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senior_falcon last won the day on March 14 2023

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About senior_falcon

  • Birthday 10/14/1951

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    Lansing, NY, USA

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  1. How do you see this demo? Will it be one large program that completely fills the 32K? Will it be a number of smaller programs that load each other from disk? Or something else?
  2. Ignoring the speed, is the XB random number generator "better" than the standard BASIC generator? Are the numbers more random? Since both give numbers between 0 and .99999..., could the XB random numbers have more numbers to the right of the decimal point?
  3. It would need a little work. There are floating point numbers and it uses VALIDATE. (and maybe other issues) VALIDATE is easy: 1061 ACCEPT AT(17,12)VALIDATE("YN")SIZE(1):ANS$ can become: 1061 ACCEPT AT(17,12)SIZE(1):ANS$::IF ANS$<>"Y" AND ANS$<>"N" THEN 1061 The floating point numbers would take a little more effort to eliminate.
  4. Looks like you figured it out already, but for what it's worth, there are a couple of places where ram may be available in a compiled program: VDP ram starting at around v0A00 and up should be safe. You'd use PEEKV and POKEV to access this Even better would be using CPU ram starting at >A000 and going up to >F000 or higher. So that's over 20K available, and probably more like 22K or more. To compile you'd choose the option to put runtime in low memory. Then only the compiled part of the program would be in high memory. With the compiled program in the XB loader you can type SIZE and find out how many bytes are available, although I think XB starts at >A040. N.B. This assumes no string variables. (edit) I should add that this same area of memory is available to an XB program, so you shouldn't have to make any changes.
  5. There's an elderly gentleman who is sitting on a bus. He's at least 80 years old. A young lady is standing in front of him. He says: "Miss, I'm am old man and can't stand up, but if you like, you can sit on my lap. It's perfectly safe, I'm too old for anything to happen." She takes him up on the offer, but after sitting on his lap for 5 minutes, he says, "Miss, I'm afraid you will have to stand up. I'm not as old as I thought I was."
  6. Yeah, I thought that was a little odd too. When I tested them they took the same time in XB 2.9 G.E.M. and standard XB. I think what happened is a simple arithmetic error. Line 170 prints the starting time and ending time in hours, minutes, seconds. If you do the math wrong then the elapsed time would be wrong. With all the testing that was done, it is easy to see how that might happen. You could replace line 170 with these lines: 170 H=VAL(SEG$(F$,1,2))-VAL(SEG$(C$,1,2)) 180 M=VAL(SEG$(F$,4,2))-VAL(SEG$(C$,4,2)) 190 S=VAL(SEG$(F$,7,2))-VAL(SEG$(C$,7,2)) 200 IF S<0 THEN S=S+60 :: M=M-1 210 IF M<0 THEN M=M+60 :: H=H-1 220 IF H<0 THEN H=H+24 230 PRINT STR$(H)&"h "&STR$(M)&"m "&STR$(S)&"s" It's more complicated, but now all the arithmetic is done for you, and you can be confident that the elapsed time is correct. (Edit) A$=SEG$("TEST",2,3) Xb at 5:27 and XB2.9GEM at 55:25 I think the error here was not bad arithmetic, but just a transcription error. Probably the 5 was pressed twice and it wasn't noticed. A$=RPT$("A$",255) Xb at 2:17:15 and XB2.9GEM at 17:5 Here I think that the 2 was not pressed and it wasn't noticed.
  7. The BASIC language turns 60. https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/05/the-basic-programming-language-turns-60/?utm_source=pocket-newtab-en-us
  8. That is font 11 in XB 2.9 G.E.M. Font 3 is a similar bold font that I like better. The capital letters are 6 pixels wide, so unfortunately this would not work on a TI99 in 40 column text mode.
  9. However, the typical top speed of a stock Grom with a 125cc engine is generally around 55 to 60 mph.
  10. Bruce Harrison wrote some short stories that were on his web site at one time. Are these available anywhere?
  11. Turns out there is a style of fonts called "Small Caps" https://www.fontsc.com/font/tag/small-caps I have a book about the interurban railroad running from Ithaca to Auburn that uses a small caps font. That is the only time I have other seen that, other than on the TI99/4a. Actually, it seems odd to have to learn the alphabet twice, once for upper case, and once for lower case.
  12. No, the XB/TML code with the error that I posted that you said crashed the computer. Here is the program modified to avoid having to use COS. This is compiled and you can see it is a bit less leisurely.This is running at normal speed, not CPU overdrive. But of course, although it works the same, it is no longer the same program. 100 DIM SINE(11) 110 FOR I=1 TO 11 :: READ SINE(I):: NEXT I 120 CALL SCREEN(2):: PD=1 130 A=0 135 IF PD=1 THEN CALL LINK("PENHUE",3+INT(RND*14),2) 140 FOR I=1 TO 11 150 CALL LINK("PUTPEN",100,120,A) 160 W=A/180*SINE(I) 170 R=9+A/18 180 CALL LINK("PU"):: CALL LINK("FWD",R-W/200) 190 IF PD=1 THEN CALL LINK("PD")ELSE CALL LINK("PE") 195 CALL LINK("FWD",W/100) 200 A=A+3 :: IF A>1453 THEN 230 210 NEXT I :: GOTO 140 230 PD=PD+1 :: PD=PD AND 1 :: GOTO 130 240 DATA 0,51,97,136,164,178,178,164,136,97,51,0
  13. Don't know why it would not work for you. I just copied and pasted the code above and it works fine.
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