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DZ-Jay's Random Blog - Christmas Carol: A Short Story - Part X


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Carol just discovered the Candy Cove, the last cave on her map, left incomplete and unnamed by the original cartographer when he was scared out of his wits by the Ghost Of Christmas Presents. It's the last cave on the map she has right now, but not the last cave in the Ice Cube Caverns system. Before the end of the story, she would have discovered two additional major chambers.

Being a sweet elf from the North Pole, Carol's language is full of idiosyncratic idioms to describe alarm and excitement. For instance, when she is very excited, she will say "sweet candy canes!"

“Sweet candy canes!” she exclaimed, so awestruck she could barely utter the words. “I–I’ve never seen anything quite like it."

She also uses "prancing reindeers!" as an exclamation.

“Prancing reindeers!” she blurted out, alarmed and slightly frightened. “I almost forgot about him!”

When she's annoyed, she says "licorice sticks!"

“Aw, licorice sticks! Another plan gone to pieces,” she frowned.

And today I learned she also has an "F" word. Just like we use the "F" word to spice up some other idiom like, "oh my f-- god!" or "holy f-- sh*t!"; Carol does the same with her "F" word.

It's not intended to be an insult nor an obscene expletive, more like a superlative modifier.

“Sweet frosted candy canes!” she shouted again, even more excited than before.

Yup, her "F" word is "Frosted." :) My wife thought of it, and I think it's just so very fitting. As a matter of fact, my wife also came up with "sweet candy canes!" as Carol's version of "OMG!" and I think it's the cutest, sweetest little phrase, just perfect for Carol Greenleaf.

Well, that's it for now. Carol just discovered the Ghost Of Christmas Presents' secret stash of Halloween candy and she's about to pig out on bon-bons and candy canes. I can't wait to see what happens next!

Until next time. See ya'!


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