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  1. Hi ckultur, Sorry it has taken me so long to respond but I have been on vacation and I have not been very good about checking my e-mail. I still have the VIC-20 cartridges although I do have a person that is just interested in the Star Trek cartridge. It would be great if we could work out a deal that would make everyone happy. PingvinBlueJeans offered me $10 for the Star Trek cartridge so I would be willing to subtract that from the total. Please let me know if you are still interested. Thanks. Hi PingvinBlueJeans, As you can see above, I have tried to contact ckultur as I would like to sell the whole lot of cartridges. If he is no longer interested in the lot or even if he is but would be willing to give up the Star Trek cartridge, I would gladly sell it to you for $10 plus maybe a little bit more for shipping (depends on how much it costs me to ship). Please let me know if you are still interested and I will try to keep you informaed. Thanks.
  2. Obviously I must have over valued this lot. I really have no use for these and would like to sell them to somebody who would enjoy them. Please make me a legitimate offer and you will probably own this lot. I had roughly figured $3 per item, and thought that was cheap. Anyway, thanks for looking and make me an offer if you are interested.
  3. I recently came across several VIC-20 computer cartridges that I have no use for. I don't have a VIC-20 computer to check these on but the cartridges appear to be in good shape. None of these have boxes or instructions, all I have are the cartridges. I would like to get $50 plus postage for the lot. Commodore titles include- Avenger, Cosmic Cruncher, Gorf, Jupiter Lander, Mole Attack, Omega Race, Poker, Radar Ratrace, Raid on Fort Knox, Road Race, and Sargon II Chess Atari titles include- Centipede, Defender, and Donkey Kong Thorn EMI titles include- River Rescue and Vic Music Composer Imagic- Demon Attack Sega- Star Trek Straegic Operations Simulator Creative Software- Pipes 16K Ram Cartridge VIC-1111 Super Expander with 3K Ram Cartridge VIC-1211A
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