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  • Birthday 05/01/1972

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River Patroller

River Patroller (8/9)



  1. Hi, Is it possible to embed array's in mad pascal and set an address where it has to be put in memory? In assembler I did it with .ORG $address decades ago. Just found it resource files can do it I think lets experiment. If thats not correct please reply with the correct option. Any help?
  2. Ok got the memory location of array in mad pascal aswell screendata:=array...... var address:=integer; address:=(word(@screendata)); writeln(address) // decimal output write(IntToHex(address, 4)); // hex output
  3. I think I managed it. My array name is screendata. i:=(word(@screendata)); Write(i); Did miss this one, tryed lots of things that were close to this.
  4. I cannot find the addr function. Is there a something else that I can use ? addr allows me to return the address of a variable, function or procedure. I like to read the start address of an array and print it.
  5. Hi, Yes, ok now I get it man its been decades ago I coded ..... Now also figure out the right syntax to get the start memory address of the array...
  6. I am confused here when I read my array and poke that directly to screenmemory I dont have to change 560/561 var sc : word absolute 88; for i:=0 to 959 do begin poke(sc+i,screendata[i]); end; So this copies data from array to the current screenmemory. How is it impossible to point screenram to the start of an array ?
  7. Hello, I have a few screens embedded in my code. Those are array's of bytes. I would like to switch between the array's on graphics 0 and not copy the data to screenram but point screenram to the begin of the array. array1 ... array2 .... p:^înteger; InitGraph(0); p:=@array1; I did try dpoke(88,array1), dpoke(88,pointer(array1)) and dpoke(88,^array1) and dpoke(88,p) maybe its just syntax but whats the way to do this ?
  8. Ofcourse I was just thinking about this in the car 🙂 I assumed it was atascii been so long since I coded .... thanx
  9. Hi, I am just started with mad pascal I wanted to build a gr.0 screen and print that to the screen. So I did use the editor and create source code for mad pascal and added it to my code but I only get numbers. How can I reproduces the picture from the created array ? mygame.pas screen01.gr0
  10. Hi, Any knows if there is a library or example to load a picture in other modern graphic modes then the .mic format like hip,cin,supercin, super pcin, supermin?
  11. Thanx so far very happy with Mad studio, MAC/65 is my favority assembler I started with that decades ago being able to code that in mad studio would be awesome.
  12. I added kickc to mad studio and did install java but I cannot get it to work. Is there example code that I can use to test it? Anyone got it working with KickC ? I found this example from kickc I get error: Are there users that have setup CC65 with mad studio ? Also I like the mac/65 option in the editor only there is no program that compiles the output. Output saved as .asm can this be changed to .m65 ? The code could be assembled with ATASM a mac/65 compatible cross compiler. The mad studio is great and I do want to setup the assemblers and compilers that are possible to use. Combined with Altira its great or is there an other emulator recommended?
  13. @Gury Can you add Effectus compiling and running to mad studio ? I did test the effectus compiling it does compile good to pascal but I need to compile the .pas file a second time, could you edit it so it will do it directly and launch the binary in emulator like mad pascal build+run does.
  14. Hi, I know I can load or embed relocatable machine code in basic and use the USR command. But I like to reserve a fixed block lets say $6000 - $7000 in my program is that possible?
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