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Looking for Information on this Demo

Just Jeff

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Does anyone have the source code for the attached BIN and/or insight into how it works? I'd really like to use some of the music for a menu screen in my game if at all possible and if I could get permission. Even if its not possible, I'd be really curious how it works.

xSqueeker Demo (2011) (Szuwarek, Factor 6) (PAL).bin

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Stepping through the code after the music starts, it just seems to make a lot of RAM adds with carry and then stores them. Then also a bunch of ROL RAM_81 which it eventually stores in AUDV0. And that's about it. Just keeps looping through. Doesn't make any sense to me.


Edited by BNE Jeff
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Interesting code...


The adds are coming from converting frequencies into digital on/off signals. There seem to be four channels simulated in parallel, the carry bits from the four 16 bit adds are collected in B1. The branch before AUDV0 is important, because only one channel can be heard when you remove it. The branch sets AUDV0 to 15 instead of 0, when B1 is 0. Probably that's done to increase the overall volume.


Anyway, in the end, each channel has its own volume bit. Clever.


BTW: The add #$20 before the branch boosts the base frequency. Try other values like $00 or $40 to hear the effect.

Edited by Thomas Jentzsch
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Hmm.. tougher than I thought. Also, I guess I'm not sure how ROL works. When you ROL those RAM locations down at the bottom, what is it doing? What happens to the carry? 'Lil help?

;						  Initialize sound loop
LF7A2: LDA    #$02    
       STA    $91     
       LDA    #$29    
       STA    $A0     
       LDA    #$FA    
       STA    $A1     
       JMP    LF7BD    
LF7B1: LDA    #$03    
       STA    $91     
       LDA    #$AB    
       STA    $A0     
       LDA    #$FA    
       STA    $A1     
LF7BD: LDY    #$00    
       STY    $A2     
;							Start of a sound loop
LF7C1: LDA    $A2     ; Initially 0
       BNE    LF807   ; if this is not the first trip through, then continue
       LDY    #$00    
       STY    $B4     ; Zero out 4 RAMs
       STY    $B7     
       STY    $BA     
       STY    $BD     
       LDA    ($A0),Y 	; $A0 is initialized with #$29, then #$AB
       STA    $B5     
       LDA    ($A0),Y 	; 
       BEQ    LF7B1   ; If zero, then go to second initialization
       STA    $B6     
       LDA    ($A0),Y 
       STA    $B8     
       LDA    ($A0),Y 
       STA    $B9     
       LDA    ($A0),Y 
       STA    $BB     
       LDA    ($A0),Y 
       STA    $BC     
       LDA    ($A0),Y 
       STA    $BE     
       LDA    ($A0),Y 
       STA    $BF     
       LDA    #$08    
       ADC    $A0     ; $A0 is initialized with #$29, then $AB
       STA    $A0     ; then store the result
       BCC    LF803   
       INC    $A1     ; initialized with #$FA
LF803: LDA    #$40    
       STA    $A2     
LF807: LDA    #$FF    
       STA    $92     
       LDY    #$00    
       LDA    #$01    
       STA    $B3     
       LDA    $B4     
       BNE    LF835   
       LDA    ($B5),Y 
       LDA    ($B5),Y 
       STA    $B4     
       LDA    $B5     
       ADC    #$02    
       STA    $B5     
       BCC    LF828   
       INC    $B6     
LF828: LDA    LF967,X 	; Load from sound table
       STA    $B1     
       LDA    LF967,X  	; Load from sound table
       STA    $B0     
       LDA    $B4     
LF835: CMP    $92     
       BCS    LF83B   
       STA    $92     
LF83B: LDY    #$00    
       LDA    #$C0    
       STA    $AF     
       LDA    $B7     
       BNE    LF865   
       LDA    ($B8),Y 
       LDA    ($B8),Y 
       STA    $B7     
       LDA    $B8     
       ADC    #$02    
       STA    $B8     
       BCC    LF858   
       INC    $B9     
LF858: LDA    LF967,X  	; Load from sound table
       STA    $AD     
       LDA    LF967,X  	; Load from sound table
       STA    $AC     
       LDA    $B7     
LF865: CMP    $92     
       BCS    LF86B   
       STA    $92     
LF86B: LDY    #$00    
       LDA    #$80    
       STA    $AB     
       LDA    $BA     
       BNE    LF895   
       LDA    ($BB),Y 
       LDA    ($BB),Y 
       STA    $BA     
       LDA    $BB     
       ADC    #$02    
       STA    $BB     
       BCC    LF888   
       INC    $BC     
LF888: LDA    LF967,X  	; Load from sound table
       STA    $A9     
       LDA    LF967,X  	; Load from sound table
       STA    $A8     
       LDA    $BA     
LF895: CMP    $92     
       BCS    LF89B   
       STA    $92     
LF89B: LDY    #$00    
       LDA    #$40    
       STA    $A7     
       LDA    $BD     
       BNE    LF8C5   
       LDA    ($BE),Y 
       LDA    ($BE),Y 
       STA    $BD     
       LDA    $BE     
       ADC    #$02    
       STA    $BE     
       BCC    LF8B8   
       INC    $BF     
LF8B8: LDA    LF967,X 	; Load from sound table
       STA    $A5     
       LDA    LF967,X 	; Load from sound table
       STA    $A4     	
       LDA    $BD     
LF8C5: CMP    $92     
       BCS    LF8CB   
       STA    $92     
LF8CB: LDA    $BD     
       SBC    $92     
       STA    $BD     
       LDA    $BA     
       SBC    $92     
       STA    $BA     
       LDA    $B7     
       SBC    $92     
       STA    $B7     
       LDA    $B4     
       SBC    $92     
       STA    $B4     
       LDA    $92     
       LDY    #$00    
       STY    $96     
       STY    $97     
       LDY    #$07    
LF8F1: ASL    $96     
       ROL    $97     
       ASL    A       
       BCC    LF904   
       LDA    $96     
       ADC    #$7F    
       STA    $96     
       LDA    $97     
       ADC    $91     ; $91 is initialized with #$02, then #$03
       STA    $97     
LF904: DEY            
       BPL    LF8F1   
       LDA    $A2     
       SBC    $92     
       STA    $A2     
       LDY    $96     
       LDX    $97     

; Fall into loop
; Load sound from table, add to a value, then store back in RAM. Store some
; values to AUDV0
LF912: LDA    #$00    ; Set VOL0 to 0
       STA    $81     ; Audio Volume RAM    
       LDA    $A4     ; data from sound table
       ADC    $A6     ; starts at 0
       STA    $A6     ; store the result
       LDA    $A5     ; data from sound table     
       ADC    $A7     ; starts at #$40
       STA    $A7     ; store the result
       ROL    $81     ; Audio Volume RAM    
       LDA    $A8     ; data from sound table   
       ADC    $AA     ; starts at 0
       STA    $AA     ; store the result
       LDA    $A9     ; data from sound table  
       ADC    $AB     ; starts at #$80
       STA    $AB     ; store the result
       ROL    $81     ; Audio Volume RAM    
       LDA    $AC     ; data from sound table 
       ADC    $AE     ; starts at 0
       STA    $AE     ; store the result
       LDA    $AD     ; data from sound table 
       ADC    $AF     ; starts at #$C0
       STA    $AF     ; store the result
       ROL    $81     ; Audio Volume RAM    
       LDA    $B0     ; data from sound table 
       ADC    $B2     ; starts at 0
       STA    $B2     ; store the result
       LDA    $B1     ; data from sound table 
       ADC    $B3     ; starts at #$01
       STA    $B3     ; store the result
       ROL    $81     ; Audio Volume RAM    
       ADC    #$20    
       LDA    #$00    
       ADC    $81     ; Audio Volume RAM    
       BEQ    LF95A   ; Restart the Demo?
       LDA    $81     ; Audio Volume RAM    
       BIT    $0F09   ; Test what? Why? Skip AUDV0?
       STA    AUDV0   
       BNE    LF912   
       DEX            ; from 151
       BNE    LF912   
       JMP    LF7C1   
;                                 Sound Table
LF967: .byte $69,$00,$70,$00,$76,$00,$7D,$00,$85,$00,$8D,$00,$95,$00,$9E,$00
       .byte $A7,$00,$B1,$00,$BC,$00,$C7,$00,$D3,$00,$E0,$00,$ED,$00,$FB,$00
       .byte $0A,$01,$1A,$01,$2B,$01,$3C,$01,$4F,$01,$63,$01,$78,$01,$8F,$01
       .byte $A7,$01,$C0,$01,$DA,$01,$F7,$01,$15,$02,$34,$02,$56,$02,$79,$02
       .byte $9F,$02,$C7,$02,$F

Skweeker Disassembly.asm

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The carry is shifted into $81 and bit 7 of $81 is shift into carry. Since $81 was initialized with 0 and there are only four ROLs, the carry is always clear afterwards.


Thanks! I see on the other thread that you're making great progress on this, so I'll defer to you on it :)


I believe I butchered my commented file anyway- it assembles, but doesn't work anymore.

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Hmm.. DASM doesn't adjust the JMP and JSR addresses based on the labels that are in the ASM? Ever since I started learning this stuff, I've moved and deleted tables all the time. Could you tell me why it doesn't work here? What is the difference? Are the LFxxxs not real labels?


Thanks for your patience and help!

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The labels are not the problem. But some data (e.g. immediate loads or tables) contains pointers.


E.g. After LF7A2 the code loads and stores the song pointers. Unless you replace the immediate loads with labels (like in my disassembly), DASM only sees two fixed values here. But if the song data address has been changed, the song pointers will be pointing at the wrong address.


And the song data itself is also just a bunch of pointers. Without labels you cannot move the data they are pointing at, too.

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and if I may add for completeness, you can only safely move tables or labels in full page steps (256 bytes). Otherwise you might introduce or lose extra cycles for crossing page boundaries.


Thanks.. I'll keep an eye out for that. First though, I'm going to try the labeling without chopping anything.

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Yup, this sets the pointer to $1f40 (which is identical to e.g. $ff40) for the following multiple lda ($96),y.


There seems to be no table at $ff40, just a bunch of $ff. But maybe that's exactly what the code needs here.


Hey I got something almost right! I guess that's mirroring?


Now I see what you did here and what it means:

    .byte   $79,$20,$75,$10,$6B,$10,$C1,$01,$8B,$01,$93,$01
    .byte   $8F,$08,$8B,$02,$C1,$06,$73,$10,$77,$10,$6F,$10,$79,$08,$77,$08
    .byte   $77,$10,$7B,$10,$73,$10,$7D,$08,$7B,$08,$3F,$04,$57,$04,$3F,$04
    .byte   $57,$04,$C1,$04,$C1,$04,$C1,$04,$C1,$04,$3D,$04,$55,$04,$3D,$04
    .byte   $55,$04,$C1,$04,$C1,$04,$C1,$04,$35,$04

    ORG     $fffc
    .byte   $EA,$F0,$EA,$F0

So I guess absent anything else, DASM will fill in empty spots with $ff?

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Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong here?

I can't get this to assemble. I've replaced $96 with .lenLo and I get:


unresolved symbols list


    ldy     $99             ; 3
    lda     LF1B2,y         ; 4
    beq     LF151           ; 2
    sec                     ; 2
    sbc     #$21            ; 2
    asl                     ; 2
    tax                     ; 2
    lda     LF221,x         ; 4
    sta     .lenLo              ; 3 Replaced $96
    inx                     ; 2
    lda     LF221,x         ; 4
    sta     $97             ; 3
    jsr     LF16A           ; 6
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So that is only in the LF7A2 SUBROUTINE then? Is that so you can use different names for the same RAM?

Yup. Quite useful if you have to use the same ZP-variable for different purposes.


But you could do that without . too. The . just prevents you from using that variable accidentally somewhere else.

E.g. this would work too:

var1 = $96

var2 = $96


All labels are just aliases for values.


BTW: You can also reuse jump labels like e.g. .loop or .skip without having to think about a new name over and over again. :)

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OK Thanks!


Ah, so I can remove the "." and it will start working. However, I assume that since you did not do what I was attempting to do, that location must have another use and lenLo, etc. will confuse things.


I recently became familiar with the following when I was integrating a 48 pixel graphic into my game which has a 2x6 digit score display. Both use a fair amount of RAM, but never at the same time. :

G48            EQU pfMasks    

So, what is ZP? Zero Point?

Edited by BNE Jeff
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