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Atari Authors

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Kevin Savetz and I were trying to track down a couple of authors of old Atari books so that we can get them on-line.


We contacted Bob Albrecht and he gave us permission to put ALL of his old books online, but he also gave us some bad news:



Don Inman died a few years ago.

LeRoy Finkel is dead.

Jerald R. Brown is dead.




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Oh wow, that's terrible. I did some searching to see which books these guys wrote:


Don Inman: The Atari Assembler (along with Kurt Inman)

LeRoy Finkel and Jerald R. Brown: Atari BASIC - A Self Teaching Guide (along with Bob Albrecht)


Are there any other Atari-related books these guys were responsible for? I assume these were the books from them you were hoping to put online at some point?




[ 01-27-2002: Message edited by: Albert ]

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i was wondering whta happened to jeffery stanton . robert p. wells, and sandra rochowansky.  


I haven't looked up these folks. I've been more interested in getting programming books online. Though these books are great game review references if some can get permission to put them up. I remember having this book and the 1984 edition as a kid. Alas, I don't have them anymore.

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Are there any other Atari-related books these guys were responsible for? I assume these were the books from them you were hoping to put online at some point?


We were rtying to find Don and Kurt Inman which we weren't able to do, but I did track down Bob Albrecht who co-authored a QBASIC book with Don Inman. If we can track down Kurt Inman, we should be able to get The Atari Assembler online. We need to get permission from LeRoy and Jeralds next of kind to put the Atari Basic book up. I would also like to track down the author of the Atari Roots.

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I'll see if I can help track some of the people down.


Regarding the project, I do have a large collection of assembly programming books (z80, 6502, 8080, 680000, and more system specific ones such as Atari). I'd be willing to help out either by lending a book to be scanned or trying to scan it my self.


A few of the Atari related books:

Inside Atari Basic by Bill Carris


Sams Programmer's Reference Guide for the Atari 400/800 Computers


Atari In Wonderland


101 Programming Tips and Tricks for the Atari Home Computers


Atari Pilot For Beginners


Your Atari Computer: An essential guide to Atari 400/800 personal computers


Atari ST Internals (Abacus)


Atari Games and Recreations


Computes First Book of Atari Graphics


The original 400/800 bound Basic reference book


The '82 versions of the official Atari 400/800 Technical Reference Notes manuals.

These include the Operating System User's (Programming) manual, The Operating System Source Code Listing manual, and the Hardware Manual (also a programming manual). I'd say a good 600-700 pages in this alone.

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At least part of Tech Notes has already been done. Go to the mirror section of Technical Reference Notes and then you must click on each page. The forward and back buttons don't work. Another piece is here:Eric Cron. I think Savetz and company are on the right track because often these sites appear and then are gone.


[ 02-02-2002: Message edited by: Mario's Other Brother ]

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