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Marius last won the day on August 12 2017

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    Atari 8bit

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  1. I would love to have such a cart. It looks great. The gameplay is excellent by the way of the Donkey Kong version for atari 8bit. Some of the Arcade ports on a8 are slightly disappointing, but this one is absolutely amazing. The only frustrating thing (but if I remember this correctly the same applies to the original Arcade) is that when you want to master this game you have to start over and over again so many times, that eventually the risk of giving up is always there. In these cases something like a Turbo Freezer would be handy. But man... I am currently in a movement and I disconnected my a8 for now... once I have moved to my new house it will be one of the first things to connect. And THEN I will play this game again, I am sure about that. Thanks for the reminder!
  2. Perhaps a very dumb comment from me, but @remowilliams, isn't it somehow charming that even in 2024 on some kind of immitation atari 8bit computer, we still have to tinker with things like this... just like in the old days? Like having friends who had VHS, other BETAMAX and again other Video2000... not to speak about printers with a serial connection and other printers with a parallel connection? I have not the Atari 400 mini, and I have to admit I am rather interested in it... but I love my original a8 way to much to exchange it for some kind of replica. But I was reading this thread (and other threads about the 400 mini, because I am secretly really interested) and I thought: oh this is cool, people have to find all kind of creative solutions to let things work or not. On the real platform there are these issues too between PAL and NTSC. I once had to adapt Pole Position to make a fair play possible in some kind of competition where both NTSC and PAL users took place. The PAL players had it much easier, so I created a version that was comparable with the NTSC timing. To be honest... that was (at least for me) one of the coolest things to do on the atari 8bit... the creative solutions to all kind of daily problems on the platform. Perhaps I completely misunderstood the issue and solutions... but this was what crossed my mind when I read this thread.
  3. That is so cool. Which brings me to the question: are these articles somewhere archived? I would love to walk along memory lane and read this kind of things. I also love to see old advertisements in magazines. It is always so cool to see our so beloved atari 8bit equipment listed in a magazine. Fun detail (sorry this is completely offtopic by the way) is that I always loved the look of a 65XE in those advertisements. I remember seeing my own 800XL, a 65XE and 130XE in those ads, and I always though: oh wow look that beauty of the 65XE (and I still think 65XE is the best label... more beautiful than 130XE). And when I hook up my 65XE I am still thinking just like that. I love it. It is awesome. Some people say that every 7 year your taste appears to change... well not with this
  4. Yes I was already afraid so. But it is a wonderful and powerfool tool though... don't you agree?
  5. There is also a program called hardback or something like that. I am not sure whether it will run outside the user interface, but has a few very cool features (like only backing up files with a newer date).
  6. Yes I did. And I got weird glitches in the screen handling, and now it does not even want to show anything on the screen at all. I did stick to the OS version "Mac OS Monterey" (12.7.3) because I did not want to lose compatibility with applications that are important for my daily work. It's a pity that it is slightly glitchy. I love the emulator. I will try to remove the app entirely and re-install it. Sometimes it is difficult to re-install an app, because things are left behind when you drag an app to the trash. In the past I used an app called APP ZAPPER on Mac OS (I remember I used it already when I was on Mac OS X Tiger (10.4.x) Let's see whether that app still exists for this version of Mac OS
  7. On my Mac Studio M1 Max, I have all kind of issues anyway with this emulator. I wished there were more updates. I have been a very happy and satisfied user of Atari800Mac, but since I moved to this computer, it is all kind of trouble. And yes, the crashes with editing certain types of ATR files, happen here too... but I believe they did that before as well. I always edit small ATR files, and then on the real hardware I move everything to the 16MB SpartaDos partitions.
  8. It is my personal experience. Although The Netherlands is really small, even our country can be divided in zones where Atari was popular and zones where nobody had an atari. And of course I lived in a zone where nobody had an atari. I have never heard of Atari's in school. We had a C64 in our primary school. Most of the things that you mention by the way, are not the things I am referring to. The question was what Atari could have done differently. Aackosoft and the Dutch government aren't Atari, right? In the Netherlands it seemed that everybody knew the 2600, but hardly anybody knew about the 8bit line. The ST was popular among musicians. In Germany The Atari 8bit was much more popular. Of course, there was an Atari 8bit scene in The Netherlands as well. I think of the Pokey Foundation, The Mega Magazine, the SAG (Stichting Atari Gebruikers -> The foundation of Atari Users), Atari Info (with Kees Beekhuis)... and there were also quite some Atari books released in Dutch language. It is all true. And now you mention it, I really wonder whether I am so wrong in my memories about this. But from what I remember, there was not much marketing from Atari in my country. The only reason I had an Atari 800XL was because we actually did win one. If I hadn't won it, I would probably not even typing this message. That was for me where it all started, and for me my Atari 8bit computer was amazing... a life changing "tool" / "toy" ... whatever I should call it. I think, going back to the question from the topic starter... I still think that Atari could have done more in The Netherlands, especially in the marketing. But I am absolutely determined to dive into this matter. And I want to thank you for your reply, it really made me think. So to be continued! Oh and we had of course the amazing High Tech Team, and Steve Zipp, and later a very active Atari 8bit BBS Network/Scene... and we had STACK BBS From Bo and Ernest Schreurs (who released the Pooldisk and Pooldisk Too)... and there was quite some activity around the Atari ST as well... so sure, The Netherlands was absolutely not an Atari-less country. That was also not what I meant with my initial reply. But... as written above... where I lived... it was nearly only C64, ZX Spectrum, MSX....
  9. Nice question. I must say: I have been an atari fan for ages, and I think I will ever stay a big fan as well. I have enjoyed so many Atari stuff, that I find it difficult to come up with something. I had (and still have) 2600 and a lot of 8bit stuff, amazing. And I have been using Atari ST for quite some time as well. Really cool stuff. The thing Atari could have done (should have done?) differently in at least my country was their PR/Advertorial/Marketing strategies. They did not really do their very best (or at least they did not spend a lot of money?)... Many people in my country bought either a Commodore 64 or an ZX Spectrum, and even the Apple ][ and the MSX computers were rather popular back in the day. I had the Atari 800xl and virtually nobody around me had that machine as well. But still... I loved it. A wonderful machine and I really hated it that all my friends back in the day exchanged games for their C64's and only had my sources from type in magazines and budget games on tape (although those were really amazing). So that is -for me- the only thing. Well... and perhaps they shouldn't have made the XF551 so weak and cheap. But that is a minor thing.
  10. I was thinking about Thrust as well, and I might be the only one in the universe, but I even love the game with keyboard controls. It can be quite a frustrating (as in challenging) game. I haven't played it for a while. Thanks for the reminder. I really liked it back then, so let me dig it up.
  11. Oh and Solar Fox... that is a really nice 2600 title as well that could use a port. But did I already mention KLAX?
  12. Yes! KLAX is for me one of the reasons that I still have a 2600 that I connect on a regular base. KLAX is really an awesome game, and still in 2024 it is absolutely thrilling to play. In the list of non-ported games that deserve a port, I would most definitely want to add Private Eye. For the people who do not know how to play, it would probably feel like a boring game. But if you know how the game is played, it is really fun. Klax, Private Eye.... but Road Runner is pretty cool as well. I actually love the game. There are also games that actually are ported, but the original 2600 games plays better. I love both Pac-Man Jr. on 2600 en A8 (the 5200 version) but the game play on the 2600 is so much better. It looks not so beautiful, but the game is so fast and that brings so much joy. But yes... KLAX it is. A port of KLAX.... who might be able to create that?
  13. This is -of course- 100% true. I have lots of respect for the people who create this stuff for PC/Mac or whatever other platform. Everything that is convenient for people to write a8 software is more than welcome. But to answer your question: I never use these tools, because when it comes to the atari 8bit hobby, I love using the atari 8bit. The only thing I use every now and then is an emulator. I prefer doing all a8 related things on the real thing. For me it is all about the experience, and having a great time. Reaching goals is less important here for me. So I code in Mac/65, Synassembler or Turbo Basic, I write my txt's in the Last Word, I design my fonts and gfx with different tools, I pack my objects with SuperPacker, I compose and arrange music with the Chaos Music Composer. I debug using Turbo Freezer or Black Box. Sure it is not as convenient as on a modern PC, and my coding skills are also rather limited... but it is so much more fun: due to this, when I am active with my a8 hobby, at least I won't have to sit behind the pc or mac AGAIN. I would most certainly appreciate newer and better tools for a8. But I completely understand that the audience filled with people like me is smaller than the game audience. I love the Midi interface that I bought from Pancio. I would love to see more tools/programs for that hardware for instance. And of course I would LOVE to see a RMT-compatible editor on a8, so that I could start using RMT on the "real thing"... Please do understand me right. I have NOTHING against those cross-platform tools. In fact, I am grateful for their existance. Thanks to these tools, I can use native a8 tools that other people created on a cross-assembler or whatever. I know that quality software on a8 wouldn't have been developed without these powerful tools. So yes, I am very happy that they exist. But that these tools simply made the development of native a8 tools, unneeded; no.... definitely not.
  14. Hi David, What a tragedy/edventure! It is so good to read that you are back, and I hope the time will help you to get stronger and feeling better. Let the atari hobby help you with that. I recently (after quite some time of absence) I fired on the 800xl and everything involved, and I must say: just as always it gives me a lot of happiness. It is like coming home. I mainly use my atari 8bit for distraction free writing (I get distracted pretty easily on modern computers). And now I found my 800xl again, and I am SO happy to use it again. Hopefully you have the same fun again, and I am sure that it will help with your recovery. Long story short: nice to see you again, and I wish you all the best. Greetings from The Netherlands. p.s. someone already wrote it, but ask Albert to merge your accounts. He did that with my accounts too some time ago.
  15. @mytek The problems I did run into years ago went in some cases indeed away thanks to the shield. But not because of the shielding-function but simply because the shield added a huge load of mass which (indirectly) helped just enough for having no problems. That is my theory, perhaps it is BS. Those were the times where things were extremely critical. I also remember that having a non working CF card in my Myide 1 interface, that suddenly perfectly worked when I used a CF card to IDE adapter with 2 slots where the second CF slot was used by another CF card. So with the problematic CF card in slot 1 and no CF card in slot 2, the problematic CF card failed. But with another CF card in slot 2 suddenly the problematic CF card worked fine. Another of those "magical" solutions was putting the shield back. People with knowledge stated that these solutions are simply coincidental (or just luck). I am not an expert based on knowledge, but I have a lot of experience with virtually countless Atari setups and weird solutions. I have seen enough of these magical and funny solutions working, but I indeed can not explain them. My best hypothesis is that some PSU's are not always very clean or stable and that somehow this might disturb in some situations the operation because of the PSU and its "signal" currently being slightly out of spec. Adding mass might help a slightly out of spec PSU just enough to let the disturbed process work again without issue. It is nothing more than just my hypothesis.
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