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  1. It was a miracle that the NES sold like hotcakes. But I'm going to blame Nintendo. Sorry to kick a dead horse. Around 1985-86, I can remember playing VS. RBI baseball, Vs. Tennis, Duck Hunt and Hogan's Alley. All these games were fun but not cutting edge. Nintendo didn't have a big arcade presence. Atari Games did have a presence at the time and were still making great games. Marble Madness, Gauntlet, Paperboy and Super Sprint were all big hits. I understand that Atari split into two companies but, somebody should have tried to get these games on the "New" 7800 console. I would go as far as saying that games like Gauntlet, Super Sprint and Paperboy would of had a bigger audience than Contra, Super Mario and Metroid in 1986. Back in the day I got a NES, but I might have went with Atari if they ported there more modern games on the 7800. Ha ha, I later on bought a Lynx for that reason.
  2. Nope not a miracle at all. 1. As mentioned above, Sony had a reputation for quality back in the day. They had Sony branded electronic stores in malls back then. It's was pretty well regarded that if you bought a TV, stereo or any other electronic equipment from Sony it was going to be good. Sony was pushing the Playstation as a high end video game system and you could buy it at these specialty shops. 2. $299 for the PS1 vs $399 Saturn was a big difference back then. I just wanted next gen gaming system. Either Sega or Sony would have fine. But as I was saving I started to hear how awesome the PlayStation was. 3. There where Kiosks everywhere playing Namco arcade games and they look awesome. I don't remember playing one Saturn Kiosk. 4) The Namco games looked pretty much arcade perfect and the games like NBA Jam and Mortal Kombat look perfect at the time too. I can remember seeing Daytona on the Saturn and it look bad and then seeing Ridge Racer looked so much better. Virtua Fighter on the Saturn looked meh but Tekken on the Playstation looks so much better. 4. The playstation and Wipeout were in the 1995 movie Hackers. Wipeout also had some super hip Chemical Brother track on it. LOL. In hindsight, I like the Saturn more. It has better 2d games and the controllers don't suck. But as far as Sony winning it perfectly makes sense to me.
  3. Have you thought of looking into wireless? I've personally considered buying wireless adapters and then using something like this and a receiver. I'm not 100% sure it will work and it's little spendy, but that's the hobby these days. ? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08GJC5WSS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_J7WKGZZWJX2NR8X0FC77?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
  4. Yeah, looked around awhile back and never found anything. ?
  5. I haven't but I've bought games from jjgames a long time ago. They're pretty much the same. I found that it was cheaper to go with a big retailer for a bunch of carts vs. eBay. Honestly, I would just email them, they'll probably send a picture. But I would guess you'll get a better deal cutting out eBay
  6. I just logged in again and realized I needed to check out. The email lead me to think I was going to get another email. Hopefully it's good.
  7. I either got the Lynx 1 for Christmas or after saving money with my paper route in 89. I read about for awhile in gaming mags back then. I can't remember what magazine it was but I must have read article 30 times I was the only kid I knew that had one. I love that thing. I had blue lightning, cal games,gauntlet, ms pacman and gates of zendocon. I had a case and everything. It was some pretty amazing hardware. I really liked how it was getting Atari Games ports. Sadly, one day I couldn't find it. I think left it on a bus or one somebody stole it from me. There is a chance that it's tucked away somewhere in the house I grew up in.
  8. Sprite scaling always caught my attention. Games like Punch Out, Pole Position (is it?), Hang-On and Out-Run, were so more advanced than consoles at the time. Does massive amount of sprites count? Games like gauntlet, Robotron 2084 were there's tons of character on screen is always awesome. And explosions! Well done explosions are the best. Strikeforce comes to mind. such an awesome game. Needed to be ported to the Jag
  9. When this game was first released those graphics where pretty shiney. Good game, I would always drop some quarters in it. It definitely had that special Atari Games touch.
  10. build quality wise, they're mostly crap. They should be working and functional, but don't be surprised if the label peels off, the cartridge is squishy, plastic stinks like a cheap shower curtain or if the pcb barley fits into your console. Most of those repros are shipped from china, you might as well just buy them off aliexpress. https://m.aliexpress.com/wholesale/musha md.html It really depends on what type of collector your are if cheap repros are good for you. Have you considered a flash cart?
  11. I don't think Sonic would have been as nearly as popular without the big marketing push. Sega genesis had been out for like 3 years and I think a lot of people had already played Sega and where ready for the next Nintendo. But that was just people like me. There was also a huge demographic that referred to console gaming in general as "Nintendo". Sega had a up hill battle back in the day. Looking at the Genesis library, there's a lot of awesome games that didn't get that much attention. Games like Beyond Oasis, Rocket Knight Adventures and Alisa Dragoon. I don't see why any of these games couldn't have been the killer app for Sega and they are just somewhat unknown.
  12. The revenge of death adder is a awesome game but pairing it with Shinobi seems silly. Shinobi is Sega classic and it deserves it's own cabinet. They should have added something like Quartet so there's more than one 4 player game. I guess there's next year.
  13. NES and Wii. The library on the NES had so many 80s arcade games like Galaga, Donkey Kong, Ms. Pan-Man, Life Force and Contra. The Wii is pretty amazing. Being that it can play GameCube games and also has a large library. With the pandemic my family has been playing a bunch of first party titles.
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