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About justclaws

  • Birthday February 14

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  • Custom Status
    Underground but not dead.
  • Gender
  • Location
    The Netherlands
  • Interests
    Video-games, hobby game programming, Atari Jaguar, Atari VCS 800.

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  1. From "Set Sail Games". Official Trailer The website for the game is here. https://setsail.games/tbnt/
  2. Ian Weeks (Tucasoft) announced this on Facebook, as his 2nd VCS release.
  3. The latest Atari Podcast is all about Neosprint!
  4. The Lunar Lander edition of Atari Podcast is linked here, in the series.
  5. No problems for me with the store or any games.
  6. Space Duel 7800 is in the VCS store! $8.99.
  7. The game is released today, and the music works perfectly now. 🙂
  8. I was a bit slow posting this maybe, but this is a thread for this software update. Version - 20240306.124251.production Build - P#2203 Date indicated 6th March 2024, but it was released last week, very smoothly. As usual, update can be applied in the background or at boot-time. Changes I know of: - New reporting function for bugs that attaches a Linux Log of the system that then gets sent to Atari (you trigger it). The Reporting is found in System and in the upper right, next to Help. - More info and features in the Pause menu when you hold down the Fuji button. - Extra information about software (like manuals) shown more obviously in both store and dashboard (via = button). - Games on Sale will be a lot more visible as the original price will be there crossed out and the sale price in red right next to it.
  9. The payment screen is back again now, but I have not bought a game so far. YMMV
  10. At this point, the update even on an original system, should work over the network. However, the flash from USB option is fall-back solution. Of course, in that circumstance, it's frustrating as hell compared to the normal network update. Sometimes, for whatever reason, if your system can't reach the Atari update servers, from your home network (and that can be due to an ISP problem) it does not matter if you are using WIFI or ethernet, because it's going through the same router. For some people, the solution can also be to connect to a phone phone hot-spot to update, if that person has a phone on a different network to the home router, and have a big data-plan!
  11. You would be the first person to have this problem, that I've heard of, even with one controller. The controllers, unless you would interrupt them during their firmware update, cannot get "bricked". I can't work out what the cause of the problem you're having with the controllers is. - Can you plug them into a different USB port as a control check? - There is a cycle of options for the Atari button to turn on the controller, wireless. Turn-on, turn-off, ignored, turn-on, turn-off, ignored etc. If the controller won't respond, release press it again, it might just be on the ignore cycle!
  12. It's been reported to Atari support!
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