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    Montevideo, Uruguay
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    Old junk, electronics and stuff
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  1. Got an 520STFM on the mail it was quite cheap 99$ but it arrived exactly as expected wasted but working. Purchased it to try the new "pistorm" accelerator that uses a pi on top of the CPU my other only st is an STE and don't want to risk it on experimental stuff. The board rev is "1040 ST C103225 REV.1". Wondering what is the best/cheap/easy 4MB memory upgrade i can get ?. Have seen several my "favorite" one is this: https://www.ebay.com/itm/325893714057 Also is this one from exxos: https://exxosforum.co.uk/atari/last/4MBMMU/index.htm Not sure if they could be installed on my board also if the keyboard could have enough space under it for any of them ?. And another question is where i could find 1 gallon bottles of super glue xD.
  2. Running the computer having U112 removed gets all working fine, of course the internal drive is disabled. Planning to use the C128 using an external drive so don't care about the internal one. Thanks for all the help.
  3. Hi a few days ago a friend of mine dropped his non working commdore 128DCR to get some help fixing it. The computer don't worked in 128 mode the keyboard typed random garbage. So i replaced the ROM U34 for an eprom (128 basic) and socket both CIA's U4 and U1 replaced them. This fixed the keyboard issues and the not working 128 mode and now the basic banner shows up in 128 mode. The issue is that the banner "commodore basic v7 ...." shows but there's no ready prompt. Read that this can be caused by a bad internal drive so found that cutting pin 1 from U113 disables it the internal drive have a broken head anyway. Doing this don't changed anything still stuck after banner no ready prompt. In 64 basic if i try to load from an external floppy drive tried device 8 and 9 nothing computer freezes and there's no activity on the drive.
  4. A friend of mine got the rest of this boards from the store. If someone like to have them i can get his contact, he have no use for this boards.
  5. Not sure for what they where they say on the pcb (coleco 1984) so they must be from some oficial harware. Here goes the pics.
  6. This is atariage and anyone saying that the commodore look better than atari must be immediately kicked out the forum and executed by firing squad !. xD
  7. Hi guys, finally i got the parts (sticks and buttons) to build an arcade joystick for my 5200. But for some reason i can't find any of the schematics i have seen before to build a digital joystick for the 5200. Someone that know or have do it can point me out where to find this information ? Thanks.
  8. Only have a single 65XE, the computer works using the original 64k of ram, theres something bad about the home made gal-emmu. Will try to purchase an a V10 gal seems easy to get it working.
  9. Now i have done the board, checked everything like 5 times using continuity on the multi meter and also when power on the voltages +5v and gnd seem to be ok. But only got a black screen
  10. Hi, have tried this added a couple of 41464 ram chips, and programmed the GAL16V8B as the link instructed soldered pin 12 to gnd used pin 10 on the gal. The link says to populate U35 using a 74LS95 but on my board this socket is already populated is the 4 memory chips version board. But only got a black screen
  11. Found this thing on ebay: https://www.ebay.com/itm/284030380591 At first i think that the guy was selling a bunch of adam parts. But there is included old printed instructions on how to assemble the "kit". Does coleco sold this as computer kits ?, never heard about this.
  12. Great i have seen the web page but never figured out where the files where !. Thanks!
  13. Recently got an APPLE IIgs, 4 meg ram expansion and floppyemu. Downloaded a hard disc image that have the gs/os installed and is reall nice :D. But struggle to install more software. Someone have a hard disco image or images that are already configured software / games that can share?. It could be much more easy for me to start using gs/os this way. Thanks!.
  14. i know is a lot of work but the best way is remove all chips install sockets and replace all of them. If you don't socket them is hard to test and be sure what chip is the one failing. You can use the piggyback method in my case never worked to find the bad ram.
  15. Mike the 15NL chips will work solder sockets first so you can replace them easy in the future the only difference between the 15NL and the 20NL is that they are faster so no problem.
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