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  1. Hi @rensoup, Let me humbly ask - is there a slightest chance for you to release a version that runs entirely from Ram-Disk? Xxl claims that he already has such I/O module for xbios. Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrZgj2Noguo
  2. This weekend I have recompiled the video player, but for: KMK/JZ v1, IDEa, and IDEPlus. It recognizes IDEa with original bios, as well as APT from Flashjazzcat when detecting interface. Binaries and source attached. Under Altirra it works well with KMK/JŻ v1 and IDEPlus. Among real hardware, I only have IDEa interface. Behaviour is at least strange. With Sandisk Ultra 1GB it plays video flawlessly. However when using Kingston 8GB "with flower", I can only see random pixels. What intrigues me is that the same Kingston with the same content plays at acceptable level using SIDE (there are minor glitches, but all in all you can enjoy the movie). Anyone has idea what might be the reason? movplay_idea.zip
  3. No one denies that Fandal and Irgendwer put an enormous effort to bring this game to us. I can't even imagine how much was that. Guys, I really appreciate it Let's not forget why we all are doing that - for fun! And for those having nothing but complaints - try to do anything on your own instead! @xxl - No, I don't feel ashamed. You should - for trying to divide Atari community as you have been doing on polish forums. At least let's keep this place clean from our local "mess".
  4. Speaking of Rapidus, here is a video showing the game running on REAL hardware with Rapidus 65C816 at 21MHz, loaded from IDE+. It was recorded by Pin/Tristesse. Blazing smooth!
  5. I am glad to hear that it works. However I am surprised that stability on Rapidus increased, because it did not alter original code at all! All I did was: * move low memory segments to ext RAM, * added code that relocates it to original locations when DOS is no longer needed * added logic that turns OS off before INIT requests, and turns it on immediately after (something like "decorator" pattern in OOP programming) Game logic is intact!
  6. Hello guys, I've managed to preare a hacked version of Stunt Car Racer that is able to load from any device under DOS. It was tested with DOS II+/D and MyDOS under Altirra, as well as Sparta DOSX with SDINIT and it seems to work. Of course there are some disadvantages: This version uses additional bank of extended RAM (should be able to run on 192kb machine) There is no Hall of Fame, Replayes - all I/O operations are disabled, beacuse there is no xBios The animation during loading is corrupted - but when you boot from HDD there is no time to watch it If you don't accept these limitations, please stay with the original version. I made this for my own fun and all the users who want to enjoy fast load from their HDD interfaces. Of course some things my not work, it was rather a quick and dirty hack. I will appreciate your feedback. StuntCarRacer.DOS.xex
  7. Phaeron, I'm having very similar issue, except that I get "IDE Command error 5000 00000000" immediately after player launch. (however, very rarely - one in 20-30 tries it runs).
  8. Wow, the video is awesome. Colours so bright, vivid and audio so much better than what I can achieve. On weekend I'm going to visit Zaxon (since we live in the same city). We are going to test all of his CF cards to find the perfect one. Also visit my Onedrive (link is in one of previous post), I uploaded some new videos.
  9. What CF cards (manufacturer, model, capacity, approximately year of production) do you use for video playback?
  10. Believe me, there will be more And when we find the solution for the audio, I am thinking of converting full length feature film I don't complain about the audio quality on the emulator, I understand the white noise is inevitable. But check the short WAVE recordings I posted earlier (I recommend using ear phones). On real hardware the noise is much more louder than vocals, unlike the Altirra.
  11. Check out these two recordings - one I a sample from Scorpions video I made, another one is from Skyfall by Wrathchild: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Al-x2lbdaRKHjdoF4Y3ttr9PLORLdQ https://1drv.ms/u/s!Al-x2lbdaRKHjdoG0asnHZZL2nocCA These were made using mobile phone, so they are quiet. But when you play it on the earphones, you can easly hear that the level of noise is much more higher than the vocals. I am aware that some white noise is inevitable when downsampling, but when played on Altirra the difference is not so huge. Another interesting idea came up on AtariArea. My friend Pinokio tested the video I produced and he claims that the quality of audio track is superb. He thinks that it may be caused be the CompactFlash used. He says that he had tried a dozen of cards before he found the two of them that gave satisfying results.
  12. I have used from post #62 of this topic: http://atariage.com/forums/topic/211689-60-fps-video-using-side-2/page-3?do=findComment&comment=2747884 The player comes from post #98 since it seems to be able to detect PAL/NTSC http://atariage.com/forums/topic/211689-60-fps-video-using-side-2/page-4?do=findComment&comment=2796714 For conversion I used PAL script attached by Wrathchild. Which tool did I choose wrong? EDIT: And most important, what is the reason the IDE error?
  13. Thanks Wrathchild! Scripts were enough for me to move forward, but I'll carefully read the instructions you posted as well. As it appeared, I made much more mistakes: When configuring external encoders in virtual dub, I forgot to surround command line parameters with double quotes I used unstable DirectShow input plugin to import MP4 video. So I decided to switch to ffmpeg plugin for virtualdub, but it didn't work on win XP After that I successfully converted video and played it under Altirra. The converted file soon will be available here (it's PAL video): https://1drv.ms/f/s!Al-x2lbdaRKHjdlep1YlMp3VD_SOOg Then I decided test it on real hardware. I have SIDE version 1 and two CF cards: Kingston Elite Pro 1GB (the blue one) and Alan - Bradley Industrial Standard 128MB card (yes, it's from the PLC manufacturer). To move data to I used HDDRawCopy on Windows. Immediately after running the MOVPLAY.XEX on Atari I receive message "IDE Command error 5000 00000000". However, after few restarts of Atari it played! The video is superb, but the audio.. disappointing. During whole movie I can hear loud sound similar to shooting gun making it unpleasant to listen to. Check the recording I made during playback with my phone - it's also on Onedrive (or soon will be) So I questions are: what can be done with "IDE command error"? is there any chance two remove that loud "gun-like" noise from audio?
  14. I'm sorry for digging up this old topic, but I've lost to VirtualDub. I've downloaded PAL package posted by phareon, compiled encoders using Codeblock with MinGW, but I don't know how to configure properly the encoders and set the encoding options metioned by phareon. Can anyone provide me a detailed instruction? Screenshots of Virtual Dub config would be very appreciated
  15. Jetboy is a really cool game, but for me is little too difficult. So, one evening some time ago I decided to make a use of Machine Language Monitor in QMEG OS As a result, I made a modificated version of this game which allows you to play not with 4, but 64 lives! (Why not for example 255? Don't you think it would be too much ? ). You can download it from here. Enjoy!
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