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Simultaneous Any Cardinal Directions Scrubber


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Similar to a Simultaneous Opposite Cardinal Driection Scrubber, which is an external circuit which prevents opposite cardinals from actuating when 4 buttons are used as directions and east and west can be activated simultaneously, without which one would be considered cheating in fight games that don't account for this, I’m thinking a Competition Pro, and possibly a hand pad hack of a Digital 15-pin PC controller and Bohoki adapter, might give someone an advantage if they want to go faster in a diagonal in a game like Dreadnaught Factor.


Also certain "4 way games" like Qix, Popeye, Mountain King, and Vanguard have a natural 4-way mode by requiring 80% of a cardinal be the minimum actuation point. But with the Competition Pro, the natural 4-way guardrail in place is defeated, causing runtime errors in those games.


The reason why this is is because the Competition Pro (and maybe) the pad hacked digital) sets a cardinal at 100% and when actuating a diagonal, both the vertical and horizontal cardinal are both at 100%. But the Atari 520 default analog controller can in theory electronically be a square-limited controller, but is PHYSICALLY limited to a limit of 100% by a circle, which is all points equidistant to the center position.

If one were to make a perfect 45 degree angle on a regular controller, you’d have a radius of 1 and a direction of 45 degrees. But if you activate N+E digitally, you have the same 45 degrees, but 100% E + 100% N = 141% at 45 degrees.


Also the circle limiter makes it so when one direction is at 80% of a cardinal or more, it is guaranteed to be 60% or less in the other cardinal. A NE move would read as neutral on a circle restricted controller, because 100% at 45 degrees equals 70.7% N + 70.7% E at it takes 80% to actuate either cardinal, but since both are 70.7%, it reads as neutral.


The 5200 was not designed to have 141% diagonals, because of the physical circle limiter.


I don’t know if there’s an easy way a circuit can sense a diagonal, and then apply a fixed dimmer switch when diagonal. I just don’t want to be accused of cheating if I get a 5200 world record on a Competition Pro or a Pad-hacked 15-pin PC pad actuating a fight stick.


But then, again there’s more money in fight tournaments that there is in 5200 records pursuits. So no one really thought about it.

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