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WIP: Air Taxi


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That's awesome!! I'll definitely be keeping a watch on this thread for developments. :-) Keep up the great work!


Actually my current plan is to include speech even without the need for AtariVox+. Since I'm going for 32k, I will have the ROM space to add "Hey taxi!", "Thanks!", "Up please!" and similar samples directly. While such a sample is played, visuals will be reduced to a minimum however, probably only showing the border of the playing area, the taxi, and the passenger.
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Actually my current plan is to include speech even without the need for AtariVox+. Since I'm going for 32k, I will have the ROM space to add "Hey taxi!", "Thanks!", "Up please!" and similar samples directly. While such a sample is played, visuals will be reduced to a minimum however, probably only showing the border of the playing area, the taxi, and the passenger.


Can you elaborate a bit on how you would add speech samples without utilizing the AtariVox?

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Can you elaborate a bit on how you would add speech samples without utilizing the AtariVox?

The idea is to use the 4 bits auf AUDV0 (and maybe adding a 5th bit by using AUDV1 as well) to play back digitized samples. With some tricks (and sacrificing quality, which for speech should be okay), I hope to be able to stuff some very short samples into one 4k bank.


Tjoppen did some great pioneering work here, sources included.

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Heya Kylearan, we'll be featuring your Early WIP of Air Taxi LIVE on tomorrow's ZeroPage Homebrew stream on Twitch at 6PM PT/9PM ET! I hope you can make it to watch the stream!

Twitch Stream: https://www.twitch.t...ropagehomebrew/


Other Games:

- Piñata (Heartbreak, Ping, Joyride, Fixer Felix Sr., Flipside) (2014) by Cybearg


EDIT: Here's the YouTube archive of the stream!


Edited by cimmerian
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