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  1. Anything new from the Abbuc webpage?
  2. Dumb question too - have you wind the tape to the "brown" tape bevore recording?
  3. you can try to rename the autorun.sys to AUTORUN.AR0 for mydos...
  4. You can read >this< (translated with google or you read it in German), maybe it's a similar problem...
  5. Option key in Emu = disable Basic beside Cload and Run "c:" there ist Enter "C:" too. You can first convert the wav into cas With wav2cas, margotrans, a8cas so you can see, if the problem ist the wav-file (you get errors while converting) or the loading-method
  6. Feature request (if i may) / suggestion Do you have a wordfile with the english text strings, used in altirra menus, so a translation would be possible? A suggestion for the "Paste" function in Altirra: How about switching Altirra into "Warp"-Mode when pasting text into Altirra and switching it back to the mode it was before (Warp or non-warp) when pasting is finished?This way, pasting would always be as fast as possible, regardless of what mode Altirra is currently in. I miss (may be I just did'nt found it) a State-Save-function, witch generates a state-file. So i can load it again and again or give it to someone or continue after a month... Would be great to have this features, nevertheless even without the best emu i know
  7. I think you are wrong. The public download was demanded by the original copyright holders.
  8. The ABBUC is a "eingetragener Verein" - yes; "gemeinnütziger" no. Just to clarify it
  9. Here is the missing one. 1. a scan. 2. a ocred text-file. I started to correct it - anyone wants to help? listing.pdf listing.txt
  10. That's what i try for Action!-Listings and acrticles in our wiki. Still a lot to do...
  11. The compendium disks I have too (images): #1 only one side ED #2 two sides (my side a is empty ) ED #3 two sides ED (i already posted for Allan) Anyone has #33 and/or compendium disk #2 side A for me ???
  12. Stuntman (A) and Maniac (B) are on the compendium disk #3 What is still missing? Analog Compedium disk3a.atr Analog Compedium disk3b.atr
  13. You can OCR them from a Scan (despite from special chars). If i know nobody is already doing it, i can convert one... For now i'm looking for #33 trying to complet my set of analog disk images.
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