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Button check - am I doing this the hard way?

Karl G

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I have some code to check for the fire button, set a bit as a button restrainer if fire is hit and play a sound, or clear the bit if the fire button is not pressed. It works fine, but it seems like an awful lot of code to me. Is there a more optimal way to accomplish this than what I am doing here? Here are the relevant bits of code:

Boolean         ds 1
FireHitBit0 = Boolean
bit0 = %00000001
bit0mask = %11111110


    bit INPT4
    bmi ____no_button_press
    lda FireHitBit0
    and #bit0
    bne ____end_button_check
    lda FireHitBit0
    ora #bit0
    sta FireHitBit0
    lda #31
    sta AUDF0
    lda #4
    sta AUDC0
    lda #$F
    sta AUDV0
    jmp ____end_button_check
    lda FireHitBit0
    and #bit0mask
    sta FireHitBit0

Thanks in advance for any input.

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Hi there,


Do you need D0 for this check or can you use D7? Are the other registers free for use too? If you can use D7 then it could be a simple compare as such...

   lda INPT4                        ; read left port action button
   and #%10000000                   ; safe to avoid any reads from D6 - D0
   bmi .actionButtonNotPressed      ; branch if action button not pressed
   cmp actionButtonDebounce
   beq .endActionButtonCheck        ; branch if action button held previously
   ldx #31
   stx AUDF0
   stx AUDV0                        ; only lower nybble used for volume
   ldx #4
   stx AUDC0
   sta actionButtonDebounce         ; set debounce value for next frame compare
Edited by DEBRO
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Thanks! This is the kind of thing I was looking for. Presumably I need to do an ORA actionButtonDebounce before the STA line to avoid wiping out the other bit values in the byte, though?


Edit: it looks like the "cmp actionButtonDebounce" is also assuming that bit 7 is the only bit used in the actionButtonDebounce byte?

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Hi there


Thanks! This is the kind of thing I was looking for. Presumably I need to do an ORA actionButtonDebounce before the STA line to avoid wiping out the other bit values in the byte, though?


Edit: it looks like the "cmp actionButtonDebounce" is also assuming that bit 7 is the only bit used in the actionButtonDebounce byte?


There should be no need to ORA before setting the value. This is because the value is set from the read of INPT4 and should represent the state when comparing in the next frame.


You are correct that I'm assuming the other bits of actionButtonDebounce are not used. If you need to use those bits for other needs; you would need to isolate them before the compare.

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here's one


    ;  a = accumulator  C = carry flag, I = INPT4,  f = your flags,
    ;  f7 = bit 7 of flags, the debounce (restrainer) bit (sort of, maybe you'd say that was C)
    ;  f7 = previous I7  we want to check for !I7 & f7 = 1
    lda flags
    and #$80
    sbc INPT4     ;   C = !I7 & f7,  a7 = !I7 ^ f7
    and #$80
    eor flags     ;  a7 = !I7
    eor #$80
    sta flags
    bcc skip_audio
Edited by bogax
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  • 1 month later...

Bit0 version

   lsr FireHitBit0
   lda INPT4
   bcc previouslyheld
   bmi notpressed
   ldx #31
   stx AUDF0
   stx AUDV0
   ldx #4
   stx AUDC0
   rol FireHitBit0

To use bit7 instead, edit the first and last lines to use asl and ror, respectively (the lone rol remains unchanged...that is the current button status going into carry).


A side benefit using carry to do all the work is that it will be clear following this.


If you want the bit to be SET when the button is pressed/held, alter bcc and bmi to be bcs and bpl, and insert EOR #$80 just above 'em.


Carry is still clear, too.

Edited by Nukey Shay
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