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orion1052003 last won the day on October 7 2011

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  1. This looks really good! Any chance for a youtube video showing them in action?
  2. Yes, I can wait for the next Stella release. Thank you much for those screenshots. I didn't do a thing, just plugged the driving controllers into the Stelladaptor, and then the USB cable in before running Stella. I don't know much about the configuration and options, I've only messed with a minute bit of it. I'll have to learn more about the menu, and re-test the driving controllers out on a 2600. It seems like they worked better than THAT at least, the last time I had used them.
  3. I should have mentioned I installed SDL2-2.26.2 and jzintv-20200712-osx-sdl2 before the original post, and got the white screen with the game music playing in the background.
  4. Yes. Well, the turning is random to the point where sometimes it turns very suddenly and others you have to keep turning for too long before it starts to move. I cleaned 2 and afterwards one is a little more responsive, but both are similar enough that you can't use them to play unless you want to just careen all over the place and call that playing. I was hoping to fix or get another to play INDY 500 XE. It could be the cable, but I wouldn't have a way to know or test that. After cleaning, I've only tested out the controllers on Stella rather than on real hardware so far. But I doubt it would act much different.
  5. BEST Electronics no longer has driving controllers. 1-21-23. Does somebody make NEW internals or a new long lasting board like BEST does for the joystick controllers, but pertaining to driving controllers? I have a few old driving controllers and have take them apart and tried to clean them. I have no idea how to fix them and doubt that I could If I knew. Does anyone make new repro driving controllers, or higher quality than the original internal parts for the driving controllers?
  6. "LTO Flash! has quit unexpectedly." When trying GUIntv, a white square comes on screen (640 resolution to try it out) and sometimes I get game sound, but no picture. If I quit, Jzintv error 1. Both GUIs won't work, at least so far. I have the exec and grom, have the rom path and bios path. I have the cables to go with the flashback controllers to make them work properly. Can't get a game to run. Mac OSX "El Capitan" 10.11.6 WontWork1.tiff
  7. These pics are awesome!! So that means the player made it all the way to the very end of Beamrider on Intellivision?
  8. Would it be possible for an emulator to be programmed to work with the Intellivision Flashback controllers ON THE SOFTWARE SIDE, to eliminate the need for the adaptors? Like a switch between normal controllers that would be hooked to a USB adaptor, and a Flashback controller that would be hooked to a USB adaptor to PC or Mac?
  9. Ok, cool. Usually you answer my email within 3 days and I think its been a couple weeks and I sent you a second email no response so I was checking on ya.
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