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    Retro gaming fan club with monthly meetings. Competitions, beer and pizza. Munich, Bavaria, Germany

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  1. Adding Storm (Mastertronic) Air Rescue I (Microprose) Asteroids Bacterion! Bruce Lee Cavelord (2nd player is gunner) Crystal Raiders (2nd player control jumping) Cyborg Warriors Dandy Dark Chambers Diamond Mine (Roklan) (Friendly Mode) Dropzone (2nd player controls smartbomb, cloak) Gauntlet Ghost Hunter Joust Mario Bros. XE Maze War Rampage! Realm of Impossibility Rescue of Fractalus (second player is co-pilot) Robix Robotron 2084 (2nd player is gunner) Schreckenstein Scramble (2nd player for bombing) Shadow World (Synapse Software) (Not sure about this one) Storm Survivor (2nd player is gunner) The Convicts The Goonies Wizard of Wor Worm War I Zeppelin (2nd player is gunner) Zybex
  2. Interesting. I didn't know that there was a 2nd button support launching i.e. the water flush. Unfortunately it's really only that one effect so making the 2 player co-op experience a bit limited. Anyway it would be quite a candidate for some co-op "hack"
  3. In order to reactivate this very interesting thread. Here is a summary of 2+ player games that can be played cooperatively. Air Rescue I (Microprose) Asteroids Bacterion! Bruce Lee Cavelord (2nd player is gunner) Crystal Raiders (2nd player control jumping) Cyborg Warriors Dandy Dark Chambers Diamond Mine (Roklan) (Friendly Mode) Dropzone (2nd player controls smartbomb, cloak) Gauntlet Ghost Hunter Joust Mario Bros. XE Maze War Rampage! Realm of Impossibility Rescue of Fractalus (second player is co-pilot) Robix Robotron 2084 (2nd player is gunner) Schreckenstein Scramble (2nd player for bombing) Shadow World (Synapse Software) (Not sure about this one) Survivor (2nd player is gunner) The Convicts The Goonies Wizard of Wor Worm War I Zeppelin (2nd player is gunner) Zybex
  4. Trainer Request: Joust , unlimited lives.
  5. This is a real nice topic. Thanks for the contributions. I like trainers because it helps small kids to play. Good stuff.
  6. It seems like Mad Pascal gets a lot of attention in A8 development lately. I understand that Mad Pascal compiles into MADS Assembler sources. This is much like CC65 compiles into CA65 sources. So it seems both approaches are pretty similiar in terms of high level language 2 low level binary rollout. Say I would start a new A8-specific game project, would there be any specific advantage/disadvantage on any of these two dev stacks? I see there might be a benefit for CC65 with its (Ansi-) C89 standard. But AFAIK Pascal and C a very close and have similiar patterns for high level languages problems. CC65 might be better in terms of multi platform support. On the other side Mad Pascal also allows other platform targets like C64, etc. any thoughts on this?
  7. I fully agree . This is massive. And completely inexcusable. Only chance I see here is an immediate firmware update and an official excuse. This not only to the customers but also to the licensor. Actually a licensed M.U.L.E. "hardware" was to me the one single reason why I bought the 400-mini thing.
  8. I am always happy to receive news about this exciting project. May I ask what you are currently working on? At first glance it looks like only the weapons are missing, but I'm sure you're working on more features. Is there an indication for the release of ADoom 1.0?
  9. I figured it out myself. I found a little difference in the .LST file. It was generated in MADS slightly different to ATASM. First I upgraded to the latest MADS version (which is 2.1.5) and then I had to attach an additional parameter "-p" to "Print fully qualified file names in listing and error messages" under "atasm-build.json". So all good now.
  10. Hi Stephen, the Atasm Altirra Bridge is indeed a very nice extension. I grew up with MADS and use a lot of it's macro capabilities. So I really would like to use MADS with it. The extension allows one to switch the default assembler to MADS. But then it seems like no breakpoint / debugging symbols are working. Do you maybe have some hints how this can be done? I'm afraid the full feature set is only given when using ATASM 😞
  11. Hi there, Rally Speedway is for sure one of the best Atari 800 games. Unfortunately it only comes with 2 tracks.The track editor is a really nice idea, but it is also somewhat tedious to create new tracks (you need 2 joysticks and the manual). So before spending all too much time I wonder if anyone has some track disks ready for sharing? \twh
  12. nice one. Buddy's Pokey conversions are really good. I noticed that also in MyJewels' .. good stuff.
  13. so is there a recommended way to create some kind of user story in the development backlog for the firmware?
  14. Thanks @apc for your comments. I think this is the way. Choosing a default/alternative bootloader (picboot, sdrive, ..) would be indeed useful and maybe also a nice addition for future topics.
  15. my setup is as follows: firmware: v1.2 2023-10-14 18:40:00 hw: 1.6.1 and up
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