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how are high resolution games possible on 2600?


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when i compare older 2600 games (indi 500, star raiders, etc) with new ones (pitfall 2)


the screen resolution is higher. but as far as i know is that the programmer has to write all data into the registers of 2600...

as the grafic chip (TIA) has no grafic modes...


is this just because of more rom avaible on the carts? or which trick did the coders used?


ps. if some of you want to start homebrew games...i would suggest to start with atari 8bit computers or 5200...not with the 2600...

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The Atari basically has a 40x192? resolution background (very low res), two 8 bit wide bitmapped sprites, a three box/line/box things you can move. The game "Frogs and Flies" illustrates this perfectly.


The "sprites" are high resolution compared the background. There are only two bitmapped ones, but you can copy them multiple times on one screen. Programmers later started using multiple copies of the sprites not just for the "players" but also for backgrounds and other stuff, making games appear to have better resolution. For example, the text in Basic Programming is made by copying and changing the shape of the sprites many times during one draw of the screen.



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Originally posted by Scott Stilphen:

Rex Bradford claims the "world record" for the maximum # of sprites on one line - 13 - in Kabobber (the reserves at the bottom of the screen). Do any games show more?


Not really a game, but on the Stella list we have created several different demos with 18 sprites in a row, which I think is the maximum you can generate with this trick.



Ciao, Eckhard Stolberg

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