1 then player0y = 80
 if !f{5} then player0y = player0y + 1 
 if player0y > 80 then player0y = 1
 if !f{6} then player0x = player0x - 1 
 if player0x < 16 then player0x = 150
 if !f{7} then player0x = player0x + 1 
 if player0x > 150 then player0x = 16
 goto draw

 if joy0up then player1y = player1y - 1 
 if player1y < 1 then player1y = 80
 if joy0down then player1y = player1y + 1 
 if player1y > 80 then player1y = 1
 if joy0left then player1x = player1x - 1 
 if player1x < 16 then player1x = 150
 if joy0right then player1x = player1x + 1 
 if player1x > 150 then player1x = 16


 temp1 = player0x + 12 - player1x
 temp2 = player0y + 12 - player1y

 if temp1 < 25 && temp2 < 25 then COLUP0 = $42 : COLUP1 = $74 else COLUP0 = $36 : COLUP1 = $B2 

 goto loop


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Okay, hm. I still get a syntax error. Man this is difficult.


I did the dim:

   dim _dragon_xpos = k

And I added:

   If player0x > player1x then _dragon_xpos = player0x - player1x : if _dragon_xpos < 5 then m=10 : goto __Skip_Proximity
   If player1x > player0x then _dragon_xpos = player1x - player0x : if _dragon_xpos < 5 then m=10 : goto __Skip_Proximity


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My sprites are 8x4, too match the pfpixels. So if I understand the math that would be +3 ninstead of +7 if it was 8x8 in size?



In the x direction, correct






 player0x = 60
 player1x = 100
 player0y = 40
 player1y = 40

 scorecolor = $1A


 if !joy0fire then skip
 if p then p = 0 else p = 1

 if p then P1

 f = (l ^ $F0) | SWCHA : l = SWCHA

 if !f{4} then player0y = player0y - 1
 if player0y < 1 then player0y = 80
 if !f{5} then player0y = player0y + 1
 if player0y > 80 then player0y = 1
 if !f{6} then player0x = player0x - 1
 if player0x < 16 then player0x = 150
 if !f{7} then player0x = player0x + 1
 if player0x > 150 then player0x = 16
 goto draw

 if joy0up then player1y = player1y - 1
 if player1y < 1 then player1y = 80
 if joy0down then player1y = player1y + 1
 if player1y > 80 then player1y = 1
 if joy0left then player1x = player1x - 1
 if player1x < 16 then player1x = 150
 if joy0right then player1x = player1x + 1
 if player1x > 150 then player1x = 16


 temp1 = player0x + 8 - player1x
 temp2 = player0y + 12 - player1y

 if temp1 < 17 && temp2 < 25 then COLUP0 = $42 : COLUP1 = $74 else COLUP0 = $36 : COLUP1 = $B2

 goto loop


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