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About Android8675

  • Birthday 12/19/1970

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    Marina, CA, USA
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  1. I find it funny that there are AIs in browsers now like Chromium (Edge/Chrome, etc) because the current iteration can give you info, but it still requires you to research the answers, and I don't think a lot of people understand this. So AI says something "factual", the human spreads it around, turns out it's false, but the answer is out there, and the AI will pick up that info in the future and run with it. Let's see what happens in 3 years when I re-ping this tread.
  2. Been a while, time to poke the BB/ST thread. Russ, BB/ST for Atari ST, not the 8bits, but I gotta ask, did you uncover anything? Also, here's a lovely conversation I had with ChatGPT v3.5 about BB/ST, and FYI, ChatGPT just loves throwing out random information as "Factual". I'd be curious of v4 was any better, but not motivated enough to purchase a subscription. Asking ChatGPT about BB/ST
  3. Someone on Facebook reported some adjustments to get the harmony cart to work. It's limited to single banked games I think, so not completely compatible, but people are figuring it out.
  4. Just came here to see if anyone got it working on Retron with Stella 6 latest? I get a loud tone on cart insert. Doesn't seem to want to work. Anyone get their 2600+ with a Aug. 22nd order date or later? (atari.com)
  5. I have a love affair with b-tree style message boards. There were 2 in Santa Cruz that I called often that ran on old Victor computers. BB/ST is the only commercial BBS program that has one implemented out of the box. I ran a board a long time ago on BB/ST, but sold the system and all discs back in the 90s. basically a b-tree board is just one top message that has X replies and those replies have X replies, and so on making an upside-down tree that you can navigate by going up, left, right. etc. Something I could probably re-create. I think Citidel uses a similar system, but, was mostly just trying to find a copy for archival purposes at this point. It's fun I guess. -A.
  6. Figured out a great solution for this is to use [Firefox Relay](https://relay.firefox.com/) It makes a relay email and stuff that gets spam filtered or doesn't even appear tends to get thru. I've had lots of luck with it on stubburn/niche websites.
  7. I had this setup with my old 520st, back in the day, it worked really well. It wasn't until I realized that when converting to 512 colors you can press space to switch back to 16 color mode on the screen and the rest of the image will render faster. the early reveal while processing was just so if you thought it was going to turn out like shit you could abort and try again.
  8. Wow, time flys. I think I was too tired in 2021, and I'm a week late from 2022, but it's 2023, so why the hell not! Time for a BB/ST bump! Still [kind of] looking for v2+ of BB/ST. Why I haven't just written my own software by now, I'll never know, but hey, maybe someone's joined atariage.com in the last 2 years and has a big ole box of floppies from the BBS Golden Age. If not, well Happy New Year all you Atari Crazies. -Andy
  9. Only thing I can think of without having access to my 800+incog or the express! cart that you speak of is that Candle told me a while ago (years), that there was a cart issue that required a bypass be added onto the 800. I forget why, but he said without it, some carts may have issues. I totally forget what SPECIFICALLY he was referring too, and at the time it didn't effect me, so I never bothered to research it further. Maybe you already know what I'm talking bout, and this message is of no help. In which case, my apologies. I could search thru my history and see if I can find some reference if you're desperate. -A.
  10. Grats Louis! I haven't been on AA in a few months. -Andy
  11. I had a couple Laserdisc players from old Dragon's Lair cabs (LD-V1001's) that I used this program for a long time ago. The cable was simple, the hard part now will be finding the 15pin Centronics connector (looks like a Parallel printer cable connector. The end that goes on the printer.) Maybe they are still readily available?
  12. Nope. I feel like I just committed a cardinal sin. Am I being reprimanded? I do have a few Atari bases, and my system does recognize ATASCII terminals, but alas the menus are just .txt in that mode. Someday I'll tweak everything to look good on the 8-bits. PETASCII also works, but I have to fix my rev.proxy, it's not configured properly.
  13. My board has Rogue-JS on the web server. Runs great, but Moria is a huge upgrade from Rogue. I need to fix my server, all the ports are forked up. What happens when you want to run Foundry VTT.
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