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Space Invader (2/9)



  1. The order is first by date/time added and secondly alphabetical. What I do: get the files I want on the SD card, move them onto my PC, erase those files on the SD card that I just moved, then move them all back to the SD card. Works like a charm!
  2. 60,860 Wow, I don't think I've ever been the first to post before...
  3. 7950 First time playing this one - for this week this is taking too much mental energy...
  4. 162,300 I'm assuming this is game one where we start with two lives in reserve vs game one where we would start with four lives in reserve? Don't know why but this really made me want to go and listen to the music from "The Legend of Zelda"... In your head now too? Sorry...
  5. 18000 In the words of my four year old "poor girl, she's dead". "Oh no honey, this is a game of tag where when you catch someone you flip them upside down..." The perfect game before a shift in the ICU on Halloween night...
  6. 126,310 One game (first game I've played in years and much higher than I've ever scored). My wife also came in to see me die at the end, but I think I was about gone anyway.
  7. 83,852 Got the hang of this one right away. Almost got that suitcase! A stelladapter is a must if you don't have the cart. I have an old slik stik (with the orange ball on the top). Very durable, very short movements needed to move from left to right. Horrible button, but that's no problem here. I still hate airports...
  8. 400,870 I may have read this in the last forum but... after you drop two rocks the fruit appears (which in later levels gives you more points than killing the monsters). As with so many of the games we could probably all get higher scores if it weren't for a few mistakes at some of the easy plays (I expect to loose a few when things get tough but I get mad when I lose them at easy parts). I'm using firefox and I have no problem seeing the scores. I'm guessing the problem with the "continue" is that it erases your score if you hit the button after the game ends (which I almost did).
  9. 87,800 Got lucky. Kind of like playing a slot machine. Keeps you going because you think "Hey, if I did that then surely I could do better..." So not so. Tried to grab as many items as I could according to what was at the bottom, but when I couldn't get what I needed I grabbed whatever I could.
  10. 14,880 I'm done for this week. The red meteor keeps getting me when it comes off from the sides. I shoot and miss. Could do without this little wrinkle.
  11. 84,800 At 80k things get a lot more difficult. I will say it seemed I could work my way up the left side of the fireball level and then come back down the ladder in safety - the fireballs don't seem to cross until you have more than half the rivets taken out.
  12. 32,979 Trying to think of something witty to say since my score is so bad...
  13. 26,080 You guys got some good scores. I use to be able to manage just get past the rocket/shuttle thing that comes up from behind... for a game that seems so easy it sure is hard...
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