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Dude beat 714 NES games in 3 years.


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It's been a long time coming, but still, three years actually seems like pretty good time given how long it takes to deal with some of those NES games. I've tuned into some of his streams and the less predictable games have been.. uh, interesting to watch, to say the least.


In some ways I think "what a colossal waste of time." On the other hand, wow, that's some dedication, and nobody else has done it... so more power to him.

I think that "colossal waste of time" is a full time gig for him. I'd be happy to be in his shoes doing what he does with all the donations that roll in, the subscriptions he gets, and the ad revenue from being a Twitch Partner.

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It's an accomplishment, no doubt.


But I hear this, and my thoughts go back to being a kid and hearing all my classmates bragging "I beat this game the first time I played it" or "I beat that game in two days". And I'd think 'Yeah, but did you actually get to ENJOY it?' I take a long time to finish a game, but I have a lot of fun, usually years worth in the meantime.


How much fun did this guy have actually playing games for the past three years? I hope it was a lot, but I have my doubts.


And yes, I know those kids on the playground were likely lying their asses off, but the point stands.

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Did he really finish Cheetahmen2? AFAIK it's not win-able without cheat to skip a few bugged parts, and only via emulator because the real cart won't work with real cheat devices.


He plotted out all the games that could actually be finished and/or have a clear ending. For everything else, he set general goals to be met that would qualify him being "done" with said game. I'd guess for something like your example, he would have made it as far as the game possibly allowed, then he marked it off the list.

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3 Y is 1095 days so he basically finished a game every 1.5 days.

Some site reports it took him 3400 hours (that is actually just 141 days if one could play 24h/7 but thats' not the point) and that means on avg he finished a game in around 4H:45M.


If he did play 1 game a day for 4;45H to finish it that's 714 days obviously, out of 1095, he had 350+ days to spare, 52 week-ends a year = 104 week ends days ... times 3 ~ 312 .... so he could have done it by just playing half a day over the last 3Y and have all week ends off ;-) and then 10+ days each year for vacations. I have no idea how he would learn a decent living while doing that but what do I know.


It's at the same time dedication and pure nonsense. I haven't had 3Y to just play since I was a kid at preschool. I didn't have 3Y straight of just play for half a day since I was in High School (even there it was a stretch, you get to study from time to time) .... oh well I do not envy him one bit, I seriously doubt that more than say 15% of the entire library is actually that good or simply good or still-good.

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