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  1. The The400 Mini & TheA500 Mini keyboards, in progress... https://youtu.be/kJI3WTaM6_8?t=9888
  2. I am reading the book just right now. And yes, my plans was to identify the bugs.
  3. The rts 6502 need #(continue_from_routine-1) pushed in the stack.
  4. The columns on the right say "COLPM0:" four times... Aren't they COLPM0, COLPM1, COLPM2...? I'm using Atari800 emulator, and keys shift+3, shift+7 and shift+8 don't work, but maybe
  5. Do ICE programs have an official website to download them? Where can you download the latest version 1.1? The usual would be to edit the first message of this thread and attach them there.
  6. Thanks, Marco Antonio, for the scanning. The "Comunidad Atari" Telegram group have a FTP for Atari docs, specially in spanish. But I think the correct place would by archive.org and Atarimania.
  7. I think is 7101J1AV2BE2 https://www.mouser.es/ProductDetail/CK/7101J1AV2BE2?qs=BuSDPCyvHUhlmlYWyh71sw%3D%3D https://www.mouser.es/datasheet/2/60/7000rocker-1841834.pdf
  8. Sometimes I'm envious of other communities like http://www.cpcwiki.eu or https://www.c64-wiki.com/ We need to promote more https://atariwiki.org , bring material from the forums to the wiki, and support librarians to keep feeding it. We cannot depend on a search engine and forums to find a solution or technical reference for our computers. A wiki is a perfect solution to keep our information organized.
  9. Ok, I found it. "@" represent the accumulator. http://mads.atari8.info/mads_eng.html Thanks.
  10. Yes, I know that is "ASL", but What is the value of "@"? Is it an argument of a macro or is it the label of a few lines before or other address? What assembly language is this? atasm?
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