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No Cash GBA bug: corrupted files creation


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A friend of mine suggested me to ask/search about it online and I haven't been able to find something so specific and there's nothing that I could do about it plus it didn't seem to do my drive actual harm so I decided to ignore it but there's a strange bug with the No Cash GBA emulator.


At one point I had downloaded a game (Black Widow) from Tardis remakes. It doesn't share the same directory or a similar name with the No Cash emulator or any of the rom files.

Whenever I play a DS game with No Cash GBA (this seems to happen only with games where you make some sort of progress and has new save data being created, which is most DS games to be honest, like Phoenix Wright), the folder where Black Widow is in, all the files disappear. Instead, they are replaced by a number of corrupted files with file names resembling the DS game I played. (e.g. if I just played a Phoenix Wright game, the file name will go like Ph! ix Wr%$? ä#.ght, with ".ght" being treated as the file type). These files are often, if I right-click on them, many Gigabytes worth of size (as big as 15GB or so) and I can't rename, move, or delete these files, and I can't move or delete the folders containing them either (though renaming is fine).


However, despite this, it doesn't seem to actually use up as much space on my drive, since my drive only has 30GB in total supposedly, and the entire folder is said to use up 23GB, my USB shouldn't have had enough space to store everything it is holding. Yet it does, and some files have 0KB shown in actuality in their properties. Attempting to delete these corrupted files seems to result in a loss of your saved progress on the original DS games.


I ran many scans for viruses and none are picked up, so it might be something else. I've seen lots of people using No Cash GBA having save files mysteriously disappearing, and I think this might have something to do with it. Fragmentation error perhaps?

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