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    Atari and other retro Computers, Music , Astronomy.

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  1. Kinda mixed feelings because the Atari 400 was my first home computer back in the early 80's, And me being a generation X would feel kinda akward picking this up in a store, Half the size of the original Atari 400 in this day and age, With the memory of a better time to live in the 80's and so on. Should have been a FGPA running, As i understand its a emulator, So i don't know, I may pick one up, Or maybe not.
  2. I Remember seeing the Atari 800 and The Atari 400 in a store window in the early 80's, Looked so awesome ,I did knew the Atari Brand previously from the arcade games. It was the early 80's and you know Music videos was a Big ting back then and in the Music Video "let's Groove" by Earth Wind & fire in backround and in the the end of the video theres a Starfield moving quite similar to the Starfield in the Star Raiders Game. I had seen the video you know so Seeing the Star Raiders game in the Shop on the Atari 800 was fantastic, A employee played the game showed me the starmap and the gamplay, Yeah it was fantastic, Could feel a sense of the future, And i got myself Atari 400 back then and Star Raiders and some other games. In the early 80s i believed that computers would get more advanced and it would be more important in the future, But you know, That it would become like it is today was impossible to know back then. The thing is that in that 80's period In movies and popular culture Computers was there to help people, Could never forsee the things that's going on now like social media , and such. You know the loss of private life to a degree and those kind of things.
  3. Random cave generator, Still very early game engine , But i changed some of the memory locations, so it probably should run with the U1M 130XE. Scroll 40.xex
  4. Seems that booting SDX with a U1M 130XE occupy some of the screen adress area in my program or the screen adresses need to be cleared first. Do you know what memory adresses is occupied by booting SDX with a U1M 130XE ? or suggest a "good place" to have the screen memory adresse start for the scrolling ? i think about 4 screens of data should be enough for my program, its antic mode 4.
  5. Well yes the code is still a bit of a mess a this stage so the letter C could be any character, this little example is just the first time i understood how to scroll the screen horisontal .I could probably use some other memory locations, so that it could work with U1M 130XE. I want to write a game, a side scroller shooter, Hope to finish it , But it will take a long time to finish the coding...hehe
  6. I Seem to finaly to understand how the scrolling works on the Atari 8.Bits. Thanks to this Tutorial Atari 8-bit Fine Scrolling: A Complete(ish) Tutorial — Player/Missile Podcast (playermissile.com) And thanks to AtariAge Forums. I made a little scrolling example here. Scroll 23.xex
  7. Thank you guys 😊. Lots of useful information for me and others. 👍 In mode 7 i was just planning to have a draw routine that draws a randomized cave as the scrolling occurs instead of having a pre layed out memory map. The randomized cave routine must have a control routine that sort of increase the difficulty of caves. Back in the day i made something like that in Atari Basic. That code is lost and i wanted to sort of replicate it in assembly.
  8. Im trying my hand at Horisontal fine scrolling in assembly, i set up the graphics mode in assembly that is the equalent to Basic mode 7+16. As i understand i need to change the LMS or display list during the scroll to make it work properly. In my example below the changig of the LMS and display list is missing, Because im not sure how and when to alter the LMS and Displaylist in the program ? , I read the scrolling tutorial, but im slow to adopt to parsing and methods i don't understand fully. Example: scrolltest5.xex *=13200 SCROLL = 1600 SCON = 1601 HSCROLL = 54276 SDMCTL = 559 ; Can turn on and off Antic (needed when creating display list) SDLSTL = 560 ; Shadow display list pointer low - Antic må vite hvor den nye display listen er SDLSTH = 561 ; Shadow display list pointer high LDA #0 STA SDMCTL ;TURN ANTIC OFF LDA #152 ; LOW BYTE STA SDLSTL ; store low byte of display list adress LDA #143 ; HIGHBYTE STA SDLSTH ;store high byte of display list adress LDA #34 STA SDMCTL ; ... Turn on Antic again ; SETUP VERTICAL BLANK ADRESS LDX #121 ;Setup VBI Highbyte 121*256+Lowbyte 69 = adress for VBI = 31045 LDY #69 LDA #7 JSR $E45C ; SetVB LDA #0 STA 512 LDA #150 ; DLI ADRESS 38400 STA 513 LDA #192 ; =192 ; ENABLE DLI STA 54286 ;NMIEN LDX #0 STX HSCROLL ;PUT SOME DOTS ON SCREEN LDX #1 STX 36970 STX 36990 STX 37150 STX 37200 STX 37300 STX 37400 STX 37500 STX 37600 STX 37700 STX 37850 STX 37900 STX 38100 STX 38300 STX 39000 STX 39500 STX 40500 STX 40600 STX 40700 STX 40750 STX 40770 MAIN JMP MAIN *= 31045 ; Vertical Blank interupt INC SCON LDX SCON CPX #3 BCC EXD LDX #0 STX SCON DEC SCROLL LDX SCROLL STX HSCROLL EXD JMP $E462 ; Exit DVI ; The Display list *=36760 ;GR 7+16 .BYTE 112,112,112 ;= Three blank lines .BYTE 93,96,144 .BYTE 29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29 .BYTE 29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29 .BYTE 29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29 .BYTE 29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29 .BYTE 29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29 .BYTE 29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29 .BYTE 29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29 .BYTE 29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29 .BYTE 29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29 .BYTE 29,29,29,29,29 .BYTE 65,152,143 ;DISPLAYLIST SCREEN ADRESS = 36960
  9. I wanted to fix a bug in this little game, the display list was pointing to the wrong adress, This was my first little game in assembler, So while i was looking at the code i made some improvements at the same time. When the money bag is picked up then taxmen will then withdraw some of the money by making the player pay Tax, the sum tax pay is shown on screen. When the screen flashes the difficulty of the game will increase and the amount of tax pay will increase 5$ at that time. Max tax payed is 35$ , that is 50% of the income when picking up the money bag. Some fixes here and there, and some small changes to the taxmen player shapes. Sound improvements. Tax Run 1.1.xex
  10. Yes That was it !. Works flawless now. 😄. Thanks a lot 👍
  11. i know how to add the score and put on screen in assembler using the example below but im trying to substract from score and put on screen in assembler. i tried change "ADC" in the code to "SBC" but it doesn't work properly. Can this code be modified to substract in BCD maths , Or do i need a different code alltogether ? "Window" is the screen adress. "its a 4 digit score, max score is 9999" ; EXAMPLE CODE TO ADD AMOUNT OF SCORE CLC LDA #$25 ; AMOUNT OF SCORE TO ADD IN DECIMAL MODE STA POINTS JSR SCOREK ;main code would be here just a example ; ========================================================== ; ADD SCORE AND PRINT ON SCREEN ROUTINE SCOREK SED LDA SCORE+1;LOAD TWO LOW DIGITS ADC POINTS ;ADD POINT VALUE OF BRICK STA SCORE+1 LDA #$00 ;WILL ALSO ADD CARRY BIT IF NECESSARY ADC SCORE STA SCORE CLD ; NOW PRINT NEW SCORE ON SCREEN PRINTSCORE LDX #0 LDY #35 ONE LDA SCORE,X LSR ;EACH BYTE HOLDS 2 NUMBERS LSR ;SHIFT UPPER NIBBLE OVER LSR ;AND DO IT LSR ;FIRST. ORA #16 ; TRANSLATE NUMBER INTO INTERNAL CHARACTER STA WINDOW-3,Y ;STORE HIGHER DIGIT OF PAIR IN TEXT AREA INY ; NEXT LDA SCORE ,X AND #$0F ; NOW DO LOWER NIBBLE ORA #16 ; MAKE A CHR STA WINDOW-3,Y ;STORE LOWER DIGIT OF PAIR IN TEXT AREA INY INX CPX #2 ; DONE BOTH BYTES? (ALL 4 SCORE DIGITS) BNE ONE RTS
  12. Sad to learn about his passing, Reminds of another sad story. Bill Wiliams (Author of Salmor Run) passed at 37 years of age in 1998. i had the Salmon Run game in cassette back in 1983 and enjoyed it, So it felt kinda personal to learn about Bill Williams passing back then. May they all rest i peace. 🌻
  13. VER 1.7 Still learning something, By switching the color data around in the girl player data then The heart above the girl is Red, Thats more nice i think. Heart above dracula stays the same since the heart is generated from the same color data as dracula has, so it's a tradeoff. And dracula has a cold heart anyway 😄. Dracula_Story-1.7.Atr
  14. Version 1.6 The colors for the face of the Girl in NTSC Atari was greenish and for technical reasons the color for the hearts above the girl is the same, So that didn't seem completely right. I did adjust these colors so the girl has skin toned face, and red dress. Also adjustet these for PAL for similar colors, Even thoug on PAL the colors was redish brown. Seems on a rare occation 2 pixels would hang unerased on screen while the bat is flying down the opening towards the labyrinth. This should now be resolved. Dracula_Story-1.6.Atr
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