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  1. What I've heard is that every sound channel consumed 1% of CPU power. This is just anecdotal and have nothing to back it up.
  2. I never owned one, but from what I've seen of gameplay videos, other than Tempest 2000, it was underwhelming. It just seemed that coders couldn't be bothered to put in the proper effort to bring out its full potential. I know some of that is due to the Tramiel (sp?) regime at the time, but it looked the same way with third party devs also.
  3. AFAIK NimH batteries and NiCads have the same voltage....1.25. I don't know for sure, but I think NimHs have higher amperage.
  4. I'm not sure if 1:1 duplicate boards are doable, from a legal standpoint. Wouldn't that be some form of copyright infringment? That is, if the copyright holder would choose to pursue litigation.
  5. Those were dual format games. They played on OG XBOX as well as 360.
  6. If you're gonna have a controller with keypad poll, IMHO The Atari 5200 and Jaguar controllers should be in there too.
  7. Isn't the Switch kind of a Wii-U Pro in it's own right? ?
  8. I'm assuming by "universal chip" they mean a modchip? If you don't have/want to buy a modded PS1, your best bet would most likely be to try an emulator.
  9. If it's not too expensive, maybe Mouser's UK site could help with buying the caps piece by piece? I know it's not your preference, but might be the only way AFAIK.
  10. Maybe, but don't flatter yourself. You're not worth stalking. I reply to what I see as wrong where I see it. Your name-calling doesn't make the point I made earlier any less valid IMHO. There's nothing wrong with showing off your collection if you feel like it. If you can't handle that I called out collection shaming, then get over yourself and ignore me.
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