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About PFL

  • Birthday December 28

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    Advanced Tech and Research Institute

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Dragonstomper (6/9)



  1. Does anyone know if any of the games are getting tweaked, at all? I'd love to see Traxx for the VIC get decent controls!
  2. In my experience, there's very little out there that doesn't have some kind of collectors scene. I'm sure the scene around the 2600 will shrink but I see no reason why it would die out entirely - even if it's just high-end collectors, curators and museums a hundred years from now. History and historicity is always valuable.
  3. Please will you consider selling ROM files too? I would love to play a lot of these new titles but the cost of the cart, shipping to the UK and the ridiculous customs charges just make it impossible for me. I'm sure you're not the only one who would really appreciate a more accessible way to enjoy these new works.
  4. Hey Al, any update on digital purchases?
  5. Thanks for the reply. I look forward to the store upgrade.
  6. Just wondering when or if the ROM will be available for sale or otherwise. I just can't afford the Customs fees that I get hammered with!
  7. Hey folks. Does anyone know if it's at all possible to use the mouse scroll wheel as a paddle/driving controller in Stella? I have a Logitech mouse with a lovely smooth scroll wheel and it's just crying out to be used to play Breakout and the like.
  8. Just as an FYI, I'll be seeding for the foreseeable future. It's just too good a torrent to let it fall by the wayside.
  9. That'd be nice of you. Unfortunately, the postage is pretty high. If you do make more and have them next pay day (beginning of March), I'd be happy to take one (or two if my partner doesn't kill me!).
  10. I'd read that book! I recently picked up Mark Bussler's (of Classic Game Room fame) Pac-Man book. It's a fun little read. I keep an eye on your blog but I figured it was just a legacy thing as it hasn't been updated in a while (I'm not judging!). I've always found Pac-Man and its impact on popular and gaming culture to be fascinating. I work with kids 5-12 and most of them know of Pac-Man even though they've never played any of the games. That's some impact! I'll keep an ear to the ground in case you do decide to go for it. If you don't, well, at least I'll still have the PFP.
  11. Sorry for the double post but I just had a thought. Firstly, apologies if this suggestion causes you consternation or irritation. I was thinking about your upcoming Pac-Man extravaganza and then your impending 7800 homebrew hiatus. Have you ever thought about doing a fully fledged Pac-Man podcast (a Pac-Cast, if you will )? You and Inky seem to have a love for the wee yella fella and I feel like there is a ton of potential content if one takes into consideration things like merch, musicm the cartoons, spin off games, hacks, the whole Midway/GCC thang and, lately, hot gossip in the world of high scores. I would love to listen to something like that but I don't have the know-how or confidence to create my own. Just putting it out there.
  12. Hey. Is there a PAL60 version of this game? It looks really interesting (and I like the t-shirt!).
  13. Yeah, making it a 'mini-series' of sorts might be a lot of fun. It may also give you more opportunity for, perhaps, a guest spot or two?
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