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  1. What a great game! Once I realised what was going on it was so much fun! Thanks for posting it and I hope you consider completing the XB version.
  2. Animation of multiple objects demonstrated in a Frogger-type game in console basic. The objects, except for the frog, are animated by switching the character's colour sets on and off. It's quite a well known trick in basic to speed things up but I can't remember seeing it applied to this many objects. The code isn't very well optimised as I'm not intending to make it into a polished game. I think the approach might be good for animating a moving asteroid belt or some such thing. I converted the program into a cartridge using the BasicCart by Harry Wilhelm. It speeds up the start time so you don't have to wait for the program to set up the screen. https://forums.atariage.com/topic/353957-making-a-cartridge-from-a-ti-basic-program/ Frogsdemo.zip contains the bin file. I've also included a dsk file and a file to use with Classic99. Code is below if you prefer to copy-paste the code into an emulator: FROGSDEMO.zip
  3. Yeah I don't know what it is really ... 😀 Great, thanks!
  4. Thanks sometimes99er for giving it a whirl! There's no levels as such as the 'levels' are of similar difficulty. What I could do is only let the player advance to the next planet or moon once they have completed the preceding screen. I forgot to mention the lander has an autopilot for the vertical velocity. This limits the lander's descent rate to 10 m/s and is on unless a thrust key is pressed. This was to make it a bit easier to play and so the player can spend some time planning their route through the asteroid belt or rather asteroid maze.
  5. Here's a lunar lander type game. It's taken a couple of years to finish it because it got a bit too complex but I picked it up again recently and managed to finish it. The idea of the game is you have to collect cargo from an asteroid belt and deliver to the landing pad. You can land without the cargo but you get less points. There's the possibility to refuel as well. There are different planets and moons to land on. At the end of the game a table is presented of your scores for each planet or moon. The engines of the landers are designed for each particular gravity. So for the moon the engines are quite weak and slow to accelerate the lander. So that needs to be taken into account when moving around. The name of the file on the disk is CARGO. Listing is below in the spoiler thing. CARGO.zip Cargo.dsk
  6. Here is a updated version that is playable. I've used the ON ERROR statement to deal with the bad values and removed the vertical position checking that was possibly slowing the game down. It means occasionally you might get stuck in the lower floor but you can get out by moving the joystick. I guess it's probably now an acceptable quality for a type in game. The filename on the disk has been changed to COSMIC2. updated version: Cosmic2.dsk COSMIC2.zip
  7. Hmmm that looks familiar! I'll have another look at it. It seems a location check is needed for the sides of the screens as well. Adding ON ERROR to line 16 seems to help. 16 CALL PATTERN(#1,RC):: CALL JOYST(1,A,X):: CALL MOTION(#1,0,A) :: ON ERROR 16
  8. Computer and Video Games issue 37 had an incomplete listing of an extended basic game called Cosmic Digger. See CantStopClicking's post from February 7, 2013. https://forums.atariage.com/topic/194598-computer-video-games-magazine-type-in-games/page/3/ The game is a Manic Miner type game. I remember buying this issue of C&VG and being very disappointed that the game could not be played. I realised recently that inserting a few lines could make the screens viewable and playable. See the example code below. The attached zip file is a Classic99 compatible. It can also be used with JS99'er. I've also attached a dsk file which is compatible with both emulators as well. These are a list of additions and modifications required to make it playable. 1. Level 5 is missing code for sprites, keys and round object. This has been made playable by copying code from level 4. 2. The code gives bad values when the miner is on the lowest floor. Inserted location checks, -R2*(R2<=24)-24*(R2>24), into GCHAR and HCHAR statement to avoid bad values. Now I think this extra code is causing the miner to fall through floors. 3. Added a display of the current sceen level to keep track of the screens. 4. Included game over and levels completed messages. 5. Included an instructions screen. 6. Added scoring routines. 7. Added lives routine. 8. Set lives to 99 for testing and seeing all the screens. 9. Added some basic sounds. Screen captures of the different screens are attached. COSMIC.zip Cosmic.dsk
  9. Thanks! Thanks for compliment. Great you got the game to run. I guess the problem with the file might be it doesn't have the extension. I've re-attached the file as a zip file so hopefully it wont give any problems. Thanks, yes I like it. It's a very simple language and easy to program but of coarse it has its limits. Great, glad you like! I can remember playing City Bomber on someone's ZX81 in the 80s before we got a TI99 and thinking it was amazing but it does seem a bit too simplistic now. I've added the DESCEND file as a zip now so hopefully that's better.
  10. Hi, it's been a while ... I had some time over Christmas to start writing a game. I have finally completed it although it might need some polishing. In the game you are piloting a space shuttle on an emergency return to Earth. It did not have time to deploy its payload so it is a bit heavy and does not have enough energy to glide to a suitable runway. It is heading towards a city so you will have to sling out trusses from the shuttle's payload bay to build a runway on top of the city. Enjoy! I have attached a file called 'DESCEND.zip' that is for the Classic99 emulator but can also be run from the JS99'er web emulator. Type 'OLD DSK1.DESCEND'. I have also attached a file called Descend.dsk which can be used on JS99'er and also Classic99 emulator (but you need set the path to it). Type 'OLD DSK1.DESCENDER'. Also the listing is below if you prefer to copy paste it. The keys are: Note some of the keys have dual use depending on your situation, i.e. the context of your situation decides what the action will be (let me know if this is confusing). space bar: drop a truss for the runway on top of a building X: descend quickly to save time X: when on the runway it is important to press this key to brake and stop Z: file a laser above the city or fire a missile to destroy a truss or building that is in your way Listing Descender.dsk Instructions_Descender.pdf DESCEND.zip
  11. Glad to hear you got the game working and that the program might even be useful! ?
  12. I've fixed all the issues now and the game is finished. See first post for the final version of the game. Next I think I'll attempt to make a game based on Battlezone in TI Basic. Below is a side scrolling experiment I did a while ago. 100 FOR I=1 TO 17 110 CALL CLEAR 120 CALL COLOR(2,1,1) 130 PRINT TAB(I+10);"*" 140 PRINT TAB(I+1);"*"; 150 PRINT TAB(I+9);"***" 160 PRINT TAB(I);"***"; 170 PRINT TAB(I+7);"*****" 175 CALL HCHAR(24,1,42,32) 180 CALL COLOR(2,5,5) 190 NEXT I
  13. I've fixed the high negative points situation. Additionally I have added a bonus points system to the game. You now get extra bonus points added to your score at the end depending on how many ships you have left. There is also a '5 gates remaining' message in the game so you know how many gates are left to go through. I've updated the listing in the first post. When the gate goes partly off the screen it either disappears or wraps around to the other side of the screen. It's a bit messy looking so I might have a go at fixing that.
  14. I've updated the program listing in the first post that has the fix for the coordinate errors. I also changed the keys to the ascii codes and updated the title screen to inform what directions the keys are for. I noticed that the game awards very high negative points if you fly to the side of the gates. I'll have to fix that and then it'll be ready I think.
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