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jd_1138 last won the day on November 21 2013

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About jd_1138

  • Birthday 10/03/1972

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Ohio, USA
  • Interests
    Nintendo Wii, NES, Atari 2600 & 7800, Mattel Aquarius, Sega Genesis, ColecoVision, science fiction, horror, comics, reading, cooking.
  • Currently Playing
    Wii Sports, 2600 Combat/Missile Command, Genesis NBA Jam

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  1. Someone gave me an Xbox One media remote (PDP brand), as they switched from Xbox to PS5. It's pretty cool. I usually use my Chromecast media dongle that has a remote, but since I play as much Xbox as watch media, I think I will just use the Xbox One from now on for YouTube, Tubi, etc. My GF doesn't like the controller (not a gamer) but seems to like the media remote. Plus the Chromecast is kinda buggy and has to be unplugged and restarted at least once a week.

  2. $25 shipped to continental USA, all are in mint shape, and I will also toss in some candy and a mystery gift.
  3. They have Switch Sports, but that's only for the regular console I guess, as you'd need to use the joy con controllers with it. I loved Wii Sports, and that was a huge massive hit when people came over to our house. I should've kept my Wii. Ended up giving it to the neighbor kids like 5 years ago. Your daughter may like Animal Crossing New Horizons. Also I'd definitely look into that online membership for all the games available on there. She might like some of the classic games.
  4. Wow 1975. I think I saw my first arcade game in 1977 when me, my older brother and older cousins rode our bikes down to a local store (a department or larger store I believe) to play Midway's Sea Wolf submarine game. I was too short to play, so I just watched them play. Then in 1978 we played Space Invaders at the local 7-11 convenience store. Also around that time or shortly after larger arcades starting popping up with like 8 Space Invaders and 8 Asteroids machines all lined up. Then in 1980 Pac Man came out.
  5. I forgot to sign up this year. Been working 60-65 hours a week due to people who are flakes at work and quitting.
  6. Someone needs to port Die Hard to ColecoVision. I associate Christmas games as being games my brother and I were playing a lot around the winter break trying to beat it since we had more time -- including games we got for Christmas. Christmas of '83 was spent trying to beat D&D on our Mattel Aquarius. I had both an ADAM and a ColecoVision in the mid 80s. I need to get both again. I heard Stay Frosty is great.
  7. Post your favorite board/card games. I bought my GF Connect 4 and Life off of Amazon recently, and we've been having fun playing with her 2 twenty something son and daughter (and her BF). Also, we have Sorry and Family Feud. I have a nice collection of Marvel/DC toys (mostly loose) I bought at yard sales and in large lots, and they love the comic book movies. So to add an extra element of fun, I will place 4 or 5 toys on the table, and the winner gets their choice of toys. These toys were like 50 cents to a buck each. Not much at all, but it adds fun to it.
  8. I love impulse buys. I will peruse the Matchbox, Hot Wheels and action figure stocks at stores sometimes and will buy a few if they strike my fancy. I just picked up these space mission sets for 50 cents at a yard sale. Never opened but slightly sun faded. At first I thought bummer the lander is not to proper scale, but it'd be cool to set up a diorama perhaps with the lander in the back and the astronaults and rover in the front, so the lander looks far away.
  9. I forgot to put "in Japan" in the title. Of course, it was just for one single week (last week), but still it's kinda cool. The Xbox Series S sold about 6,200 while the PS (both versions) sold 2,900 or so. Nintendo Switch sold like 60,000 units. I guess the S is sold more than the X due to tiny apartments a lot of people in Japan have. Xbox needs a Monster Hunter edition of the Xbox. Too bad Nintendo doesn't license their games -- a Super Mario edition would be cool.
  10. Heck, they should sell a 2 TB expansion also.
  11. Yep the NES was a large leap from what I had been used to -- cousins' Atari 2600 and our own ColecoVision. I mean ColecoVision was pretty great for graphics, but the sheer number of great games on the NES made the NES better. CV had fewer games and fewer great games. And for what $79 you could buy a complete system with a great pack-in game -- SMB. We got ours in 1987. I still remember how great the packaging smelled as I opened it up. Had the NES not existed, we would've gotten a 5200 or 7800. I totally get the part about the NES being cool in that it is Japanese. So you have all the cool Japanase pop culture and sci-fi/anime sorta behind the NES. And sure the computer systems of the era like Mac, Apple II, Tandy's, IBM clones, etc. may have been more powerful, but they were also like 10 times more pricey than a new NES. Unless you're talking a basic Tandy Color Computer which was 3-4 times more pricey than a NES by the time you bought a monitor, joystick.
  12. Is this an external optical drive plugged into the Xbox Series S? Or a thumb drive? I didn't know this was possible.
  13. Yep, if you have an Xbone and are happy with it, then no need to upgrade. We don't eat out a lot -- maybe once a week at a fast food place. So our entertainment budget is very light, so I could easily justify the $35/month for the All Access Series X bundle. Heck my best friend and his family eat out like 5 times a week, and he complains he is always broke. Yep you will be if you spend like $1,200/month eating out. lol. I consider the Xbox to be part of the entertainment budget. And it's free money -- no interest on the purchase price. I love to play NBA 2K22, and the Series S/X version is free on Game Pass, and it's better than the One S/X version I bought a few months ago. It will probably take 2-3 years for the Series S/X to be a must have for an Xbox player. We only have a limited amount of time to play games. I'd happily still be playing One S/X 2K22 if it weren't for getting the All Access bundle.
  14. I bought the One S standard version of NBA 2K22 a few months ago at Best Buy on disc on sale for $20. I played it on my Xbox Series X. Last week, I noticed they added the Series S/X version of NBA 2K22 on Game Pass which I have (All Access bundle). It's different than the One S/X version -- better graphics and more details like pre-game stuff added. I guess the game co's will continue to make various versions -- one for One S/X and one for Series S/X for a while until the One S/X is retired in a couple years. Probably the S versus X in each generation of console is a change of resolution/frame rate only?
  15. Yep, add that to the price of a Series S, and it's over the cost of a Series X plus still no optical drive to play all your disc based Xbox/Xbox 360/One S/X games. If you can't find a Series X in stock locally, I'd do an All Access buundle for $35/month for 24 months. It's free money. No interest, and you're not paying more for the Series X console or the Ultimate Game Pass. I have found 25 games I love on GP which would've cost me like $800-$1000 to buy if I didn't have Game Pass. GF and son have found a lot of games they like on there, too.
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