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atari2600land's Blog - labels or cards?


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So the idea for my Magnavox Odyssey game is all fleshed out. To do this, I'll need to print 36 cards out for each copy. What I was originally going to do was just print them on paper. But then I got an idea: Perhaps I can get some blank index cards, tape them on to a piece of paper, and then put the piece of paper in the printer and have the printer print directly on the card that is taped to the paper. Carefully peel the tape off and hopefully I'll have a card. One problem: I've never done this before. So I don't know if it will work. If it doesn't work, I might just get some labels and print the info on the label and then put the label onto the index card. Anyway, since I have unsold copies of Captain Bruce sitting in a drawer, I doubt I'll make very many copies of the game, probably just 10 this time. Which would mean I would have 360 cards. That's a lot of ink. But before I do any of this, I need to live. I almost choked to death on corn. I was vomiting and drank a sip of 7-up, gasping and hoping for air. Repeat the process. Yeah, it's not fun. Like that time I almost choked to death on an Advil pill. I swallowed the thing and then discovered I couldn't breathe. So I ran to the bathroom and induced vomiting. The pill popped right out. I think there's a problem with my throat. I am glad 7-up made little cans of the stuff, because I feel bad about wasting a whole can for a few sips. I just wished they made little cherry 7-up cans. And they put less sugar in it. The stupid little can has a day's worth of sugar in it.

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