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Let's talk 3D graphics

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Well, I would wait for him to complete his project. Then, it's a working 3D engine that can do some stuff.


At that point, hacking on it to generalize input to it would make some sense for other projects. My .02


Doing it now sort of adds complexity to what is already going to have some. And there are memory constraints. Probably important to do the project and not do other things, until that's done so that the RAM is there for the project. Again, my .02

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I'm not sure if I can make it clear for anyone, but I will start with something and then we can focus on anything not clear.

I use matrices for representing camera and objects rotation (not angles). I multiply object matrix and inverse camera matrix to get so called model-view matrix. That transforms vertex coordinates from object space right into camera space. So transformation of 1 point is just 3 axis vector multiplied with 3x3 matrix.

After this I do clipping with viewport. I use 90 degrees view angle, so limits of what I can see are simply planes of X=Z, -X=Z, Y=Z and Y=-Z. That simplifies clipping a bit.

Perspective transformation is also simpler because of 90 degrees view angle, it's just x = X/Z, y = Y/Z.


I can see that your trying to explain this, but I really don't understand at all, matrices? Are you using tables or real-time calculations?

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I can see that your trying to explain this, but I really don't understand at all, matrices? Are you using tables or real-time calculations?

Here's a good primer:




There would be no 3D graphics without this stuff. If you'd like to learn more, get some books at the library, on "Discrete Structures", and "Matrix Algebra", and read them while reading a book on "3D Computer Graphics". Going over the basics of "Set Theory" is also good. You should also have some kind of grasp of Geometry & Trigonometry. Also, it would help to learn & understand a programming language that includes arrays. Most modern ones do. Hope that helps!

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Here's a good primer:




There would be no 3D graphics without this stuff. If you'd like to learn more, get some books at the library, on "Discrete Structures", and "Matrix Algebra", and read them while reading a book on "3D Computer Graphics". Going over the basics of "Set Theory" is also good. You should also have some kind of grasp of Geometry & Trigonometry. Also, it would help to learn & understand a programming language that includes arrays. Most modern ones do. Hope that helps!


Many thanks for that, I've got some reading ahead of me(!)

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or codebase64.org, C#hacking issues for fundamentals on 3d and 8bit computers.



as I have published the source you can see that I am setting up the rotation matrix (3x3) in 16bit and then multiply everything out.




you mentioned that you are doing transformation as well into your matrix but would that not be a 4x4 then? I am interested really how you actually do the camera/worldview problem upfront.

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;matrix temp 
mtmp1	org *+1
mtmp2	org *+1
mtmp3	org *+1
mtmp4	org *+1
mtmp5	org *+1
mtmp6	org *+1
mtmp7	org *+1
mtmp8	org *+1
mtmp9	org *+1
mtmp10	org *+1
mtmp11	org *+1
mtmp12	org *+1
mtmp13	org *+1
mtmp14	org *+1
mtmp15	org *+1
mtmp16	org *+1
mtmp17	org *+1
mtmp18	org *+1
mtmp19	org *+1
mtmp20	org *+1
mat	org *+1 ;18 bytes!

this is the rotation matrix variables


amd here the preparation of the matrix:

.proc render_scene
;prepare rotation matrix
; mat format M_lo(3,3) ;M_hi(3,3) = 9 bytes low, 9 bytes hi
		lda angy+1
		sbc angz+1
		adc angx+1
		sta mtmp1
		lda angy+1
		adc angz+1
		adc angx+1
		sta mtmp2
		lda sintab_rotl+$c0,x
		sbc costab_rotl,y
		sta mat+0
		lda sintab_roth+$c0,x
		sbc costab_roth,y
		sta mat+9

		lda sintab_rotl,x
		sbc sintab_rotl,y
		sta mat+1
		lda sintab_roth,x
		sbc sintab_roth,y
		sta mat+10
		ldx angy+1
		lda sintab_rotl,x
		sta mat+2
		lda sintab_roth,x
		sta mat+11
		lda angx+1
		adc angz+1
		sbc angy+1
		sta mtmp4
		lda angx+1
		sbc angz+1
		sbc angy+1
		sta mtmp3
		lda sintab_rotl,x
		sbc sintab_rotl,y
		sta mtmp5
		lda sintab_roth,x
		sbc sintab_roth,y
		sta mtmp6
		lda costab_rotl,x
		adc costab_rotl,y
		sta mtmp7
		lda costab_roth,x
		adc costab_roth,y
		sta mtmp8
		lda costab_rotl,x
		sbc costab_rotl,y
		sta mtmp9
		lda costab_roth,x
		sbc costab_roth,y
		sta mtmp10
		lda angz+1
		sbc angx+1
		lda sintab_rotl,y
		sbc sintab_rotl,x
		sta mtmp11
		lda sintab_roth,y
		sbc sintab_roth,x
		sta mtmp12
		ldx mtmp3
		ldy mtmp4
		lda costab_rotl,x
		adc costab_rotl,y
		sta mtmp13
		lda costab_roth,x
		adc costab_roth,y
		sta mtmp14
		ror mtmp14
		ror mtmp13
		ldx mtmp1
		ldy mtmp2
		lda sintab_rotl,y
		sbc sintab_rotl,x
		sta mtmp15
		lda sintab_roth,y
		sbc sintab_roth,x
		sta mtmp16
		ror mtmp16
		ror mtmp15
		lda costab_rotl,x
		adc costab_rotl+1,y
		sta mtmp17
		lda costab_roth,x
		adc costab_roth+1,y
		sta mtmp18
		ror mtmp18
		lda mtmp17
		sbc mtmp13
		lda mtmp18
		sbc mtmp14
		adc mtmp5
		sta mat+3
		adc mtmp6
		sta mat+12

		ldx mtmp3
		ldy mtmp4
		lda sintab_rotl,x
		sbc sintab_rotl,y
		sta mtmp17
		lda sintab_roth,x
		sbc sintab_roth,y	
		sta mtmp18
		ror mtmp18
		lda mtmp17
		adc mtmp15
		lda mtmp18
		adc mtmp16
		sbc mtmp7
		sta mat+4
		sbc mtmp8
		sta mat+13
		lda angx+1
		adc angy+1
		lda angy+1
		sbc angx+1
		lda sintab_rotl,x
		sbc sintab_rotl,y
		sta mat+5
		lda sintab_roth,x
		sbc sintab_roth,y
		sta mat+14
		lda angx+1
		sbc angy+1
		lda costab_rotl,x
		adc costab_rotl,y
		sta mat+8
		lda costab_roth,x
		adc costab_roth,y
		sta mat+17
		ldx mtmp1
		ldy mtmp3
		lda sintab_rotl,x
		sbc sintab_rotl,y
		sta mtmp13
		lda sintab_roth,x
		sbc sintab_roth,y
		sta mtmp14
		ror mtmp14
		ror mtmp13
		lda costab_rotl,x
		sbc costab_rotl,y
		sta mtmp15
		lda costab_roth,x
		sbc costab_roth,y
		sta mtmp16
		ror mtmp16
		ror mtmp15
		ldx mtmp2
		ldy mtmp4
		lda sintab_rotl,x
		sbc sintab_rotl+1,y
		sta mtmp19
		lda sintab_roth,x
		sbc sintab_roth+1,y
		sta mtmp20				
		ror mtmp20
		ror mtmp19
		lda mtmp19
		adc mtmp13
		sta mtmp19
		lda mtmp20
		adc mtmp14
		sta mtmp20
		lda mtmp19
		sbc mtmp9
		sta mat+6
		lda mtmp20
		sbc mtmp10
		sta mat+15
		ldx mtmp2
		ldy mtmp4
		lda costab_rotl,y
		sbc costab_rotl+1,x
		sta mtmp19
		lda costab_roth,y
		sbc costab_roth+1,x
		sta mtmp20
		ror mtmp20
		lda mtmp19
		adc mtmp15
		lda mtmp20
		adc mtmp16
		adc mtmp11
		sta mat+7
		adc mtmp12
		sta mat+16
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and then the actual multiplication:

;y x M = x*m11+y*m21+z*m31+x*m12+y*m22+z*m32+x*m13+y*23+z*m33

max_vert	ldx #max_vertices ;7 for object 2 ;5 vertices for object 1
		lda px_l,x
		sta t1
		lda px_h,x
		sta t1+1
		lda mat+0
		sta t2
		lda mat+9 ;hi
		sta t2+1
		jsr multiply_16bit_signed
		lda product+2
		sta xn
	 	lda product+3
	 	sta xn+1

		lda py_l,x
		sta t1
		lda py_h,x
		sta t1+1
		lda mat+1
		sta t2
		lda mat+9+1 ;hi
		sta t2+1
		sec ;reuse t1
		jsr multiply_16bit_signed
		lda product+2
		adc xn
		sta xn
	 	lda product+3
	 	adc xn+1
	 	sta xn+1

		lda pz_l,x
		sta t1
		lda pz_h,x
		sta t1+1

		lda mat+2
		sta t2
		lda mat+9+2 ;hi
		sta t2+1
		sec ;reuse t1
		jsr multiply_16bit_signed
		lda product+2
		adc xn
		sta xn
	 	lda product+3
	 	adc xn+1
	 	sta xn+1
		lda px_l,x
		sta t1
		lda px_h,x
		sta t1+1
		lda mat+3
		sta t2
		lda mat+9+3 ;hi
		sta t2+1
		jsr multiply_16bit_signed
		lda product+2
		sta yn
	 	lda product+3
	 	sta yn+1

		lda py_l,x
		sta t1
		lda py_h,x
		sta t1+1
		lda mat+4
		sta t2
		lda mat+9+4 ;hi
		sta t2+1
		sec ;reuse t1
		jsr multiply_16bit_signed
		lda product+2
		adc yn
		sta yn
	 	lda product+3
	 	adc yn+1
	 	sta yn+1

		lda pz_l,x
		sta t1
		lda pz_h,x
		sta t1+1

		lda mat+5
		sta t2
		lda mat+9+5 ;hi
		sta t2+1
		sec ;reuse t1
		jsr multiply_16bit_signed
		lda product+2
		adc yn
		sta yn
	 	lda product+3
	 	adc yn+1
	 	sta yn+1
		lda px_l,x
		sta t1
		lda px_h,x
		sta t1+1
		lda mat+6
		sta t2
		lda mat+9+6 ;hi
		sta t2+1
		jsr multiply_16bit_signed
		lda product+2
		sta zn
	 	lda product+3
	 	sta zn+1

		lda py_l,x
		sta t1
		lda py_h,x
		sta t1+1
		lda mat+7
		sta t2
		lda mat+9+7 ;hi
		sta t2+1
		sec ;reuse t1
		jsr multiply_16bit_signed
		lda product+2
		adc zn
		sta zn
	 	lda product+3
	 	adc zn+1
	 	sta zn+1

		lda pz_l,x
		sta t1
		lda pz_h,x
		sta t1+1

		lda mat+8
		sta t2
		lda mat+9+8 ;hi
		sta t2+1
		sec ;reuse t1
		jsr multiply_16bit_signed
		lda product+2
		adc zn
		sta zn
	 	lda product+3
	 	adc zn+1
	 	sta zn+1
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Another Sid here ? Damn .. :-D


Anyway .. tranformation goes like this:


I use 3x3 matrices. I use position (which makes the 4th row usually) outside the matrix, because I use 8 bits for matrices, and more for position.

So at the beginning I have camera matrix (it's Z pointing to where camera is looking, X goes to camera right, Y to camera up, all is ortonormal - perpenficular to each other and of unity length - that means 7f).

Then I have object matrix. Same sense as camera matrix. Then there is camera position and object posion, let's say in 16 bits (it's more, but it's not imporant now). Then I have object vertices in 8 bits.


First I get so called model-view matrix. It's combination of transformation from object space to world space and then from world space to camera space. So I multiply inverse matrix of camera with object matrix. Inverse camera matrix is easy to obtain, as the matrix is ortonormal, it's just the matrix flipped around its main diagonal.


But as my matrices are 3x3, this matrix does not contain translation. To get correct translation, I have to basically get relative vector from camera to object (just simple subtraction) and transform it into camera space. This is done by multiplying the relative position vector again with inverse camera matrix.


After that it's simple. Each object vertex is multiplied with model-view matrix and then transformed relative position is added to it. This gives me final position of the vertex in camera space.


Sorry I didn't have time to go through your code so far. I don't understand one thing .. in this demo of yours, you don't even need camera, or perspective to that matter. How is it ?

Edited by Dr.Sid
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I left out the transformation which comes after the rotation which I can post tomorrow but is nothing but 4 muls and adding middle of screen to result.


You find it in the complete source in the render scene subroutines after the rotation.

Edited by Heaven/TQA
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To me, it seems all too obvious that the standard Atari 8-bit hardware is not suitable for 3D graphics as such - that to get a high enough frame rate - you end up with very simple graphics - 2600 like in wire frame/etc.

And I would take a guess - that the alternative is to use pre-drawn graphic objects - which can rotate in 3D - but even so the hardware still has the same frame rate problem.


The only answer is to use hardware enhancement - to get higher frame rates going - and so, would this then be morphing the Atari home computer into a vectrex like machine? Which would seem to be a project not so worthwhile.


Pseudo-3D seems to be only thing possible - looking very effective - the likes in Pole Position, Encounter - and it is in this area you can get fast moving graphics done to a decent standard?



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To me, it seems all too obvious that the standard Atari 8-bit hardware is not suitable for 3D graphics as such - that to get a high enough frame rate - you end up with very simple graphics - 2600 like in wire frame/etc.


It depends on how you look at it really. Some people may say that the graphics in most normal games are very simple and should be a lot better (like a PC), but to be fair to it's place in time, these machines were made in the late 70s. Therefore I'd say that "for the time", the Atari does well with the wireframe. And when it comes to filled 3D objects, yes, it is slower, but did anyone really think in 1979 that people would be doing that with hardware from then?


Perhaps expecting full frame rate 3D is asking a bit much, but the machine does well considering.

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To me, it seems all too obvious that the standard Atari 8-bit hardware is not suitable for 3D graphics as such - that to get a high enough frame rate - you end up with very simple graphics - 2600 like in wire frame/etc.

A good mix of 3D calculations , hardware features, and some trickery as with the C64... would result in jawdropping games....



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The problem when you see some demos running - is how much time/resources are there left? to add the gaming content that is missing in the demo?

I'd guess that in a lot? of cases - they are using the resources up - so that there's not enough left to add the game bits?

It's like running a car to it's maximum speed ... almost everything is being used already to achieve what is on screen?


Though I don't know in Project-M - what is it - that is going to be added to that? How is the gaming part actually going to work?



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The problem when you see some demos running - is how much time/resources are there left? to add the gaming content that is missing in the demo?

I'd guess that in a lot? of cases - they are using the resources up - so that there's not enough left to add the game bits?

It's like running a car to it's maximum speed ... almost everything is being used already to achieve what is on screen?


Though I don't know in Project-M - what is it - that is going to be added to that? How is the gaming part actually going to work?



It's here on the the Programming forum, now is exactly two posts under this one:


Edited by José Pereira
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Though I don't know in Project-M - what is it - that is going to be added to that? How is the gaming part actually going to work?

Even though, "Project-M" is called a demo, it is a game already , as you search for keys to open doors. It runs at 20 fps and uses a heavy load of "on the fly register changes" to have the "APAC" mode running.
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Even though, "Project-M" is called a demo, it is a game already , as you search for keys to open doors. It runs at 20 fps and uses a heavy load of "on the fly register changes" to have the "APAC" mode running.

Still, to turn it into a full-featured FPS would involve a lot of CPU power needed for large sprites that must be resizeable, clipped when moving half-way behind walls, with collision detection etc. Actually I do not wonder that the work has stalled at the current phase.

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Still, to turn it into a full-featured FPS would involve a lot of CPU power needed for large sprites that must be resizeable, clipped when moving half-way behind walls, with collision detection etc. Actually I do not wonder that the work has stalled at the current phase.


If this is the case --- then it seems the only way to get over it, is to have hardware assistance - taking it away from standard A8 hardware software... not desirable but maybe the only possible solution for a good outcome...



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But what if the hardware assist was in game's cart, like Nosty's Tomek project - then the acceleration would be available to all users, no special hardware required.


Kinda like SFX chips in SNES games, or the DPC chip in 2600 Pitfall 2.


That would be the best way to go IMHO if one could not achieve the results alone.



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